America's largest and most complete weekly motorcycle newspaper
An appeal has been received from
AMA Grand National Champion Gene
Romero on the suspension levied against
him by the Chairman of the AMA
Competition Congress July l2. Romero
and three other Expert riders were
suspended for 15-days for having
submi tted falsified medical forms with
physicians' signatures forged on those
The three other riders involved were
Charles Palmgren of freehold, N.J.;
IUchard Hammer of Artesia, Calif.; and
Gordon Van Leeuwen of Los Angeles,
The AMA's Legal council reviewed
the appeal and has reported to the
association that it is not proper under
the professional rule book. Thereby, it
is not to be honored by the AlvlA.
Legal council arrived at this opinion
based on Chapter 17 of the 1971
Professional Competition Rule Book
which states in the last paragraph under
B-2 "Any suspension levied by the
chairman of the Competition Congress
hereunder shall be for not less than 15
days for th e first offense and not less
than six months for a second offense of
the same nature. There shall be no
appeal from any suspension levied
h ereu nder. n
The riders have served four days of
their 15-day sllspension, consequently
11 additional days of their suspension
are to be served.
Motorcycles have again returned to the famed Pikes Peak Hillclimb this
year (top) even though the AMA lifted its sanction for the event. Next
year it will be sanctioned, however. As it was, the climb was still a success.
Photo by Shirley Knop; report on page 21. Above, Eddie Mulder (20),
Dave Aldana (3) and Sonny Burres each took turns leading the IT
National at Castle Rock, Wash., Saturday. A report on who won "by only
6 inches" begins on page 18. Photo by Walt Mahoney.
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Long Beacb,Ca.