Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 10 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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WRITING AROUND by Chuck Clayton The price of freed om On September 8, 1972 Charles Simon paid the $3,400 filing fee and presen ted his case' against mandatory helmet laws for consideration of hearing by the U.S. Supreme Court. Mr. Simon is pressing the case not only for himself, but on behalf of all the motorcyclists in America. In the 14 months that it has taken to climb the legal ladder, the helmet case has cost Charles Simon about 27,000. Over $15,000 was Simon's own money, and he is not a rich man. He believes so strongly in American justice that he sold his home for the cause. Other motorcyclists have contributed generously. The AMA Executive Committee voted $2,500 and Hap Jones Distributing Co. gives one dollar for every Hap Jones helmet sold - the checks arrive regularly, every mon th. This newspaper contributed $200 cash and a couple of thousand dollars worth of advertising space. Sometime this month, we'll know whether the Supreme Court agrees to take the test case. If not, Charles Simon is out $27,000 and still has to give up riding or else have a helmet made special for his unusual head. If the Supreme Court does agree to hear the case, the legal fees will cost at least another 525,000 - and we still could lose. However, the Boston Law firm of Crane, Inker and Oteri is represen ting motorcyclists in this case and they have a good track record with the Supreme Court. So, next time you need a good helmet, shop around and see what Hap Jones has to offer, commend the AMA for its help, keep on reading Cycle ews and save your money - Charles V. Simon may need it. ' * * * * * Onward and upward with Triumph . Last week I had the pleasure of breaking bread with Dr. Felix A. Kalinsky, the new Presiden t of BSA Inc. Dr. Kalinsky is a distinguished man of medium size who looks accustomed to command, yet appears capable at any time of rolling up his cuffs and wading in where there is work to be done. The subject. of work dominated Dr. K's * * * * ~iQi811ent... 7@nWide. Within the past year, Assemblyman Chappie has introduced three separate bills to "provide greater safety for road-riders through the signing and even tual elimination of N .... highway rain grooves. As the result of this legislation, the California Division of ~ Highways has completed their initial studies and is ready to act upon this 'highway N menace' to motorcyclists. . Motorcyclists are encountering two separate, but similar, problems with highway t; surfaces. The first are those surfaces into which grooves were cut after the highway 0 I. Leave a two-foot smooth-surfaced strip on the right-hand side of the outside lane, U and, . 2. Erect signs 1000 feet in advance of the rain grooves/brushed surfaces to alert motorcyclists of the poten tial danger. 3. The Division of Highways has suggested painting wavy lines on the pavement surfaces in lieu of erecting signs. Their reasoning is that the painted lines will be easier to see at nigh t and will not require the motorcyclist to take his eyes off the road in front of him. Your help is badly needed. To get this program under way, the Division of Highways needs your answers to the following questions: . r~~HmS~~C5-----------------------t I. Have you personally encountered brushed highway motorcycle? Yes No-, _ 2. Did these surfaces cause you to lose control? No ~urfaces while riding a . Momentarily _ 3. Did this situation result in an accident? Yes No If so, how serious ?_ _..,-..,--,--,-=-;-_,---,---_",-,--,-_,---,---,....4. Recognizing that some highway surfaces are worse than others, list by priority those highway sections you feel should be given immediate attention. (Indicate precise areas, such as "1-80 between Arden Way and "E" Street in . Sacramento.") _ GROOVED SURFACES 5. Have you ever encountered grooved highway motorcycle? Yes No,--_ 6. Did these surfaces cause you to lose control? No Completely 7. Did this situation result in an accident? surfaces while riding a Momentarily _ 8. Recognizing that some highway surfaces are worse than.others, list by priority those highway sections you feel should be given immediate attention. (Indicate precise areas, such as, "[w8D between i\.rden Way and 'lE" Street in Sacramento".) _ SUGGESTION59. What is your opinion with respect to leaving a two-foot strip of smooth-surfaced highway on tiLe right-hand side of the outside lane for motorcyclists who experience difficulty with brushed or grooved surfaces? 10. Would you prefer warning signs? Yes No I· I I. Would you prefer wavy lines on the pavement surface? Yes No _ _ . I Please send this form and any other comments to Russ Sanford, c/o M.O.R.E., P.O. I Box 26062. Sacramento, CA 95826. Russ will present your answers to the Division I ~E...High'\'!y~Bu~::.~~2:..~~ of~:...e~e~.:: 1 22nd ANNUAL CHECK CHASE· HARE &HOUND OCT 8, 1972 IF THERE IS SUCH A Tt:t1NG AS A "WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP HARE & HOUND" THIS IS IT LARRY PFUTZENREUTER ON HIS 250 BU LTACO PU RSANG 1st OVERALL~ •••••••AGAIN with a little help from his friends He finished 18 _minutes ahead of second place. Think of what it would have been if he were on a 350 ~ uItaco Pu rsan·g. ~u~ .,.~C= . " Cl conversation. He sees the role of his American managemen t as uworking with the factory, working with the dealers, working harder," to put the company back in to the high position from which it slipped under a previous managemen t. I was impressed with Dr. Kalinsky's uoderstanding of the motorcycle market in this couotry. He is emphasizing the Triumph brand in the 1973 model lineup. All of the four-strokes are Triumphs except the motocross model, which earned its great reputation as a BSA and continues with that brand on the tank. The new Rickman line and the Top Gear accessories are making life better for Triumph dealers and my feeling is that the new 500cc Triumph Trophy Trail will generate a lot of demand that no other machine comes close to satisfying. Birmingham Small Arms declared its wholehearted commitment to the motorcycle business a few mon ths ago when they rejected the realistic but cold-blooded advice of Lazard Freres. their longtime financial advisors. The Lazard hankers insisted that BSA should cut their losses by getting out of motorcycle marrufacturing and concentrate on the less glamorous, but steadier profits of heating and air conditioning manufacturing. The Board of Directors knew better and now it is up 0 theu new American President· to prove them righ t. The company has one of the best dealer networks in America, a great racing reputation and what looks like a very desirable product lineup. With their forthcoming Wankel engines and the transfusion of inspired U.S. management, I think it is safe to say that BSA's troubles are over. * M M STATE ACTS ON GROOVED HIGHWAYS· AMERICAN, LTD. SANTA CLARA, CA. ~

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