Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 07 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.... . J I I ... "" . !! ' ~ ... ::l ~ w Z W ..J U > U Up the stone staircase. By Stuart Hawkins Photos by: C. Crouch, D. Davis, and G. Baugham The Rocky Mountain Trails Association held its annual Expert Cup Trial in Waterton Canyon near Denver. Trialsmaster Glenn N eigenfind did' a superb job of setting the event, giving warning to the Colorado riders abou t this Trials since his recent return from the French and Spanish events of the European Championship. Beginning at an elevation of 5,500 feet, the riders made their way through the traps to a granite encrusted hill top at nearly 9,000 feet. There was enormous variety in the sections. Rocky creek beds, substan tial logs, tigh t deep-sand turns, and hill climbs dominated most of the traps. One oi_the_most impressive sections " ', 9 .. -~ WHAT PRICE SAFETY? I,'s Clteap Wlten You 8uy Tlte 8es' From Jim Davis Motosport Elbow plds •...•• 9.80 Chell pnnectors . " 9.75 ShiflllUlrck .. 15.95 Shoutdel' pads •...• '4.30 Knee pads • • . • • •• Moum prdl. ... 4.50 6.00 And lots more available . . . . . . . . . . Check WIT" your local dealer. frated calalog 10 Of send 25c for IlIus- JIM DAVIS, Boll 1002, B",lHnk, c.lHornia 91505 was a waterfall consisting of a series of moss covered rock steps. The trap took a high toll - the average score was 3.7. On his last ride, Doyne Bruner railed from his symptoms of heat exhaustion sufficiently to foot only once up the waterfall - the- best ride of the day in that trap. One trap at 9000 ft. was vast rock surface that provided an endless series of steps and traverses. Bill Brokaw was plucked from his bike by a spectator as the machine went off the edge. The bike made its way down the slope then saved itself from destruction by leaping in to the branches of a pine tree where it patiently awaited its rider. Elliott Schultz herded his 123cc Cota through this section for the only clean. Schultz handled his little bike impressively as he adroitly maneuvered "STRONG" )( us 248-2850 A1tach~S 'I I Front . Frames '" I of Any ,. ." • CAR' ...... .' TRUCK M/OFF • TRAILER LOAD RAMP , PRO-AM MOUTH GUARD • Desiped to sUy Da face. • New lilli-slip fasteailp to assure pard stays in plact. . • Comes witll extra Slaps and screws to adapt to any helmet When you start a race with a PRO·AM Mouth Guard ... you will finish with it! $4.95 each r--------------------------Send Check or Money Order to: DEALER AND DISTRIBUTOR INQUIRIES INVITED CALL: 228-2025 PRO·AM PRODUCTS 45 Woodland Avenue, Washington, Pa. 15231 Please send me' ,PRo-AM Mouth GU8rd(S) Name' _ Address _ . . . . . . . . . .LCity St8te ~ Zip,_ _-,~ Log-jumping at 9.000 ft. the high altitude traps. Adjoining the mammoth rock on the hill trap was a 15 foot, 60 degree granite slab. The loose and torturous approach permitted only a three foot run at the slab. Four muscular spectators averted disaster by grabbing the majority of riders who stalled or wheeled during the ascent. The trap average was 3.6. Best ride was a 1 by Wiltz Wagner. The event was decided by the last ride of the day when Wagner stalled in a rock infested creek bed. Bill Brokaw, who is way ahead in this year's RMTA Championship and rode splendidly all day, took the even t by five poin ts. The hard charging Colorado Experts were led by Randy Bright who started the meet with a two inch out of round front wheel. Fifteen year old Jim Walt, who has been impressively consisten t this season, placed second. Veteran Hugh Haup tman placed a competitive third. RMTA EXPERT CUP TRIALS By Stuart Hawkins MASTERS B. Brokaw Man W. Wagner Bul E. Schultz Man EXPERTS R. Bright J. Walt H. Haptman B. Schaaf D. Bruner M. Stokes J. WalSh D. Hedwall O. Mosbarger W. Jantz J. Williams

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