Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 07 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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REAR WHEEL RECALL ALL-BIKE DRAGS AT ..LIONS Scott-Gaffney Inc., of Glendale Calif. has announced that it is recalling its five spoke Sportster and 74 rear wheels due to what appears to be torque fatigue fractures. The problem does not affect the firm's five spoke front wheels. About 175 of the rear wbeels are involved. Purchasers of these wheels should return them to their dealers. Lions Drag Strip has announced that July 2 has been reserved for an all motorcycle drag race. Heading up a full program of 23 tropby classes will be a Competi tion Eliminator race for all fuef, gas, and altered drag bikes. Sharing the limelight will be a Street and Street_ Modified combined Eliminator. To make the racers just a little more competitive, Lions has put up a tidy cash purse. F or the Competition Eliminator there will be $ I 00 for the winner and $50 for runner-up. Losers in the semi-final round of competition will receive $25.00. A similar program is slated for Street Eliminator with a $75 top man and $25 to the runner-up. The semi losers w.ill take home SI5. To add spice to the, program, a 16 bike Honda vs Harley challenge will commence with the top 8 bikes of each make going for points and prizes. The only limi tations on the bikes in this battle are those set by the NHRA for 'bikes in the Altered classes and below. To provide a break for tired eyes, the management has come up with a noyel idea; "Why not have a slow race?" The way such a race will be run is silJlple. The rider that covers the least distance in a limited time, of course without touching the ground,. will take home a fitting reward. CAN MERT DO I I AGAIN? San ~rancisco's Mert Lawwill, one of the bay region's most popular riders, hasn't won a major event at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds half-mile dirt oval, bu t he's going to give it a try Sunday afternoon, July 2, after winning the Columbus Half-Mile last Sunday. Lawwill, who pilots a Harley Davdison and rides for Dud Perkins of San Francisco, is among a new group of entries received by the Bob Barkhimer Asscoiates, Inc., for the American Motorcycle Association IO-mile National. Others include Dave Aldana (BSA), Dusty Coppage (Yam), Paul Bostrom (Tri), Sonny Burres (Tri) and winner of a non·national race at the Fairgrounds, several years ago; Bob Scally, Moun tain View, (Tri 3271); Bill Morgan, San Leandro (TRI 40306). Lawwill's appearance increases the number of outstanding riders entered in the $1 0,000 plus purse session. Already entered are Jim Rice, winner of the 25-Mile in May; National Champion, Dick Mann, and Gene Romero, who lost his title to Mann. Admission for the classic will be S7 for reserved boxes; $6 for reserved grandstand and $5 for general admission. HOT POOP ON AMDRA NATIONALS IN QUEBEC: CAN. AMD RA officials have been feverishly working to make' things easier for competitors and spectators who plan to attend the First Annual AMDRA Canadian Nationals at Sanair lnternational Dragway on July I & 2. If you follow these few hints on your trip to Canada, it will be made much easier and more pleasant. 'Advance tickets for this championship event are available through TRS (Ticket Reservation Service) in Canada and local Ticketron outlets in the U.S. . When crossing the border ar making motel or camping reservations, be sure to mention that you are corning in for the national bike race at Sanair. It is highly recommended that you make a duplicate list of all parts, spares and equipmen t that you will be taking with you. Be sure to include engil\e numbers on your bike or spare engines, tools and any other equipmen t that will be in your possession. Be sure to specify on these lists that all of this equipment will be returned to the States with you. The main reason for this list is that duty must be charged' on any items taken to Canada for resale. One copy of the list should be left with Canadian border guards upon en try to Canada; the other copy should be kept and stamped by the Canadian officials. On your return to the states, ebeck out with Canadian and American officials and show them the stamped copy. F or the Moto-X and class C racers, there is room for you too! Special brackets will be set up for legal MX and AMA style bikes. This is, of course, dependen t on the tumou t of such :nachines. TECH TRAINING CHAMPION FROM I t may not be the spark plug. That's the crux of the advice that will be given to cycle mechanics and enthusiasts attending tune-up classes at Ch ampion Spark Plug Company's newly opened Western Technical Services Center. Champion ci'ted three common causes of engine malfunction that affect the spark plug life. They are ignition system trouble, poor carburetion or improper mixture of fuel and oil in two-cycle engines. Students at the Champion school will be reminded that a healthy cycle ignition system provides from 16 to 18 KV, significan tly less than an automobile's ignition. Spark plug ,voltage requirements are about the same for a cycle or a car, although gold-palladium plugs have lower voltage needs. l)efects like worn spark plug wiring or poor timing adjustmen t can deprive the spark plugs of enough voltage to fire properly. Adjustment, of carburetor linkages, effective fIltration, -correct seating of the fuel inlet needle and e,roper float level all affect proper carburetion. These should be ebecked before blaming the spark plug for starting or perforroance malfunctions. SPARK PLUG CONDITION· Champion instructors say that a primary cause of premature spark plug failure is using a plug of the wrong heat range for the cycle. For long sustained cross-country operation, a colder plug may be best. A hotter heat range may be necessary for continuous low-speed operation. Condition of the spark plug itself can It's NOT as late as you THINKI Limited post entries are still available for the National Championship Red Garter Enduro on JULY.2, 1972 ~ - - -- """, 1 Teams Cool Mountain Terrain Powder Puff Souvenir Pins Father/Son CAMPING Youngest Finisher Free Mini Bike Drawings Oldest Finisher Marked from Hwy 99 & 5 thro~gh Maricopa to start With Webco arrows NOT Street Legal - Info: (213) 830-4831 ... offer clues to engine malfunctioning. At the Champion. school attendees are taugh t to recognize these conditions. Frequently found ahnorroalities include OVERHEATING - Overheating is identified by burnt electrodes and chalk white insulator tip. Possible causes are the plug heat range is too hot, carburetion is set too lean, engine overloading, loose carburetor moun ting or overadvanced basic timing. GAP BRIDGING - This condition is evidenced by combustion deposits fused between the electrodes. A primary cause of gap bridging is excessive carbon in the cylinde.r. In four-stroke engines poor oil control may be suspected. In two-stroke engines the causes include improper fuel/oil mixture, clogged exhaust ports or on models with oil injection, the pump is set improperly. WET FOULING - Wet fouling can be detected by a blackened insulator tip, a damp oily film over the firing end or carbon laye.r over the entire nose. P~ssible causes, according to Champion Technical Center instructors include the following: Too cold of ~ spark plug heat range; (In four-stroke engines) worn oil control ring, worn valve guides or overfilled crankcase. (In two-stroke engines) excessive oil or use of non-recommended oil in fuel supply, idle speed too low or idle adjustmen t ~oo rich. Clogged air filter, weak Ignition output, excessive idling and, on models so equipped, improperly set oil injection. AMA·SANCTIONED ROAD RACE SCHEDULED AT CHARLOTTE 'MOTOR SPEEDWAY Bill Boyce, Manager of Professional Racing of the American Motorcycle Association, has announced the sanctioning of a major non-national road race to be run under the popular Forroula 750 regulations. Boyce states, "We have released a sanction for professional road races to be conducted at Charlotte Motor Speedway on September 16 and 17. These even ts are made possible by an opening in the calendar due to a recent cancellation of the National championship event originally scheduled at Nazareth, Pennsylvania September !1? 17. Though the Charlotte road race will '" not pay championship points, major participation is assured due to the N decision to run under the international ,.... 750cc forroula. en The 1.8 mile super speedway has put ,,' up a total purse of $10,500 for a card of ~ Novice, Junior and Expert class events. .., Practice, Novice heat races, and a ~ Novice feature will be conducted w ·z Saturday, September 16. Junior and Expert heal races will be W ...J run Sunday morning, September 17, U > with the Junior final taking place at I u. p.m. The feature of the weekend will be the Charlotte Intemational 100 for Experts on Forroular 750 motorcycles, getting off the line at 3 p.m. on Sunday. l NAZARETH' NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP MILE CANCELLED The .Executive Committe of the American Motorcycle Association has given staff officials of the professional racing department authority to cancel the Nazareth, Pennyslvania' Mile Championship, based on the present economic uncertain ty of the Nazareth track. .Bill Boyce, .AMA Manager of Professional Racing, states, uThe committee has taken this action following a report on the uncertain status of the racing complex.' Specifically, we are reacting to a U.S. District Court announcement that the race track, grandstands and more than 100. acres of land has been set into bankruptcy proceedings and will be auctioned publicly.'" The Nazareth race was sebeduled for September 17 and was to award American Motorcycle Association National championship points. HOT HATS oe>' 75 cents Cycle News ~<;J Dept. CNP ~O. , ) ; P.O. Box 498 Long Beach. Ca. 90801 MUNTZ PARK ALL-JUNIOR DAY JULY 4th 't ~f4.e, ~~ .. NO AFFILIATION REQUIRED ~" ....0 ~~ ~ ..... e, .. ~ + TROPHYS GOOD NEWS· Fearless Ralph will be ., THERE" in Person to shake hands and give away free autographed ictures. ~e the first one on your block to meet Ralph!!! Gate opens at 7 a.m. Practice at 8 a.m. 1st Race at 9:15 SIgn~ 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. No BIkes RlIIIIl!Dg 805-529-9546 $7.00 Post NO REFUNDS tm 8 a.m. AFTER STARTOFPRACfICE ~/MI ..... Fr!!e Gate To Entrys Spectators '1" 1, -' " "?\J1 "'Dull " ..51.. Wl-\£EL S\t>£.,s~YS -' .. NOVICES AND BEGINNERS

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