Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 07 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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! COMING :;; .>- "3 .., ~ w Z W ..J o >o vs Well, here it is kids. You've read about it. You've talked with your friends about it. You've even dreamed about it. Next week you're going to actually SEE it! The "Flyin' Hawaiian" will meet the "Gerber Greenback Grabber" right here on page 8 in the greatest motocross since knobs first kissed dirt. Why, gosh golly, I'm so excited I could faint. Will BiU beat John? Will John beat Bill? Will Baz beat John and Bill? Will the Super Cycle beat the CZ? Will John RIDE a CZ? Will John ride a Kawasaki? A Rokon? Moto Beta? Find out NEXT WEEK when John DeSoto and our own Billy Barkfeather battle it out in the Race of the Millenium. DON'T MISS IT! . A CyCle NewS/Bllzookll Pete Page 8 Product.lons and Pancake House. Ltd. Presentation. HGrandmas that toke together. crolk ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Olten imitated • : • • : • : CYCLE IIEWS P.O. aox 498 Lon. a.ach, Ca. 90801 never duplicated! Clip out & mail today! ~~~~:~~~~~:w':~z~ SUBSCRIBETOCYCLENEWS CYCLE NEWS WEST (1 yr.) =: t098U,.r." _ • men smoke but Fu Manchu. • • • NAME ......• $10.000 : CYCLE NEWS WEST (3 Y'S.) ••••.•• $21.00 • Via 1st class mall for one year $30.00 Via air mail for 1 year $40.00 : ADDRESS : CYCLE NEWS WEST (2 Y'S.) •••.••• $17.00 0 : • (213)427.7433 :. • : • f rom 9 t 0 S wee kd' ays. • : 0 This is a new subscription 0 THIS IS A RENEWAL 0 0 0 : : CITY STATE ZIP : • Due to postal regulations for mailing periodicals, correct ZIP CODE! we must have your Please flll out this form completely and allow three weeks for new subscriptions to vart. • :. • : 0 I enclosecneeKor money order Prices Listed FotU.S. Mail Only. Foreign Rates on Request. • 0 Please bill me Canadian subscribers, please make checks payable in U.S. funds and add fifty cents for processing_ • : •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

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