November 2,1971
America's largest and most complete weekly motorcycle newspaper
Not Bike-Lust but Guerrilla Theatre
--See page 3 for t.e report
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Croken. down.
The '. race
Internacion;iI, sponsored jointly by the
Palm Springs Dune Buggy Assn. and the
Baja Racing Association. It had the
blessings of the Palm Springs Chamber
of Commerce, The Mexican Chamber of
Commerce, the Baja Tourist Office and
the Mexican Tourist Office and was
. being run "For the benefit of the
schools and Orphanages in Baja
California." It was a 700 mile, 3-day
2499 Ou i 11osAve.
affair that started in Palm Springs and
looped way down into Baja before
returning to the U.S. at Mexicali. The
entry fee was a sizeable $250 ,!,ail; and
$300 post.
There weren't many entries; only six
motorcycles and 12 cars for' a total of
18, but this did not stop the promoters
from telling entrants and prospective
entrants that they - had in
neighborhood of 60 entries. They told
Dean Goldsmi th (a perspective entrant)
that they had 57 entries and John Davis
(one of the stranded contestants) that
they had 60. I also talked to Amiand
Caprio who said he had the impression
that there were going to be more but
that his sponsor had done the actual
dealing with the promoters. This
inflation of the entry seems to be a
fairly common practice in off-road
racin$.lt will be brought to a halt when
someone takes a promoter to court and
charges fraud: What is essentially being
said is that there is three times as much
prize money available as there is, in fact,
John Davis, who was riding for
Lancaster S\lzuki, went past the first
check near the Mexican border and
started down into some of the most
desolate area in Mexico, the Laguna
Salada. Some 70 miles later he broke
down. He was still 40 miles from the
next check.' It was about 4. p.m. John
laid out the colored plastic panels that
he had been given that were supposed to
enable the airplanes to find him and sat
back to wait. He didn't have any water.
He had given his canteen to young Larry'
Roseler whom he had passed earlier.
Sometime later, Larry came by. He
had managed to get his Baja running
again, so he returned the canteen. HI
had a little packet of coffee," said John.
"I already knew I was going to have to
spend the night so I built a rite and I
was going to have one cup of coffee.
(Please turn to page 25)