Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1971 12 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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3 ¢ WEST America's la rges t and m ost complete weekly m o t o rcycle newspaper Corona Noise Case Thrown Out of Court By El aine J ones CORONA, CAL.. N ov. 3 0 , 1971 - The tri al of Corona' Rac ewa y ow ne r, Fel ice Lipari, o n charges of crea ting excessive n o ise ended before it go t start ed when Jud ge Howard Crandall dismissed all t en mi sdemeaner criminal counts. Crandall , a re tired Los Angeles ju dg e sitting in plac e o f Conona Municipal Court Judge J . William Moreland, di smi ssed five coun ts o f c reati ng a nu isance and fiv e coun ts o f failure to abate a n oise nu isance. li e t o ok the ac ti o n on a motion b y d efense at to rn ey J . Da vid Hennigan of Riverside. He nnigan b ased his m otion on th e fact th at the owner o f th e ra ceway had not been served with ci ta tio ns directing no ise abatem en t, Instead said Hennigan, Corona Racew a ys In corporated had been se rve d . Lip ari h as leased th e track t o th e co rpora ti o n bu t remains the legal o w ne r of th e tr ack. Sin ce h e had not b een served , h e could not b e held liable for . th e al lege d vio la tio ns. Judge Cra ndall , filling in fo r Mortla nd after h is disqualification on a challenge b y t he d ef en se , t o ok Hen n igan's m otion under ad visem e n t sh ortly a ft er th e trial started Monda y a nd m a d e his ' ru lin g T uesd ay mo rning up hold ing Henn igan 's claims . Jud ge Crandall sai d L ip ari couldn't b e h eld responsib le for a nuisance created b y a tenant. Judge Crandall also stated h e fel t t he wh ole m atter wa s p olitical an d shoul d th erefo re b e se ttled in the City Council o r b y the Bo ard of Superviso rs in stead o f court. Hennigan als o raised another point referring to the Code of Civil Procedure : Use according to ordiance, 731 A Nuisances: Uses in industrial or commercial zones; restriction on right of abatement, In part this reads : "W henever an y city, city and county shall h ave established zones or districts u nd er authority of la w wherein certain manufac turing or commercial uses are ex p ress ly p ermitted , excep t in an action to abate a p ublic n uisa nce b rough t in the n am e of the people of the State of California, no p erso ns or persons, firm or corporation shall be enjoined or restrai ned by the injunctive process fr om the reasonable an d necessary operation in a ny su ch industrial or commercial zone of any use expressly permitted there-in , nor shall suc h use be deemed a nuisance without evidence of the employment of unnecessary and injurious methods o f operation." The first round is over with Corona Racewa y seemingly the winner, Whether it goes an y furth er depends on Riverside District Attorney Byron Morton. If he decides to file agai n st Felice Lipari the figh t will begin again. SUZUKI CLIMAX By David IRVINE, CAL., Dec. 5, 1971 - Weary fr om three m onths inc essan t Sunday m adness, the Trans-AMA m otocross drew to a cl o se t oday w ith three Bel giums, on three Suzukis , hoardin g the first three positions. Roger DeCoster won his third o f the last four ra ces today , nearly sw eeping the 5 00 International Clas s. This can be co nsid er ed normal behavio r for the 500 World Champion. Th e first moto sa w the Lone Teuton, Adolf Weil, stuck with th e tas k of fending o ff naggin g Suzuki triumvir ate Swi ft DeCoster, J oel Robert, and Syl vain Geb oers , with parti al success. Leading th e p ack, Weil r ode h is h eart o u t t o keep ahead o f the legendary R obert. J oel didn't pass him with an artsy m aneu ver in a corner but opted to do th e trick with sheer h orses, pulling Ad olf's Maic o on the long uphill adjacent to th e st artin g area. The German ace still kept up th e p owerful pace, for next in line w as DeC ost er. (D u ring th e world m oto cr o ss cam paign in th e Continent earli er this year, Weil held the point lead b y virtue aSA Drops Teca.. ; Mann, Romero Kept M ike Haney (rt.) fits a No .1 plate to 250cc Series W inner, Tim H art's bik e. Hart is sponsored by Bob Bailey's Cycleland . R ES ULTS 500 INTE RN ATION A L Roger D ec ost er Joel Robert Syl vain G eb oe rs Ad ol f We ll Dave Bic ke rs A nd y R ob erton V ic Ea stw ood M ark Blackw ell G ary Jo nes Gas to n R ah l er Wil li Bau er Sa l DeFeo Brad Lackey K ent Ohl in Pete, La m p p u Jim Co o ke Bill Silverth orn Bill C lemen ts Mike Runyard Pierre Ka rsma kers 2 5 0 .NA TI O N A L We rne r Schutz D o ug Grant T om Rapp T im Hart DeWayne Jon es R on D85 oto Lars L arsso n Jim Wicks G ary Cna pll n Joe Cast an go B ruce Mc Dougal Rob Norgaard John Maron y Mike C ram Bruce Baro n Ch ris Carter Scott HendriCkson Steve Scott Bill Da Prato Hank Bessett CiCI.BNBWS 2499GBI i 1tDs&ue.1111 111 2. I , 1 1,2. 3 4 . 3. 2 3 . 4. 9 5. 5 .6 x, 6, 4 8 . 8,5 9 ,9 , 7 6 , 24 . 8 10.8.22 7, x , x 12,1 0 , 13 11 .23, 10 16, 1 2 , 11 14, 13, 1 5 13.14,16 15.17,1 2 x ., 11, 14 1 , 16 , 17 x, I S, x 1, 1 , 2 3 , 2,5 6, 5, 1 2 . x, 3 4,4,8 5 , 6. 9 10 , 11,4 11,7,6 x .3 ,x 8 , 10, 7 7. 9 . x 13 , 18, 10 ia, 12. 19 15. 14. 13 9 . x, x, 19,16 ,14 X,1 5 x, x, i16 2 x, 19. 1 5 1 8 . x, x, Suz Suz Suz Mal CZ Hus AJS Hus Yam CZ Mal CZ CZ Hus Mo n CZ Hus Hus Mon Hus Ma l AJS Bu l Mal Yam of consistency. DeCoster, a ft er sort in g o u t h is new Suzuki, upped a nd sn atched the lead from him late in the seaso n to win the crown.) And now they meet again: DeCoste r closes on Weil , but Adolf is ready. Both have the h orsep ower and ability , b ut the m ost im p o rta n t part of the race is fo ug h t ' u nder the h elm et. While b rain waves zap each other lik e little lightning b ol t s, Roger n ud ges to Adolf's ins ide as th ey en te r a set o f switchbacks. Mov e over, Adolf. Man y riders w ould have lost their line bu t Adolf retaliates with precision. By tigh tening up his line and applying (Please tu rn to page 10) In a JOint announc eme nt, Denis McCormack, Pres id ent of BSA, and E. W. 'Pete ' Co lman, Vi ce Presid ent , sta ted .. .. .The Directors of The Birmingham Small Arms Company have adop ted a new policy for 1972 and h ope to en courage more private en trie s in pro fess ional competi tion . We will con ti n ue t o m ake tu n ing information avai lab le as it is d eveloped in o ur Racing Department. We also h ave a su p p ly of p arts in p roducti o n fo r o ur three -cylinder BSA a nd T riu mp h road ra ce m odels. T riump h an d BSA d eal ers will so on b e in a positio n t o sell A .M.A.·a p proved frames, forks, t anks an d brak es, as well as o ther special ra cin g parts whic h d o n o t require A. M.A. a p p roval . "Cams, valves, valve springs, gears, sp rocke ts and tech n ica l bookle ts co vering the preparation of BSA{friumph models for all types of competition are also b eing produced. . The booklet may be ob tained by writing d ire ct to our National T ech nical Center, P.O . Box 2 75, Duarte, California 91010. "We will not field racing teams during the 19 72 season ; however, it is expected that Di ck Mann will be racing BSA motorcycles and that Ge ne Romero will con tin ue to ride Triumphs. "Contingency awards will be paid t o any rider of a Triump h , BSA or R ickman moto rcy cle who p laces firs t , second o r t hird in any Pro fessional National Ch amrio nsh ip . We will also p ay a bonus 0 $10,000 to any rider winning the Grand National Champion ship scoring all points while riding a Triumph, BSA, or Rickman. " CZ Hus Mal Mal Mal Yam CZ CZ Mal Ste Yam Bu l Bul Hus Hus eMrspapem.. L«mglle ncb,Ca. 908011 0w042iVi1133", 'I

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