Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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VOLUME VIII NUMBER 38 -October 5,1971 PRICE THIRTY CENTS America's largest and most complete weekly motorcycle newspaper NAME THE BABY PRO This baby picture (what else?) is of a weU known racer; each week we will be giving you some clues and the fIrst person to correctly identify the "Mystery Pro" will receive $5 from Cycle News. Send your guesses to "BABY PRO", c/o Cycle News, P. O. Box 498, Long Beach, CaHL, 90801-letters containing more than two guesses will be disq ualHied. BABY PRQ-Clues No.1: We got this picture from his wife who says that last year he was 25 and that he rides professionally on the National Circuit. His hair is still blond but he has gained in beight and he rides TIs and half-miles. He was at the Ascot National, but we won't tell you which one until next week. Enough clues, send your entries to the above address...if no winner by next week, you can expect a bunch more clues Above. Tom Rockwood (9) and Jody Nicholas (23) really battle it out for the win at the 20-Lap AMA National at Ascot Park in Gardena. Calif. Before it was over, the lead had changed more than a dozen times; see who won on pages 6-7. Right, the Yanks are off and running to an unbelievable showing at the ISOT at the Isle of Man-they tied overall for fourtb with Holland, their best effort ever. ISLE Of MAN By Sharon Clayton DOUGLAS, ISLE OF MAN, Sept. 20·25, 1971 - With 20 men finishing out of 32 starters, all on Gold or Silver medals, America gave the rest of the worla something new to fret aboul at the 46th annual runnmg of the International Six·Days Trials. The coveted World Trophy for the best team performance again went behind the Iron Curtain to Czechoslovakia, for the • second year in a row. But the free world is hanging in there with West Germany only nine points down from the Czechs on special tests, foUowed by tbe Communists of East Germany and very close on their wheels the American sportsmen and tbe Dutch teams, tied for fourth place. Much credit for our country's showing in this, the world's hardest annual test of man and machine, belongs to the AMA. In its first overseas assignment, the AMA organized and directed our men and the American support crews like a battle drill. Director of Amateur Activities Mike Vancil was the head honcho, with former pro director Tom Clark riding scout, and Penton designer John Penton cracking the whip over the Trophy team (half of whom were relatives). Last year at the ISDT in Spain, CiC'.F:NBWS 2409CBi .....Ast.. • • without the AMA, the U.S. Trophy Team was 12th and last before the end of the first day. This year, on the green little island in the Irish Sea, we were fifth as the first nigh t fell, and already the scrutineers were beginning to watch us closely, a new experience for Americans at the ISDT, for we never had bee n considered serious competition before. Enthusiasm ran high. The first day was not completed without casualties on our side. Steve Hurd on the Vase "B" team lost no marks, but had to retire after crashing and bashing a hole in his Puch's gas tank which he could not repair. Parts are marked with a special paint to ensure that the same motorcycle finishes the six days as the one that started. Riders can change nothing except tires and nobody can help them. The Czechs consider mechanical talent more important in 6-Days tban riding ability, and who should know better? To make their teams, they take expert J awa mechanics and teach them to ride. The GeJ:.mans are more complex. Everyone knows, but nobody can prove that a sample of the special paint that is mixed to a different secret formula for marking parts each year is flown to a (Please tum to page 19) Ne-w-spaper Long Be EtdJ.CB. 90801 OWD4274t33