Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1971 12 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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. If ~ ., 1972 1971 Name "- No. No. ,... 0) N ~ 0 ~ W Z ... w 0 >0 l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2l. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 3l. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 4l. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 6263. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. =--- .f· CMC STANDINGS 1972 ISSUED NUMBERS 13 50 10 351 16 97 957 352 101 124 34 37 721 2 771 924 877 760 110 39 302 42 440 222 31A 500 53 620 65 51 845 1 3B 295 91 66 452 33H 750 252 830 545 600 35M 33 40 5 333 280 209 76E 719 67 529 356 88 519 99 8 208 233 518 846 422 576 60 28 336 849 253 56 42C 58H 334 994 l7C 575 57E 482 451 651 19 77E 29 90M 53C 341 64F 21L 345 325 795 909 908 73L 37E 64 22M 886 857 Bill Urban Brenton Rhoades Dave Smith Jon Derhammer Jim Beauchamp Bill Booth Charles Rouse Brian Lendl Alan Newsom Lyle Greene, Jr. Tilson Shumate Randy Myers George Erl Mark Nohr George Ert Tommy Croft Randy Roche Leonard Mellgren Cliff Bean Joel Witte Bryan Porter Mike Garrett M. Richmond III Gary Martini Gary Harris Richard Franklin Martin Tripes Ray Topham Brad Brown Jess Slaton Steve Erickson Mike Cram Tom Darrah Bruce Wygal Vincent Byrnes Fred Gualda Ron DIDonato Gaylon Mosier PatriCk Welsh Paul Brinkman Mark Anderson Murray Hoffman Bob Fisk Chuck Bower Robert Norgaard Warren Burrell David Boydstun Tom Su99 WilHam Pasley Jr. Tom Cook Mark Dobbs Kent Graham Randy Rodriguez Barry Por\er John Buhl Morris Malone Mike Roach Rick Brown John Rubcic David Launius Kendall Markley Matthew Path Val SChmidt Reno Frezza Les Schulz Bob Haag Bill Clements Gary Cochell Larry Griggs Mark Hutchins Davey Davis Chuck Minert Doug Sherman Walter Young Mike Felton Robert Cone John Schulz Richard Eierstedt Ken Batzloff Ron Boozell Roland Rodriguez Patrick DeBenedetti Kevin Bushmlaer John Barclay Daryl Giovannetti Robert Spicer Dave Sischo William Gra~ Albert Canc no Reed Mayne Fred S~kes Gerry eber John Rossi Roy Rossi Donald Martins Chris Grodzlckl Skip Porter David Helleck Jack Hili Dennis Clark CMC MOTOC ROSS Carlsbad, Calif. Dec. 12.1971 B~ Eric Ralts 5 0 EX. G. Harris M. Anderson C. Rouse 500 INT. L. Aumock R. Mayne D. Martin 500 JR. D.Dvhmiy T. Trachy D. Meigs 250 EX. M. Tripes G. Mosier S. Erickson 250 INT. M. Llckert G. Parker O. Carlson 250 JR. DIV. I =: ~~I~Yae:;,S PU. R. Blanton 250 JR. DIV. II A. Ma~ J. Phil Ips T. Trachy 125 EX. J. Beauchamp M. Roth L. Mellfsn 125 IN . B. Porter B. Wygal M. Parker 125 JR' DIV. I R. Pinnick B. Bandy B. Wedin 125 JR. DIV. II R. Harvey G. Poole J. Keck 100 JR. R. Thompson S. Dine J. Fetton Hus Hus CZ Hus Suz CZ Hus CZ Hus CZ Mai Mon CZ Hus CZ Hus Bul Bul CZ Hus CZ DKW Pen CZ Bul Bul DKW Suz Puc Ric Bul Bul DKW Bul Suz Yam 1460 1427 1359 1109 1108 953 947 934 915 910 905 870 829 844 829 805 788 728 769 754 728 691 686 672 669 664 661 632 625 622 616 611 610 605 603 600 585 583 573 554 548 547 543 542 526 522 520 504 503 501 498 498 493 491 488 486 477 474 472 471 460 459 456 448 437 433 431 430 430 429 428 426 426 424 419 412 408 407 404 399 398 396 395 391 381 381 377 375 370 370 367 352 352 345 342 340 337 335 334 327 MOTOCROSS Wheelsport M.C. Baldwin Motocross Park Oct. 21, 1971 By Lyle Fergus JR.0-100cc Jesse McCollum Pen Ernie Walker Pen John List Pen JR. 101·125cc Pen Suz David Stevens Suz 125·30Occ JR. Brad Emery Hus Keith Solomon 0 .. David Schleicher 0 .. JR. OPEN Ralph Flory Mal Richard Fouts Hus Edward Denault Suz 0·125cc SR. Craig Bills Yam Leo Sutell 0 .. Kirk Howell Suz SR. 125-300cc Anthony Martin Hus Elliott Wicker Suz Melvin Parkhurst Yam SR. OPEN Dennis Smith Suz Robert Sutton Hus Jerry Cobb Hus ~~u"c:~alley CMC MOTOCROSS Wllmington~ Calif. Dec. 10, 19 1 B~ Eric Raits 1 0 JR. J. Hill S. Mermer T. Bragdon 125 JR. D. Kolbe R. Fosmo J.Shedden 250 JR. M. Sixbery C. Leeper C. Alberts 500 JR. T. Gross J. VanDelien G.Dranow 125 INT. M. Skelton D. Laporter L. Mayer 250 INT. B. Allen T. Schafer M.Skolil 500 INT. R. Zingg E. Olesen M. Higashi 125 EX. B. parcne J. Wr ght K. Zahrt 250 EX. B. Messer J. Johnston B. Rubly 500 EX. J. Desoto B. Payne B. Brown • HRA TT & '!2·MILE 395 Cycle Park Adelanto. Calif. Dec. 5, hOl 100 NOV. TT Terry Stannart Eric Arras Jim Wood Scott Black Joe Black Brian Haycock 125 NOV. TT Lee Black Eric Arras Pam Bales Terry Stannart Jim Wood Joe Black 250 NOV. TT Nate Ezell Roy Addington Dennis AQuirre Gary Collins Milan Treheardt OPEN NOV IX TT Jim Maupin Nick Vogue Marc Barbanl Mark Dotce Jeff Zwaster 250 X TT Dean Butterfield Chet Burt Mike Laney Richard Gine Jeff Coleman Jerry Greer MINIBIKE TT John Evans Scott Walker, Jr. Robert Walker Ronnie Wood Karen Roderick Jennie BlaCk 100 NOV '/z Terry Stannart Jim Wood Lee BlaCk Eric Arras Joe Black Gary Evans 125 NOV. lIz Pam Bales Terry Stannart Lee Black Gary ROderick Iver Burton 250 NOV. 1/2 Nate Ezell Gary Colt ins Milan Treheardt Roy Addi ngton OPEN NOV. lIz Nick Voge Jeff Zwaster Mark Dolce ALL EX. ~,.MtLE Marc Barbani Dean Butterfield Chet Burt Richard Sweaney Mike Laney Jeff Coleman TURTLE RACE Bob Hill MINIBIKE~, MILE John Evans Scott Wal ker Rober Walker Jim Rx:Jerick Ronnie Wood Yam CZ Yam CZ Mai CZ DKW Ric Ric Mal CZ Mai Suz Hus Hus Pen Puc Bul 0 .. Hus CZ Suz Mai Gre KaW Kaw Kaw Kaw Kaw Kaw Kaw Kaw Kaw Kaw Kaw Kaw Mon Mon Kaw Bul Yam Trl Trl Nor Trl Bul Yam But Mon Yam Kaw Yam Kaw Kaw KaW Kaw Kaw Kaw Mon Kaw Kaw Yam Mon Mon Bul Yam Mon A.M.R.A. Phoenix, Ariz • Oct. 23,1971 B~ Jeff Coker 1 0 NOV. MAIN Bob Scott Richard Bonine Bob Blose 100 AM. MAIN Doug Schneider Richard Paul Schneider 125 NOV. MAIN Dan Swisher Ed Blose, Jr. Glen Palmer 125 AM. MAIN Doug Schneider L. Barrington W. Higginbottom 125 EX. MAIN Pat Klein Cliff Allison Dan Croyle 250 NOV. MAIN Curt Whitney Alan Cranson T.J. Jones 250 AM. MAIN Dave Meeker Art Fredenburgh 250 EX. MAIN Byron Boaz Tom Halford Dan Croyle 500 Nov. MAIN Tandy Adams Paul Bennett Brad Mueller OPEN AM. MAIN Gregg Steinke W. H~glnbottom Max arris OPEN EX. MAIN Byron Boaz Rick Kraft ButCh Beard Hod Hod Pen Gre Bul Yam Oss Suz Oss Bul Pen Pen Hus AE Hus Suz HARE SCRAMBLES Ponderosa Lancaster calif. Dec. 4·5, i 971 By Wes Anderson, Sr. SATURDAY OPEN Doug Winchell Mark Granger Larry Burns 125 Monte Lee Randy Scott Bobby Balentine 100 Jack Boone Jim Robinson Steve Ingram SUNDAY OPEN Tom Clodt Lanny Lehigh Darryl Ellis 125 Monte Lee Rand~ Scott Denn s Tomlinson 100 Jack Boone Sandy R)bertson Mark Zila Kaw CZ HusYam Yam Yam H·D Hod Hon Hus Hus But Yam Yam CZ H-D Hod Hod Trl But Trl Nor Yam Kaw Kaw Mon Kaw Yam off off off Off On November 16.1971 a Northwest Boeing 707 arrived at the Philadelphia Airport canying a unique cargo of approximately 1200 different Yamaha motorcycle and snowmobile parts of various quantities. This action stemmed from the backlog of parts inventory which results from the East Coast dock strike and the inability of the West Coast docks. Yamaha International Corporation management decided to airlift parts from Japan to protect warranty rights on motorcycles and snowmobiles and to ensure customer service. Another airliner, JAL.DC 8, is scheduled to arrive in Los Angeles on December 6 tho This cargo will consist of a similar load of parts with a retail value in excess of $150,000. This airlift is unique in so far as the production facility in Hamamatsu, Japan was able to supply parts valued in excess of $300,000 for distribution in the United States. The first shipment will be distributed to dealers in the United States in less than a one week period of time. Have a POWERFUL CHRISTMAS (with our CZ pipes) ~ ~ 1 .. V. I.,., cal. a. m-lI.... SACHS FINAL STANDINGS Arizona Motorcycle Racing Association Champions 100 NOVICE Richard Bonine Brad MueUer Bob Scott 100 AMATEUR DOug Schneider Paul Schneider Rob Dameron 125 NOViCE Glen Palmer Ed. Blose, Jr. Dan Swisher 125 AM. Doug 5ch nelder Woody Hi~glnbottom Larry Barnngton 125 EXPERT Dan Croyle Cliff Allison Gary Wells 250 NOVICE Alan Cranson Donald Musser Richard Bonine 250 AMATEUR Jeff Coker Art Fredenburgh Matt Tipton 250 EXPERT Tom Halford Jim Halford Gary Wells 500 NOVICE Brad Mueller Rick Schunn Tandy Adams OPEN AM. Rex Blackwell Dave Bateman Gregg Steinke OPEN EX. Jon Sellers ButCh Beard Rick Kraft is our thing cz effete 2~9~~g DKW * PENTON * Allied ~~tiiiii';;' IBas~9.!!~i ~~~ in Case of accident HELP SAVE YOUR LIFE! Approved by 1117 Fountain Way. Anaheim, Cal. 928 .•.....•..•.....•........••..•••..••• t of Hollywood 250cc & 400cc CZ's in stock 5663 Santa Monica Blvd. Hollywood, Ca. 90038 213 467~035 ,;/ 0 , Rescue '~ ~< "., Units ,,0 ,., ••' ~ ~~~::--::::. .... OTTO'S CYCLES ~ -' YAMAHA STRIKES BACK EL TRIALS DE ESPANA Escape Country Dec. 12. 1971 MASTERS Lane Leavitt 8 pts. Rich Bledsoe 15 pts. 22 pts. Bob Nickelson EXPERTS George Smith 10 Ride Jim Redenbaugh 10 Ride Martin Belair 13 AMATEUR Marland Whaley 13 Ride H. Rasmuss,n 13 Ride E. Norman 13 NOVICE T. LeBlanc 3 4 G. Tuash 4 J. Savicky PRESS Murphy o Yerkes 5 Schneider 7 KIDS Guy Van GaasDeck 6 Kim Koskie 11 Randy Rader 12 PERPETUAL TROPHY Jim Wits on Ric Bul Yam Ric Yam Yam I'lARE SC1'lAMBCE"S WheelSf0rt M.C. Nov. 2 .1971 By L~e Fergus 0·10 c (LAPS) Denny Park Terry Bee: kha m Theodore Morgan 126·20Occ Walter Shy , R.D. VanBenschoten Calvin Taylor 200·25Occ James Huff Steve Jackson Mike Redmond 101-125cc Rex Murphy John List Jesse McCoUum OPEN Clark Niday Richard Myer Ron Worth OVERALL Keith Cobb .::.::: ,...... , " ... ~~ Heavy :-::::.~ Waterproof ~ ~ ~\ \.J Plastic Vital medical Information - allergies, ~~oo~e~~~:' fV~it;-ii~mc~~~at~r:~~I"~~~~ during competition or normal driving. Get one for every member of your family! includes tax & postage Clubs, organizations, Promoters Call for discount information "Consent to Treat (Minor)" forms - 5t Free with MedlCard MediCard, 9250 Del Arroyo Dr., Sun Valley, Ca. 91352 $1.00 ea. Suz Yam Yam Yam Suz Yam Yam Yam Yam Yam Suz Yam Yam Yam Yam Bul Bul Bul Bul Bul Bul Bul Yam Mal Mal Suz Mal Hon Yam Mal Nor Kaw

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