Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1971 06 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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- - - - - - - _ . -- --- I" THE BAJA 500 THEI. 400cc EDGED OUT OUI J25cc .... - 0> c ": ::> .., ~ w Z WE GOT BEAT AGAIN W ...J U > U FIRST 10 MOTORCYCLES 1. Malcolm Smith, 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. J. N. Roberts Gene Cannady, Max Switzer Ron Bishop, Dick Hansen Gary Jones', DeWayne Jones Steve Hurd, Eric Jensen Mike Patrick, Phil-Bowers Niles Ussery, Dick Vick Ken Renick, Scott King Billy Silverthorn, Gene Fetty Cecil Oswald, John McDonald Husqvarna 400 11 :59 DKW 125 12:40 Kawasaki 350 FIRST 11 - ALL VEHICLES out of 218 entries 13:20 Yamaha 250 13:29 * DKW 125 13:31 Yamaha 360 14:32 Triumph 650 15:15 Yamaha 360 15:27 Honda 350 15:40 Kawasaki 125 16:41 11:11 11 :39 Bronco 11 :51 Bandido 11:56 Husqvarna 400 11 :59 Burro 12:02 Ford Pickup 12:24 Ford Pickup 12:24 Buggy 12:34 VWBug 12:35 DKW 125 12:40 Bud Ekins 3. Larry Minor, * If we beat the "better machine", what do you call our machine? 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Jack Bayer J. R. Johnson, Rene Leonhard Malcolm Smith, J. N. Roberts Les Choat, Andy DeVercelly, Jr. Ak Miller, Ray8rock Walker Evans, Shelby Mongeon Dub Smith, Jim Ellis John Steen, John Lawlor 11. Gene Cannady, Max Switzer Gene Cannady Max Switzer - Funco SS 1 Buggy 1. Bob Ferro 2; Drino P. Miller, We keep going to Baja figuring to take first place overall. Each year we almost do it. We keep sweeping our class. We beat the 25O's and the 360's and the 4OO~s and the 65O's. But there always seems to be one bike, usually about 3 times bigger than ours (and twice as expensive) that manages to squeak in a hair faster. This time it was a 400cc 8-speed Husqvarna ridden by a couple of guys named J.N. Roberts and Malcolm Smith, whom we are told are pretty good riders. Anyway, we guess our DKW riders, Gene Cannady and Max Switzer, who were second overall, Steve Hurd and Eric Jensen, fifth overall, can still hold their heads up - they didn't do too bad considering the o KW's were only 125's. We wonder what J.N. and Malcolm will do if we ever get a bigger DKW. THE LITTLE .,rE THAT WI"S THE BIG lACES distributed by Hercules Distributing Ltd. 9827 Mason, Chatsworth, Calif. 91311 (213) 882-8272 EXClUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR FOR THE UNITED STATES & TERRITORIES DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED

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