Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 07 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Liz.-d Meets Wolfman _ By Rita Gunter Photos by Tommy Gunter VICTORIA, TEX., June 4. 1972 - It rained seven inches the night before the last race at Iron Man. causing the lake to rise and inundate the track. A few mud holes and water crossings are expected in motocrossing but three feet is just a little too much water. Dwayne Machicek built up a good, stout lead in the first heat of the 100 Junior class. It was fortunate for him that he had, because his bike qwt with ~ w Z w oJ u > u Nacogdoches MX _ By Janet West NACOGDOCHES. TEX., June 4, 1972 - Bryan Fox dommated the Open class Sunday at Nacogdoches, Texas far ahead of ever:yone in the first moto.. In the second mota, Ross Hightower, who had fiI}ished last in Mota No. I, somehow got around Bryan to take a flfst with Fox in second this time. Mota No.3 was the same. Both ride for the City Plumbing Racing team, and I suppose this was concerted team effort. B.A.S.E. MX Don Rainey (Hus) waged a great battle against the CZ boys. He was running second to Fox in the Open class and second also to Frazer in the 250 Experts. After his knee injury,' Ra;ney slowed down some, but is now making quite a comeback. The Nacogdoches boys cleaned up in the 125 Expert. Ronnk Dement took a first place overall, having quite a figh t with David Faulkner. Both ride Hondas, and are hard competitors. In third was Penton-mounted Ferris Fain. ..;;.... By Jeff Coker PHOENIX, ARIZ .• June 7, 1972 - For the first time in too long a time Arizonans got to experience the thrill of half-mile racing tonigh t. The scene was Manzanita and the action was hot and heavy. Brian LaPlante Showed all the locals what a little practice in the half-mile can do for you as he completely dominated the Open Expert class. What the local riders need more than anything else is experience on the fast oval, and now they have a chance to get it as Manzy will be staging half-mile at least once a month. After drying the track out... from recent rains, the rid~rs went out to get their first taste of oval racing and by and large the majority thought it was great. Brian LaPlante took an early lead on his Triumph and showed the fans how to really get it on. Rick Kraft could almost keep Brian in sight through the running of both heat and Main of the _ Open Expert class. In the 250 Expert class Rick and Tommy Halford battled it out with Tommy narrowly taking the win in the heat. In the Ma;n, it was a war of attrition as Rick had to drop out with a sick engine leaving Tommy with a commanding lead. The 125 Amateur-Expert short track event was a real thriUer as Bob Scott and Ed Blose fough t i t ou t wheel-to-wheel. Ed won the heat and Bob won the Ma;n. The 250 Amateur races had Alan Cranson come from fourth in the heat to first in the- Ma;n. On the whole, everyone really enjoyed the half-mile, especially the fans. With a 'little more time on the track the local riders will have the necessary experience to consti tu te a bigger challenge when they visit the West Coast tracks. Un til then we will remain upodunk" Arizona. another quarter lap to go. He is pushing his bike towards the finish line and everyone keeps .looking for the second place man to come blasting by him. Way down the track comes Ricky Pilgrim. in second place. pushing his bike too. Jake Warren. Bruce Miller and Randy Kacir played follow-the-Ieader all the way in the first 100 Senior heat. They went into the flfst tum in that order and remained so until the checkered flag feU. Walter Rasmussen led the flfst 125 Junior heat from start to finish. Robert Vaughn, running behind Greg Hinricks lap after lap, finally zapped around him to finish in second place while Ted Nicholson took third. The first 125 Senior heat was won by George :'Lizard" Larzelere, followed by Robert Bosart and Cecil Jones. Ma;co-mounted Murray Trager was beaten by David "Wolfman" Bosart in the first 250 Senior heat. First place man in the 250 Junior heat was Stuart Wilner, with Cliff Home a close second. The first beat of the Open Junior class saw Gilbert Swa;n in first, followed by Larry Wilder. Brent Schaefer (after spectacular spiU in the mud) took third. David Bosart took the first Senior beat with no sweat. Stuart Wilner and George Larzelere. dueled it out for second place, with Stu taking it, leaving third to "Lizard". One lap of the second 100 Junior race had been run when a big rain shower came along. The slippery mud added some in terest for the spectators, with the riders crossing up where they weren't supposed to and going stra;gh t in the turns and all kinds of funny stuff. - The track started getting drier and tacky by the time the second 125 Senior heat started. These riders didn't seem to notice the mud at all! George "Lizard" Larzelere jumped ou t in front and stayed in that position throughout the heat, with Bruce Miller and Mike Macsplunkin right behind. The last· heat of the Open Senior proved to be very exciting with David U\Volfman" Bosart and George "Lizard" Lanelere battling wheel to wheel. David was ahead in every lap excep t the most importan t one_ The checkered flag came down with "Lizard" a wheel-length in front. COOL ONES OF THE 20's • See page ..... 15 of June 20 t' issue _ 23" x 29" B&W Poster • Send $2.25 for THIS IS THE ONE ... Designed, Manufactured, Tested and Proven to meet the needs of moto

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