From here, the trail turned to the right and down the hill. Straight down the hill. The Golden Bear was not a "fun run".
The youngest finisher gets his Golden Bear T -shirt from the youngest Trophy Girl.
Most riders felt that the technical
details of this year's championship were
very well handled. Mileages were
accurate and times were, for the most
part, accurate. One check had its watch
an even ten minutes off, but that should
be no problem. Marking was quite good.
There were no reports of people lost.
There were a goodly number of top
riders in the event, including Carl Price,
Bob Steffan, Bud Howesman, Dave
Evans, Mil Green and Cal Bottom so
picking a probable winner would be
very difficult, but Green and Bottom
have a sligh t edge because they had very
early numbers. Souvenir pins were given
to all the riders who started, but only
the finishers received the Golden Bear
tee ·shirts.
A ZOO·mile run takes an enormous
amount of effort. Ed Wigh.t and his crew
have been working on it for months.
The imagination that he has put in to it,
in the form of special tests and varied
terrain, make it a run that I personally
look forward to every year. ot as a fun
type run, but as a real challenge.
It would be a shame to see it die
fro m h a rrassmen t by various
organizations with nothing better to do
than harrass. It would likewise be a
shame to see it die because of blind
spots on the part of the promoters
regarding sand hills. Let's hope thillgs
work out bener next year.
Results in about two weeks.
This kind of loose powder is tun to ride - as long as nobody is in front of you.