Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
Issue link: ·SCUDERIA :l'l:sqvarna Ul ;: w Z W ...J U Included. 5625. Cail 9 to 4 (213) '65 500 JAP SPEEDWAY BIKE, '69 Jackson Rotrox, ·fuel & all, 10 good practices, tires. ASking $800.00. Exceptionally well kept. clean & S9~-8966. G80CA. Excellent fast. Call (213) 794-9050. parts, $350. Call 9 to 4 (213) 593·8966. '71'h '71 YAMAHA Sales' Service (213) 344-5276. HONDA SL350 Kl Cherry - TRIUMPH 500cc SE.T UP for desert with all the good stuff and light weight. Also have '72 tags & lights for street. $700.00 or trade . '70 RICKMAN 125 like new. Trade for Rickman Hodaka 100 + ~100 or Rickman Hodaka with Super Rat engine. (213) TM400, ridden 6 361-7457. pickup. (213) 693-9802. 358·3436. "CZ 400" Must sell, excellent condition, new plastic tank, Mikuni & special down pipe. Petty fenders. front & rear, Curnutts. 5900.00. Need mechanic with Kawasaki experience. 5 day week, medical paid. APply In person only to: Tri City Cycle. 9041 Katella at Magnolia, Anaheim. 1968 MATCHLESS SOrice. Dirt. gOOd condition, Clean, rebuilt engine, $650.00. '70 YAM. AT-1M. NEW top end two pipes. Pro air cleaner, new chain, $ or offer. '714 0 HUSKY (213) 433-5223. (213) 693-9220. . release. street legal, good cond .• HELP A POOR NEEDY VINCENT WANTED Former Bill Clements mount. Clean, fast. extras. First $900 or trade for Speedway bike. serious inquiries. (714) 535-4759. ·16 5 '69 MONTESA SCORPION 250 Compo $300.00. Las Ve9as (702) 878-1028. (213) 899-2055. 583-2618. 2419 Artesia Blvd. Redondo Beach, Calif. 90278 BULTACO MONTADERO 360 monthS, 1971 SUZUKI '71 CZ 360. UNUSUALLY good shape . Extras include Curnutt shocks, low pipe, Filtron, folding pegS6 compo release, plastic fenders. Asking $8 0.00. Evenings (714) fork straightening. wheels trued & spoked • dual ignition & twin·fire set ups. lights, speedo & enduro set ups • KAWASAKI 500 3. 3000 miles, like beautiful bike, $800.00. (714) 3 months Old, runs great. loOks great. 825 miles, a bike just like it won Greenhorn and Red Garter National Enduros. $795. (213) 756·2174. machining & lot( (213) 695-4725. 1971 new, street or dirt (eats $675.00. (805) 947-6156. '70314 PENTON 100. Used as trail bike, large flnning & gOOd trans., plastic fenders, new chain & rear tire. excellent cond., $325. (714) Everything for bike and rider from our $20,000 pa rts and accessory inventory. • frame & swing arm modifications. custom engine & cylinders. wide & close ratio trans mods. fork seal super 1972 HU::>I'I. Y :l:>U New 5 speed. tuned by Malcolm Smith's, Filtron, curnutts, extras, excellent condition. Sticking to 175cc Class, so must sell,$1025.00. 893-4871. XL250s), 5600.00. (805) 646·198.8. 250 MX, FUtron, Glrlings, lowered frame., Webco front fork kit, ported and polisheo barrel, Webco Hi..comp. head, DYkeS piston. 32mm Mikuni. excellent condition, $650. New Model Penton 125 Trials in stock 21 MATCHLESS - conditIon, de6ert readY, includes many spare LA VERDA • PEIITON >U PENTON '70314 125; excellent condition, new piston & rings, $500 firm. (213) 823-3559. '69 HUSKY 360 SPORTSMAN. Filtron, Honda seals, new chain, new piston and low end, Akront front. extra sprOckets1. lights My. gearbox is sick and needs knowledgeable fixit assistance, possibly shifter parts, and sympathy. Call Mike. collect, Las Vegas (702) 878-1028. '68 YAMAHA DT-l FRAME C.OMPLETE with forks and rear swing arm, unlowered but crown has been reinforced. $100.00. Las Vegas (702) 878-1028. SUZUKIS - MUST SELL HUSKY SPECIALIST '71 TM400, Glrllngs, skid plate, $650. '70 TS90. steel racing rotary ....alve. alt. compensating carb .• $250. '72 Minl.biket. 2 mos. Old, $150. After 6 pm (714) 527-44/6. CZ SHIFT SHAFTS '70 OSSA PIONEER YAMAHA Mini Enduro. Filtron. knObbY, chamber & silencer, runs great. $200. (213) Orange Stiletto glass, bored, ported, new knObbY, K&N filter, Curnutts, full·bore chain, extra sprocket, custom upswept chamber with (~i~)eJ2J'~X2f.ender. First $425.00 takes it. '71 HUSKY 400. Baby forces sale. Curnutts, Filtron, Honda sealS, Waters skid plate, Akronts. Monarch front fender, perfect condition. $800 or best offer. After 4 p.m. Buy your n_ 250 or 400 CZ fitted with replica of origina~ faqCIIY. pr.,o totype Desert and motocross preparation. We have the parts. Phil Shlpley's Mission Hills Motorcycles, 8730 sepulveda Bl ....d .• Sepulveda. Calif. (213) 785-4280. A ....ailable now from the CZ specialists, Triumph SUZUki Motors of pomona( 1049 W. Mission Blvd.. Pomona, Cali. (714) 629.a642. (714) 5334954. ~head and Femsa ""'i'illistorized Ignit;on '70 RICKMAN 125 ZUNDAPP. Porting by E.C. Birt, shift mad.! Filtronbhigh pipe, many extras ridden less han 20 ml.J.. like new. $550. 6 O. Alter 6 pm (714) 53343~1. MAICO 360 $495. Engine completely o ....erhauled. Two tanks.! two seats, two rear & front tires, rims, ano hubs. Extra engine casings, clutch. crankShaft. Must sell! Burbank (213) 845·2804. 1972 HUSKY 400 MX MI SERIES Many extras. new 4.50 tire. only 5 months old (never raced), $1,200 firm. Just like new. HODAKA 125 (714) 543-7954. Webco kit - All new bottom end and top end, many extras. spare parts, never raced, good condition, used. little. $350/offer. Evenings (213) 3244052. 1968 EL CAMINO. New glass belt tires, mags. 6 cyl. stick. gets 18 ml. to gal. Runs very good, $1100.00 or best offer. Call after 6 pm 1970 360 YAMAHA Enduro, excellent condition, 120Q miles, street legal, $590.00. (213) 641·2753. '72 YAMAHA 350 TWfN. Clean, never raced. $625/trade for spiffy TT Ossa or Bultaco. Ron (213) 446-6988. '70 RICKMAN Triumph 500. Alum. tank, Q.D. rear wheel & extras, $1295.00. (213) 598-3133. (714) 5334391. LARRY LEE HAPPY BIRTHDAY RANDY -From the gang at the other end of the check •.. Nevada City, Calif. Please call Dr. Dave Hill, Bakersfield. 9-5 (80S) 399-5539. YAMAHA 255-7780. NEED 1970 YAMAHA 360 basket case or RT·1 frame. (213) 697·7170 Monday thru Thursday after 5:00 pm. 1972 YAMAHA 125 MX DO IT YOURSELF As new condition, only ridden 3 times, never raced, MX bars, desert pegs, $550.00. I am buying road racer. (714) 826-6279. Models 125, .175, 250 & 36-0. Lower your frame for Improved handling through a lower C.G. and increased for rake angle. Slide through turns at speed with confidence. Improve front wheel control. No welding involved. State model & year. Send $1.95 (check or M.O.) for complete Instructions or ask for our free RakeArm literature. La Jones Enterprises. 8303 Stephen Lane, Canoga Park, 1971 RICKMAN 125 In storage last four months, over $1300.00 invested. Barum (new). Petty. Skid plate, Mikunl, Filtron, mint cond., must see, only $589.00 firm. (213) GA-2-8885. CA 91304. (213) 340-6212. '71 250 RICKMAN $545 ~~~~n~91~kronts. skid plate (clean). (805) .. 19701/2 380 CZ. EX.CEL. CON D .• new.engine, plus Akronts, Mikuni, etc. Many extras, tanks, pipe... tool~ etc. Shop maintained. must see, $70".00. (f14) 829·2650. 1971 RICKMAN Zundapp_ Ported E.C. Blrt transmission. WANTED HUSQVARNA Crashed. bUrned bask!ttJ ANY condition. Prefer 8-.peed. (7 i 4) 494-4151. 1970 SUZUKI 125cc TWIN. T .T. or Flat Track. Glass tank, glass seat. Roehr forks, tubes (Honda legs/. rear Borranl rim. fresh Carllsles, ported otal loss. very fast and reliable. $400.0 6 or best offer. (213) FR '71 KAWASAKI 100 10 speed Chamber, Filtron extras, street legal. $300. (213) 280·20 b 9. 54291. '71 SACHS 125 .MX. Receipts to prove completely new engine. will sell for Wholesale. 5450 or trade for bigger bike. (805) 1971 HUSKY 400 '71 MAICO 400 Sent overseas - H', Blks. East of 605 Fwy Carson· Uncoln Offramp Hrs: Mon .• . ready for competition. make WANT TO BE A 100cc WINNER? ofler. (213) 378-6801. Randy Meacham's No. 202. 1972 Reed· inj. Yamaha - custom built by E.C. Blrt, all secret trick stuff. First $450.00 takes. (213) 1972 HONDA SL350. 1,475 miles. runs ~~I~~cJ: never raced. $675.00. (805) WH ~ (714)5215343 or (213)431-1223 . 213 UN$-8223 ~rl. ~7. sat. 9-4, Closed Sun. 831-3921. DOGS, A.K.C. reg. German short haired Pointer pups, champ. blood lines. Liver & white ticked. mother & father proven. now 6 weeks old, $75.00 up. (805) WH 2·1296. Less than 20 hours, CIR, like new. $895.00. (714) 987-4392_ 1970 YAMAHA 250 ENOURO 1972 CZ 125cc CjR - Ace MAICOSUZUKI PUGH MONARGH DRAFTED, MUST SELL' Bultaco '69 250 Sherpa. Built very well, super condition. fresh engine. must sell by Sunday. $425 cheap. Call HODAKA clean, HARLEY BAJA. Magura 1970 KAWASAKI 250 ENDURO for both. Heavy..auty cycle rick, EVERY TIME, $475.00. (213) 576.a63S_ $20.00. (714) 297-0998. LATE '70 HUSKY 250 CLEAN MATADOR 1969 Bultlco chamber. dirt III ~C' Ii:: ... • . • • 1)Rt.c, oller. (213) 332·9901. . ·72 TM400 - 250 CZ. (213) 1972 YAMAHA AT·22 MX Raced once... like new?". Glrlings. silencer, 560u. (213) 342-u104. Too fast. trade for late model 835.a60~. Amal, $550.00. (213) Balanced. 1971'" 400 CZ ... Anaheim Family Sporteycle (714) n2-3080 .... " offer. (213) 986-7323 make KAWASAKI HIR Race readY, fresh engIne. John (415) 2764043. '70 OSSA STILETTO. Many extras, been ridden once since a complete engine overhaul. Must see to appreciate. $450.00 or best offer. 1971'" HUSQVARNA 400 '70'1< SACHS 125, NEVER RACED, FlIlron, low mileage. Must see to appreciate, $475.60. (213) 431·2936 alter 6 p.m. '71'h KAWASAKI 250 E, exci •. -condltlon, 1100 miles. just new:r ridden. $600, (714) WANT TO WIN? Then buy my Hodaka 100ce! Cerlanis F&R. Preston Petty F&R. nickle plated frame. mildly ported barrel plus a super hot barrel. All engine work done by E.C. Blrt much more. Fast. and ready to win! $425.00. (714) 830-9226. '701/2 MONTESA CAPPRA 360 Hardly used, super clean and stock except Flltrons and Diamond chain. $600/offer or 250 Yamaha Enduro + - $. (213) 433-1336. '71 '71 CZ 400 EXCELLENT CONDo sell. (714) 599-2243_ New piston. bearing, seals. tire 4.50, $850.00. CZ = 1970112 SACHS, '1St. clean & rellabte. Lots of extras, $400 or trad.; (71~) $95-3446. 360. EXCELLENT CONDITION plastic fenders!.. folding pegs, Flltron..r. and silencer. $700. ~fter 4:30 (213) 322·25u9. 1970 SACHS MX. Akront & Petty fender E.C. porting and pipe. new rear tire, fast and dependable 670-6813. BRAND 125. $425 NEW Suzuki firm. Kevin Cyclone, (213) $970/beSt Oller, must sell. (213) 826-7953. (213) 8824818. MUST SELL '71 Honda 100 MX with _ xlnt. cond., (HAl 5_56.1:- _ 125 kit,'"'" " or 1972 Penton 125/100 - raced only 4 times, Mlkuni. plastic fenders. plus all stock equipment. 100 barrel & piston very fast, moving to bigger bike. (714) 492-~270 before 6,830-5372 after 6. or '71 11z BULTACO 25 PURSANG for TT with TT handlebars, tires. Filtrons, J&R silencer and new shocks, top condo Must .$Z~ extras, $775.00 1972 PENTON CMF 100/125 compo rekNse, ~ '71 MAICO 400 many offer. (213) 692-2455. extras. Seen at Otto's Cycles, Hollywood. m?10Sn or 442·321~. and stripes. (714) 529·5036. Fresh top~nd. two tanks, Titanium folding pegs, fork work, high pipe, mucho spares and _ T.1115 - 1971 BULTACO EL BANDITO 43 112 HP 2 sprockets, knobby tires, 21" F. 18" R, Filtron, Akronts. KW fenders. Femstat ignition (no points). desert or MX. A steal, 539·2422. SUMMERPR~EDFORFALL For the economy minded dirt rider who needs protection. Try our heavily padded strong ....Inyl riding pants. Custom made. your color pm (d3) 545-7424. "Best Rates . T " In own sale, (213) 794·5036. Bassanl '71 BULTACO Pursang 250cc.t clean, 34mm '7131.t BULTACO 125 SHERPA. 5 1/2 months old, ridden little, ....ery fast, new tire and much more. A-I cond .• must see to appreciate this great value for $525. (714) 637..s590. OTORCYCLE INSURANC '71 MATADOR - J&R expansion chamber, extra parts. A-I. see it. you'll buy it, $625.00. '59 LINCOLN original condition. new motor, radiator. battery. $300.00. Mo . perfect condition savln9s. (213) 944-5404. 1970 CZ 360 FACTORY racing barrel, Femsa ignition. excellent condition. Make offer trade.l some cash and whatever. After 5:0 d .. 350cc F8lM. Complete KAWASAKI PARTS. 350Cc cyl. barrel. racing piston & rings. F81M magneto & rotary valve. All parts are new & fit on 2'Occ mach. 40% HUNDREDS OF PHOTOS (213) 348-8963 CYCLE PARTS MONARK CYCLE PARTS of Santa Monica. 2013 Lincoln Bv., (213) 399-2549 - The new MONARK of Sweden 125cc motocross winner. Motorcycle sales & Ported by Martino. Honda seals, glass tank, ~()!145;~03~~~837~t. $995.00. (213) KAWASAKI 944-5404. July 23 Crack of Dawn Enduro. Send name, competition number and $2.50 for B &' W 8·x10.t. $}l.OO for proof. Bob Mefford, 4973 Elsa Kd •• San Diego, Calif. Dealer Inquiries Invited 21426 SherlTllln Way Canoga Park, Ca. 91303 will pay cash. (213) 345·2319. (213) 569-6480. 350cc speed. kit, new Pursang forks.-Akronts big spokes. handles goOCl. very fast, many extras. exlnt. condition, $635.00. (213) '66 V.W. BUS-, new '69 engine. tuned exhaust, excellent conaition. (213) 332·9901. Featurln9 parts Made In USA WANTED: Yamaha DTl/RTI speedometer, 1971 '69 YAM. 125 MX, extras, $300.00 or best MOTORCYCLE CHAIN Products Products all for Xlent condition, see to appreciate, many xtras, make offer. (213) 692-3079. Matador 250cc. Expansion use, Pursang fenders, new knobbles. $425.00. (714) 586·0308. .I DiAMOND trailer - PUCH 175 with possibilities, engine apart. repair manual. $75 offer. (213) 484·9394. 700 original miles. expansion chamber, Mavrlck shockS. desert gearing. Flltr0'!J street equipment InCluded. like new, 5 I ARTS Tomaselli, $450.00. '71 Bultaco Loblto 175, $375.00. ~..~~ '72 HONDA TRAIL 90's (31' all less than 400 miles. perfect, with a 3 ral $650. (213) 6334863. license, 5100.00. (213) 964.a854. 6 (714) 534.a675. Extras shocks. cylinder and trans. mod. by E.C. Birt R09er (213) 596-2193. runs great, $250. (213) '70 MAICC 250 MX, extras. $595. Call after '72 '71 PENTON, MOTO PLAT Ignition. Konl - winning' bike, $525_ (213) 446·7037. NEW 3 rail bike trailer with springs. yoU 100. 347-8398. comPle~t~eMail Order Parts . (213 980-3715 5906 Lank m. N. Hollywood new top end, street legal, $465.00. (714) 9874392. Only four months old, never beef') raced. Good condition. and It's a jet! $650.00. Call on the weekends (714) 882-4917. Cole Bros. M/C (213) 1971 DKW 125 MX. Absolutely perfect, 1111 goodies. (714) 495·5434. 1972 YAMAHA 360 MX·RT2 B~RD , $575.00. $900. (213) 446·7037. Clean, extras-, skid plate. FUtron. new clutch Plates Honoa seals. Purchased July. '71. $950. b O. Call (714) 544·9097_ 642-9584. 11835 E, Carson 51. Hawiliian Gardens, Ca. 90116 dependable. 7764848. 400cc. MIGHTY FAST HUSKY late '71. Firm (213)-821-4612. $1,000.00. All the