Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1971 12 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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lia ROKON'S RT 340 the torque converter takes over the job of acceleraUOIl by bearing itself b1gber. What this means to the rider 15 that :vou have the feeUnc- that you're DDt -, ~ REVOLUTIONARY' ENDURO BIKE '" By Don Woods Rokon, a manufacturer of small, two N g wheeled vehicles primarUy designed for o llshermen, bunters and people wbo travel way df the road, but who are DDt necessamy In a burry, (they make tbose weird Z looIdng little two wheel drive l:4kes with ~ the fUnny looIdng big tires) 15 now devel~ oplng a serious enduro machine for the () expertenced woods rtder. The Rokon sparkles with innovations, the most newsworthy being the automatic transmission. Other features Include, front and rear bydrauUc lI1sc brakes, a wheelbase that some woods riders will say won't work but will, macnesium wheels, and altra-Ugbt weight for it's ~ w speedometer drive for an enduro. ProductiOll versions will have the above mentioned mag wheel complete with speedometer. This particular machine also bad a frame made with very thinwall tubing to show up any weaknesses In the frame design. (it bad been welded In several places and was probably heavier than the production version will be.) Riding the bike is a very unusual experience. Sit 011 the seat, grab a little throttle and yank the pull cord. The engine immediately 1lres and you're off; no clutch, no gear sh1ft1nC, Just a smooth steady now of all the pOwer you want. (the starter is also neat for bu1ld1ng Cbalres Atlas type arms.) If you're gassing the bike, a fuony th1Dg happens about 40 mph, the engine peaks out and going any faster after about 40, when In reallty you're st1ll acceleratiDg just as fast as before, but witbout the Increasing whine of the engine to tell you bow much faster. You really need a speedometer, but If you're not watcblng the speedo you get the message when the tears start streaming from your eyes at speeds over 60. The bike will nm over 90 and with (Please tum to f'Gge 27) size. The machine 15 pOwered by a 340cc Sachs engine that was origlnally used In snowmohiles and for Industrial applications. In the Rakon it bas IUlCIergone some minor changes, such as a M1kun1 carb, but at this time still sports apull starter. The 'Starter 15 really kind of neat, If you're stuc1c on a hill or In the mud and kill the engine, you just reach down with one arm and yank Instead of having to worry about Iumt1ng for a gear and 1dc1c1ng the starter. The automatic transmission is the type that is used on snowmobiles, with a Gilmer belt In the pOsition of what could normally be called the primary drive. If you ever rode a Cbushman scooter, you're already familiar with with the way the primary drive works. On the Rokon, the system bas been refined to the point that there are no slippage problems or any worry about what happens If water gets on the GUmer belt. The macblne pictured above 15 prototype number one and at the time the photo was taken had a very familiar looking gas tank and seat. More advanced prototypes have a gas tank and seat of Rokon design. The front wheel was off another brand production bike also, the reason being the need of a I'· DISPLAY ADVERTISING DEADLINE • • cu.tom~ Painting Bikes Lettering Myron Burke (213) 443-3268 WEDNESDAY, Sp. JAN. 19 Hod.k. Mont.... Greeves "~I , Motorcycles fI • t #IV e4f;IIe~~ ~~t~::"Sport Cycle Pueh For Issue No.3 (On Sale: Jan. 26) M.leo Gu.v R. Loui s (114) 193-1051 > 7574 Westminster Ave., WestmInster. Ca. aetw~ ~~AUSTTUNER 1032 •• BROOKS ST.·ONTARta,CA91782-714 983-5871 MOTORCYCLE RACERS ASSOC. WJ:NTERNATJ:ONALS SAT. DEC. IS "~~~~ ~./. *SUN.DEC.19 e~~;e~4t '* SAT. "Husqvarna Penton loelrers Sales & Serr;ee 6624 At...tic, •• II,e•. (213)581-3983 r Mik. Patrick's _. -- I:' YWHA of COIOIA • : i 1111 E. 6th St. - Corona ,. (4) 135-11n .- ~ , SUN. '100,125,250& open novice .practice 7·8 ·£irst race 9 ·3·20D1in.D1otos . zuail entry $ 5 . . post 10. .spectators 2.50 D1&i1 entries to; MBA po box 1786 los gatos, ca. EXPERrS ONLY 125 .... $5 DO 2&0.. .. 1000 511II. _._ 1000 PURSE " " 1·10 PRACTICE RACEAT II MAJ:L ENTRY $ 10. 3'30 D1in. D1otos overnightCP-'I"ping (408) 292.6116 ~~

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