Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1971 11 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Btatt Contrals in Operation By Terry Newfanner SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH Regulations controlling use of off-road vehicles throughout Utah have been adopted by the State Board of Parks and Recreation. The regulations are authorized by Utah's Recreation Vehicle Act, passed last spring by the State Legislature. Registration of snowmobiles has begun, and registration of off-road· motorcycles is expected to be re~uired prior to the spring of 1972. The fee is $5, eannarked by the law to go to development of vehicle recreation areas, plus whatever property tax is assessed on the particular motorcycle. Bikes registered for street use do not have to be registered as recreation vehicles. Considering the proposals and counter-proposals that were heavily debated when the law was being formulated, the regulations can best be described as liberal, but some have already raised some eyebrows. The Motorcycle Industry Council standard of 92 decibels noise standard was adopted for motorcycles by the board, which set the level for all other recreation vehicles at 82 db. The rule makes exception for competition events, but most races in Utah are expected to fall under th e AMA noise rule next year. A headlight and taillight are required, but only "when operated between sunset and sunrise. " "Protective headgear" is required in when participating in a competitive event. English Trials haven's been held in the state for several years. Other safety-ori~nted rules prohibit ureckJess" operation, speeding where a limit is posted, or placing any hazard "on any public or recreation vehicle area," so booby traps are out. Already con troversial is the rule: "No person shall operate any recreation vehicle away from an area of immediate assistance unless there is at least one other vehicle accompanying him." Some riders have opposed the rule, saying that it is designed only to protect you from yourselI, but the Utah Supreme Court upheld the state's helmet law when confronted with the same argument. Others regard the rule as an "ought to" thing, aimed primarily at snowmobilers. The rules also prohibit anyone under 16 from oper",ting a vehicle, unless "under the supervision" of someone 16 or over.. F or bikes, the registration number must be displayed on a metal plate on the rear of the machine "if possible, otherwise 0!1 the front," the rules say_ The regulations were drafted by the Recreation Vehicle Advisory Council, which was established by ·the law_ A representative of the Utah Motorcycle Dealers Assn. is on the council, along with those representing the snowmobile, ATV, jeep, landowner and conservationist interests. Survey Shows Banning Favored By Terry Newframer SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH - Almost two third of the people of Utah are in favor of ordinances banning motorcycles from the foothills surrounding towns, according to a poll completed recently by the Salt Lake Tribune. The question asked of 600 selected persons was: "Some communities in Utah have hanned motorcycles and trail bikes from surrounding foothills. Do you generally agree or disagree with this ban?" The results were 60 percent agreed, 32 percent disagreed, and eight percen t undecided. No figures were supplied on individual's reasons for the opinions excep t in general terms - noise was at the top of the list, but some were concerned about erosion. Those opposing the ban were described as mostly young enthusiasts. In the 18 to 20 age group, 37 percent favored the ban, and 51 percent were opposed, and the figures change gradually through the age groups to the 50 and over, where 67 percent favored eliminating bikes from the foothills, with 22 percent opposed. The poll didn't pose the question of controlling off-road travel in general, but some of those polled endorsed the lOW YOU ."ow r0N D Wild History of the 3-Stroker By Rod Breaker Well, Karl let the cat out of the bag about answering letters part well, this native was able to glean much information from what he saw, enough to realize the potential of this engine. from the readers and they are starting to pour in. As he started the ball rolling, I think it is only fair that I answer his question When the scientists were having trouble trying to make the first, "How do you set the timing on a three-stoke?" engines work, he was one Of the men who was assigned to set It is funny that you should ask this, while the answer is the charges to wipe the project and all concerned from the quite simple, "One stroke at a time", I am very curious about face of the earth. the reason for this question. Realizing that these were 'shape' charges and not rat killers to keep the jungle rats away, he figured that the home office As you mayor may not know, there were only four of the three stroke engines built after the second world war or so the had tired of the failures and excuses and decided that they rumor has it. It has been very difficult to find out anything would not lose face by ever letting their failure be known. He about this engine as it was one of Hitler's most well-kept also knew the worth of the engine, if the bugs could be worked secrets and up to his demise, it was on paper only. Had the out, so on the evening of the explosion when they having their German scientists been able to get production started on this monthly progress . meeting, he slipping through an engine, it might have changed the outcome of the war, but air-conditioning duct and slipped one of the 70hp pocket-sized Hitler guarded these plans so well that only a few of the engines inside his shirt and split into the jungle_ higher-ups in the Gestapo knew of their existence, let alone . After three years, he was supposed to have slipped across their whereabouts. the border from Mexico and is now in the Southern California After Hitler was killed in Berlin, it was thought that all area. The stories that I have been able to run down claim that traces of this fantastic three-stroke engine was lost forever (the there were only four of the engines in the test project and he Tibetan monk who had invented it had long ago died in a absconded with one of them and has been conducting his own concentration camp) but the rumor mill has it that one of the experiments with the same results as the project. Nazi big-wigs who was hung at Nuremberg passed the . The .secrecy that has surrounded this engine has been kept knowledge of their hiding place on to an army sergeant who hoping to get a leak on the whereabouts of the possessor and was a guard over the prisoners about to be hung married the with Karl's reference to it, this may be it. It is for this reason wife of one of the condemned men six months after he was that I wish to know what prompted his question. hung and came to America with her and the two children. A .1 am very interested in this engine for as I understand it, check into this sergeant's past showed that before he entered they used a separate connecting rod for the third stroke, but the service his only occupation had been truck driver or gas this was the problem, while it was the secret behind the station attendant. Yet, within three weeks after his discharge fantastic power from such a small engine, it was also the he was employed by one of our top industrial giants as a reason for its failure. As the power was just coming in at about second vice president at a salary of $50,000 a year and any 20,000 rpm,' this connecting rod would develop a structural questions to him are answered "No Comment". fatigue failure and snap. Due to the design of the engine, it Within two months after he was hired, the company sent a would not hurt a thing, but would drop the horsepower rating team of their top brains to a remote testing area in Bolivia to zilch until the rod was replaced. All types of material were where not only were visitors not allowed, but the scientists' tried and they would all fail. It is believed that this native is sitting on the idea, just families could not even visit them. You may have read about the catastrophe that happened at this site; the newspapers waiting for someone to come up with a newer, stronger metal stated that a secret laboratory where they were working on that will withstand the rpm and then he will let it be known to space fuel had exploded and all the American personnel were the world. Until then, it lies hidden somewhere, unknown to killed. mankind who will benefit most from its fantastic power, but The story goes on that one of the natives that they had unless some way is found to cure the snapping of the hired to assist them was not really the ignorant savage that connecting rod, it is destined to lie dormant, called by the they believe him to be; in fact he had attended UCLA for his name given it by those scientists in Bolivia who struggled so masters in Physics, but had gone back to the jungle to get long and valiantly with this problem before their demise; they away from the rat-race of mankind. Anyhow, by playinl( his referred to it as "the rod breaker." IRRC BENEFIT RACE On Sunday, Nov. 21, A.C.E. Inc. and Indian Dunes Park management are co-sponsoring a special motocross event at the new Shadow Glen course. The motocross is being presented for the benefit of the International Racing Radio Crew. The benefit race is held each year with the proceeds going to the IRRC for the up-grading and replacement of the emergency equipment used during the racing season. The IRRC is a non profit organization of dedicated people who donate their time, skills and emergency rescue equipment to aid injured riders of off road vehicles; also they are usually found at most of the motorcycle races held in Southern California. The benefit motocross race will feature a full program of both Juniors and Seniors in the 100-125-250 and 500 classes. There will also be a Powder Puff and an Old Timers classes to thrill the people. Junior finalists will receive trophies and donated super prizes; tires, boots, handlebars, gloves and helmets. Senior finalists will receive $500 cash purse which will be paid by moto and for overall positions. As a special added feature "American Motocross" challenges UMitco Bultaco" (both of Fullerton, Calif.) in a five man team match race for a 7 foot giant trophy to the winning team. ASCOT FINALE Many of the nation's top dirt trackers will be returning to Gardena, Calif.'s famed Ascot oval for the season finale in half-mile racing Nov. 21.With 120 points possible for winning the afternoon's main event, two Experts still have a shot at the season's high point honors as a pair of Norton campaigners, J ody Nicholas and Mel Lacher, are separated in the first two positions by a mere 41 points. The five star professional program will host all three classes of riders with Gary Scott and Kenny Roberts topping the list of Juniors and Scott Brelsford heading the Novice card. Scott holds the novice win streak at Ascot with wins the last 20 trips to the starting line during the Friday night series during the summer months. For ticket information, contact Ascot Park at 213/323-9710. FREE M/C FILMS Pacific Coast Honda will continue its series of motorcycle filll1s Monday night, Nov. 22, at the Peck Park Auditorium on N: Western Avenue in San Pedro, Calif. In addition to an ISDT film of several years back, the group will also-he showin some flicks of air Ja~~. s : By R.odBrcalter REPAIRING STRIPPED DRAIN PLUGS While stripping the drain plug is .not limited to anyone hrand of machine, it seems that Hondas have more than their share of ham-fisted owners who tighten the drain plug until they pull the threads right out of the engine. Some cure this by tapping out the hole and installing an American bolt or having it welded up and retapping it out to the original size, while still others smear a bunch of 3-M or other goop on it and pray that it holds. Most of your local auto parts stores carry what is known as a selI-tapping drain plug for automobiles. This plug has been slit at the end with two cross-slits and the ends are tapered in a sligh t bit so it will start in a hole CAN'T FIX IT? Having mechanical problems you can't solve? if you have, jot down your troubles in a letter or on a postcard and send them to Rod Breaker, c/o Cycle News West, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, Calif., 90801. He may either answer you directly through the mail or, if your troubles are commonplace, he may answer you in his HOME WORKSHOP column. that has been stripped out. This way as you run it in the hole, it will cut its own threads and it can be removed and replaced at will. Of course the only proper way to use this is to take the engine apart so that you don't get the scraps of aluminum in the engine, but this is a lot of trouble just for a drain plug. So the next best thing is to do it with the engine still in the frame. This can be done with no problem if it is done slowly and carefully. First get some heavy grease and smear it on the end of the plug. Now start the plug and tum it about a half a tum and then back it up a quarter-tum and then another half tum and back it up about a quarter tum, then remove it and wash the grease off it. As you wash the grease off, you will also remove the scraps of aluminum that were stuck to it. Now continue to do this until the bolt is bottomed, making sure that you only advance about one tum at a time before removing the bolt to clean it and re-grease it. As these self-tapping bolts come in various sizes, I would recommend that you take your old drain plug with you just to make sure that you get the correct size. --- ~ w Z W ...J U > U

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