Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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N l ;::: Cl ~ w Z W ACA TTIST. EI Toro. lCa.) Spedwy. 1-5 & EI Toro Rd. $5 mail 16/211. $10 post. 7:30 pm. 714/774-3222. SPEEDWAY. SRA. Kern Bakersifled. Ca. 8:30 pm program. 213/793-1558. >- (.) SAT. & SUN•• JULY 3 & 4 ACA ROAD RACE. Willow Springs. Ca. 6and 12-hours. 714/774·3222. Co. Frgnds. Free parking. BENEFIT MX. Inglewood Fireman's Assn. Ascot Pk .. Gardena. Ca. 7:30 pm $5 post. CMC lic. req·d. THURSDAY, JUNE 24 ...J (.) ST. Almeda Spdwy. 5 mi. S. of Astrodome. Houston. Tex. Cars & cydes. 7:30 pm $2.50 gate. 713/529-3105. WEDNESDA Y, JUNE 23 CMC MX. Ascot Pk .• Gardena. Ca. $5 post. Night. 213/323-9710. ST. TT SCRAMBLES. Arena Pk. Rcwy. Lubbock. Tex. 8 pm Hi-Plains Racing Assn. 5304 48th. Lubbock. Tex. 79404. TT/FT. Troj.n Spdwy. South G.te. Ca. Night. 213/862.Q229. OLD TIMERS' RACE at Indian Dunes. Valenci•• Ca. 805/498-8976. MX. AC.E. Indi.n Dunes. Valencia. C•. C.n-Am series. $5 entry. sign 6:30 am $500 to Seniors. 805/259-8000. AMATEUR ST, Chris 8eck Arena. Santa Rosa lCa.) Frgnds. 6:30 pm $2 ride/watch. 707/838-2731. SCRAMBLES. HAYWARD. H.yward Spdwy. C•. 7 pm. $2 ride/watch. ·c· tr.c. 3800 Depot Rd.• S. H.yward. Ca. SWAP MEET. Cycle Swap. Inc. Or.nge Co. Frgnds. Costa· Mesa, C... Shoppers $1. salle" : $5. Info: 4231 River:dale. Anaheim. Ca. 92806. 714/637;1~. SATURDAY, JUNE 26 MINI. SCMBA. Trojan Spdwy. South G.te. Ca. Noon. $3 post. $1. gate. 11 cl...... 213/862.Q2~. TT. Elsinore R.ce Track. Elsinore. C•. 7:30 pm OffHwy71. SPORT ST. V.lley. Cyclel.nd Spdwy. 14 mi. S. of Chico. C•. 8:30 pm; $2 ridelwatch. 3 pl.t... 916/342-9302. PRO %-MILE. Agej.oian Ent. Corona (C•. ) Rcwy. 8 pm. $1200 pu"e. Free perking. 714/735-1705. • . AC,E MX. Sprockets. Sprockets MX 143rd St. E. 63rd St. S .• Wichit•. Ks. $2 entry. $1 .50 watch. 316/683-6845. MINIS. AMRA. Indi.n Dunes. V.lenci•• C•. .• $'2.50 post ($3 non-meinbe'rs). 10 .m. 805/259-8000. ACA MX. P.rk. $6 'mail 16/25). $13 post. $1 extra cless. 10:30 em. 106 N. CI.udin•• Suite 312. An.heim. Ca. 92805. 714/774-3222. MX, Rough Riders. C.rnegie Cycle P.rk. Livermore. C.. Sign 7 .m. race 9. . 415/581·1256. CMC MX. Osteen Park. Pomone. Ca. $5 mail (6/29). $10 post. lD .m Bpx 1402. Costa M.... C•. 92626. . . INTER-AMA MX. ',Il)dian Dunes. ·Valenci•• C•. $4000 purse. HILLCLIMB. Riders Unltd. Cycle Hmo, San Jose. C•. 408/296-1371. TT SCRAM8LES. San Bernardino Valley. Elsinore. Ca. Signups: Ultr. 7:30. LW 10. HW noon. 0-37 pts. 7141822-2252. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30 DUAL EUROPEAN SCRAMBLES. So. C.1. & Ch.rgers. Limed from Calif. City golf course. 53.25: 9 am. 0-37 pIS.. 4445 Ethel Ave.. Studio City. Ca. 91li04. SUNDAY, JUNE 27 AMA NATIONAL:. %-MILE. Ohio F.irgrounds. Columbus. Oh io. 20 leps. State HRA MX. Niguel Series. 395 Cycle Park. Adalanto. Ca. lo..m $5.50 entry. $1.50 gate. Camp. 714/246-6109. HRA TT. Huntington Beach (Ca.l Cyde P.rk. Entry $225. gate $1.50. Sign by 10 .m. 714/246-6109. CMC MX. C.rlsbad (Ca.) Rcwy. .Penton Series. $5 mail (6/221. $,10 post. 10 .m. Box 1402. Cost. M.... Ca. 92626. TT SCRAMBLES. Richmond R.mblers. V.llejo lC•. 1Spdwy. Noon. $2 ridel_tch. 'C' Tr.c. ACA TTIST. South Bay Spdwy. S.n Diego. C.. $5 post (150-Qpenl, $3 post ( 1251. License req·q. 714/774-3222. , MINI ST. MBWWRA.. S.n.Jose (Ca.) Frgnds. Use Re.r Entrance, $2.50 r.ce. $1 watch. Noon. Box AE. C.mpbell. Ca. BENEFIT ENGLISH' TRIALS'. ' SDTR. Miramar, Ca. limed from Genesee and Miram.r Rds. $3, + $1 /lonation. Sign 8:30 • m. No chambers. 714/259-5565, 278-3466. Motocross Schedule & up coming events PRO %-MILE/TT. ACA. South Bay Spdwy. San Diego. Ca. $4 entry. prac. 11 .m. race 1. 714/469-6092. at Indian Dunes Park ~'Cle . ACA TTIST. EI Toro (Ca.l Spdwy. 1-5 & EI Toro Rd. $5 mail (6/28). $10 post. 7:30 pm. 714/774-3222. SPEEDWAY. SRA. Kern Bakersfield. Ca. 8:30 pm. program. 213/793-1558. Co. Frgnds. Free perking. THURSDAY, JULY 1 CMC MX. Ascot P.rk. G.rdena. C•. $5 post. Night. 213/323-9710. STITT SCRAMBLES. Arena Pk. Rcwy. Lubbock. Tex. 8 pm Hi-Plains Racing Assn. 5304 48th. Lubbock. Tex. 79404. TT/FT. Trojan Spdwy, South G.te, Calif. Night. 213/862.Q229. FRIDAY, JULY2 %·MILE. Ascot Park. Gardena. C... Night. 213/323-9710: SPEEDWAY, Or.nge Co. Frgnds. Costa Mesa. Ca. 8:15 pm Adults $2.50. keen teens $1.50. kids 50 cents. 213/793-3927. SPORT SCRAMBLES. American Cyn. V.llejo (C•. ) Spdwy. 8 pm. $2 ride/w.tch. ·c· Trac. 707/644-0741. PRO TT. Ore. Sidewinders. On Lawnfield Rd. near,.,..,s. Ore. 8 pm 503/659-1022. CLASS 'A' ST. Cal Expo. Sacramento. Ca. B:15 pm. MINIS. SCMBA. Trojan Spdwy, South Gate. Ca. Noon. $3 post, $1 gate. 11 classes. 213/862.Q229. - ss.dati•• June 27 - Viking Series . SATURDAY, JULY 3 ES:!I.erican June 26 - All Junior Day • MINI ST. MBWWRA. San Jose (Ca.l Frgnds. Use rear entrance. $2.50 race. $1 w.tch. Noon. Box AE. Campbell. Ca. MX. >DeedrriBn's Point. Apple V.lley. Ca. 10 .m. $2 post ($2.50 nOn·membersl. $2 gate. 714/247·7473 eves. . PRO TT. Mt. St. Helens. Box 51. Castle Rock. 98611. PRO TT. Ore. Sidewinders. On Lawnfield Rd. nr. Ore. 8 pm. 503/659-1022. SUNDAY, JULY4 ACA %-MILEITT, South Bay Spdwy, San Diego. C.. $5 post 1250/0pen). $3 post (1251. License req'd. 714/774-3222. %-MILE. Ascot Pk.. G.rdena. Ca. Night. 213/323-9710. CLASS 'A' ST. Cal Expo. S.cramento. C•. 8:15 pm ALL·JUNIOR MX. Bay Mare. Somis. Ca. $4 mail. $7 post. Box 371. Somis. Ca. 93066. 805/648-6501.529-1872. HRA TT. sport riding and practice. Huntington Beach (Ca.l Cycle Park. All cards honored. 10 am-4 pm $1.50. 714/246-6109. TT/FT. Trojan Spdwy. South Gate. Ca. 4:30 pm. $5 post for 50-lapper. 213/862-0229. FRIDAY, JUNE 25 SPORT SCRAMBLES. American Cyn.• V.llejo lC• .l Spdwy. 8 pm $2 ride/watch. 'C' tr.c. 707/644.Q741. HARE SCRAMBLES. Lost Coyotes. Bird Springs area. limed north from Red Rock Cyn. $3.25. 9 am. 0-37 pIS. 805/942-2142. HARE SCRAMBLES, Greyhounds. Ponderosa, 15 mi. E. of Lancaster. Ca.. on Ave. J. 10 am. 213/367-2907. MX. Cal·Am. 1-80 to Harbor Blvd.. north to Hwy 16, left 3 mi. $4 entry. $2 gate. 11 .m. 1325 15th St.• Room B. Sacramento. C•. 95814.916/446-5059. SCRAMBLES. Shasta. H.ppy Valley Rcwy. 11 mi. W. of Anderson. Ca. 8 pm. $2 ride/w.tch. 9161365·7753. 365-1709. SPEEDWAY. Or."'ge Cp" GFrgnds. Cost. . M.... C.1. 8:15 pm. $2,,50 .dults. t.eners $1 .50. kids 50 cents. 213/793·3927. AMALIE 2000. SMRA. Triple-header. w/MX. drags. & road races. Green Valley Rcwy. N. of Fort Worth. Tex. 915/949-1030. TT, Elsinore Race Track. Elsinore. Ca. 7:30 pm. Off Hwy 71. presents (PLease tum to pg. 50) regularly scheduled , . even" ATTENTION PROMOTERS: For I.isting in this column call or write: CYCLE NEWS Box 498, Long Beech. Ca. 90801 (2131 427·7433 1st THURS. MONTH. OF EVERY 250 TT, 50 lap - Trojan Speedway. Guaranteed $300.00 purse. Pre-entry fee $5.00. Post Entry fee $10.00. Send entries to 5601 Southern Ave., South Gate, Calif. or bring by the track. Gates open 5:30, Close 7:00. First race 7:30. Also regularly scheiluled program. For further information .call: (213) 923-9132 or 862-0229. EVERY WEDNESDAY. A.C.A. SHORT ,TRACK & TT at EI Toro Speedway (formerly Orange County Speedway) 23001 Valencia. EI Toro. Calif.• EI Toro off-ramp San Diego Freeway. Pre-Entry $5.00. Post-Entry $10.00. ,Pits open 6:00 p.m.. practice 7 :00. First race 8:00 p.m. ACA license required. Pit men $2.00 membership. Guaranteed Purse Sr. Classes. Admission $2.50, Jr. (12·16) $1.50. Info: (714) 744·3222. EVERY FRIDAY: AMA Professional Short Track races. Capitol Speedway, West Sacramento. Calif. Quarter Mile dirt track. Ph. 916·371·7492. Warmups 6:30, races 8 p.m. June 23 - EI Taro Speedway Short Track & TT July 5 - Skyrocket Grand Prix July 10 -'AII Junior Day· SPORT ST. Valley. Cycleland Spdwy. 14 mi. S. of Chico. Ca. 8:30 pm. $2 ride/_tch. 3 plates. 916/342-9302. June 27 - Saddleback Park Motocross July 4 - "Can-Am" Series PRO TT, Mt. St. Helens. Box 51. Castle Rock. 1st & 3rd SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH PRO %-MILE. Agajani.n Ent. Corona (Ca.) Rcwy. 8 pm. $1200 purse. Free parking. 714/735-1704. Deadman's Point. Apple Valley, Cal. 1st & 3rd Sunday - Motocross - all cJasses 8 a.m. practice - 1{) a.m. start - $2.00 gate entry $2.00 race entry with membership, $2.50 without membership. Info (7141247-7473 (eves.) June 27 - Southbay Speedway TT ~mile& • Mai I entry th is event For further info. see calendar or phone ACA office 10-6 M-F (714) 774-3ACA ACE 28700 Saugus-Ventura Rd. P.O" Box 174, Newhall. Cal. Info (805) 259-8000 NEW RIDERS. THE FIRST TIME OUT. ARE NOT CHARGED POST ENTRY l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"9 J. .~ a AGAelANIAN Presents ••• A.M.A. FLAT TRACK HtmBqde ~ llateS Nigh' 8:00 ., Adults $2.50, Jr.'s & Servicemen in uniform $2.00 8 to 12 $1.00, Under 8 Free - FREE PARKING l"""'''''''''''''''\'\''''\'''''''''''''''\\''''''''\''\\\\\\,\\\\\\\,\,\\\\\\\\\\'\1 i :; ST. Washoe Co. Frgnds Ar.ena. Reno. Nev. 7:30 pm. 702/323-6055. OSTEEN'S Bike Park in POMONA Now Over 400 Acres New Hours: Open every day 8 :00-5:30 Admission: $1.50 per motorcycle & Mini Cycle $1.00 Per Mini Bike .50 Per penon +10% tax. Release forms required for info. write 610 Cherry St.• Brea. Ca. 92671 Clubs & Promoters note: MX track available. contact: Paul Marshall (714) 52.9·3578. EVERY SATURDAY TT RACING at Elsinore Race Track. Gates open at 3. races at 7:30. Off Hwy. 71 in Elsinore, Cal. EVERY SATURDAY Professional TT (night) by the Mt. St. Helens M/C Club. Inc.• at Castle Rock. Wash. For information write: P.O. Box 51. Castle Rock, Wash. EVERY THURSDAY CMC NIGHT MOTOCROSS AT ASCOT PARK$5 post entry - 3 number plates. CMC license required. Pit gates 4:30 PM. First race - 7:30 PM. $400 purse, Experts - trophies. Juniors and Intermediates. General admission $2.95. Junior admission $1.50, Kids admission $.50. Under 8 Free. EAtries close 6:30 PM.