Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1971 06 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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... l ... ~ CIl u:i .. ~ l: .., " ~ w Z W ...J (.J > (.J IYI~I I •• "America's No. 1 weekly motorcycle newspaper. You'll always see it FIRST in Cycle News'" "7"'~ "J'-' ·~ •• I.· '." '.<\'~' Publisher Charles Clayton Business Manager Sharon Clayton General Manager Tom Culp Managing Editor John Bethea Assistant Editor. . . . . . . . . David Swift Circul~tion Manager Rheba Smith Circulation Ass't Marla Tarbet Productiol1 Manager Steve LeH uray Production Assistant Ed Drechsler Advertising Assistant .. Barbara Richard Bookkeeper Dorothea Lang Bookkeeper Ass't. . Eleanor Duke Lab Technician Larry Groves Cycle News East, Dixie Cycle News, and National Advertising information: Tom Culp, National Advertising Director. Cycle News (West), P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, California 90801. (213) 427·7433 - L.A. 636-8844. TELEX NO. 673-474 Subscription': One year 2nd class mail 2 years 2nd class mail 3 years 2nd class mail Single copy price . . . · .$9.00 · $15.00 · $18.00 · . $.30 Published weekly except the first and last week of the calendar year by Cycle News, Inc., Post Office Bo,x 49B, Long Beach, California, also publishers of Cycle News East, and Dixie Cycle News. Second Class Postage paid at Long Beach, Calif. Editorial stories, cartoons, photos, etc. are welcome. Addressed, stamped envelope assures return of editorial maner. Reprinting in whole or in part only by permission of the publishers. Advertising rates and circulation information will be sent upon request. See S.R.D.S. ....._' TIME WAS TIGHT The fint page of your June 1 issue was regarding AB 2985 "Snowmobile & Off·Road Vehicle Act of 1971" wherein Russ Sanford urged us to, write our representatives in Sacramento urging them to vote against same. In this article, it was mentioned that the committee hearing would be May 26, 1971 - I did not receive Cycle News until May 27thlll In the legislative guide furnished by M.O.R.E. under "Letterwriting Tips" the f'lrst suggestion.reads, "Make certain that your letter is timely. Write when the legislation is pending in committee." I did write immediately to my representatives - I only hope that it was NOT too late. Isn't there some way to inform us a little sooner, next time???' MRS. F. E. CUNDIFF Los Angeles, Calif. It would .ppear that th.y tri.d to sneak this on. by us. Th. bill was supposedly writt.n basis". Mrs. Eamest, if I may be so kind as to tell you; you would do a lot better to rap Red Owen and the District ll5 rules than me. "J.C." Santa Barbara, Calif. BAD START IGNORED. I have just returned from the May 2llrd MX races held at Bay Mare, sponsored by the Side Hack..Association for District ll7 points. I feel that one of the motos was unjustly allowed to continue. At the time, I reported it to the Bay Mare omcials and they agreed with me, but they said that they could do nothing because the Side Hack' Association was handling the races for that day. I then went to the Sid. Hack officials and was rudely told they didn't intend put on a fme enduro, but without clear and positive laws and policies to follow, none of us will know where we stand. ROBERT JANSEN TOM CARRANZA DICK CHASE BARSTOW·TO·VEGAS I have a vacation coming up in November and would like to ride the Barstow to Vegas run. Can you tell me which club puts this on, so I may contact them? R.C. LITTLE Ukiah, Calif. It's sponsored by the San Gabriel Valley M.C., P.O. Box 813, EI Monte, Cal. 91734_.Ed. QUACK, QUACKI You have to be putting us onl We see all these various "Quackl Quack!" signs at the desert events and in your paper two months ala but was "unavailable" until one week before the committee meeting b.cause it hadn't been printed y.t. W. w.nt to two d.ys prior to the hearing with the pap.r mail.d a d.y I.t.rl In oth.r words, w. know .x.ctly how you f••1. However, the response still was able to shake up • f.w people In Sacram.nto .s the bill was am.nded but more still needed. A report on what's happening appears in the MORE column on th. n.xt p.g•... Ed. DESERT RIDING AREA A 15,000 acr. area of Barstow has been made available by .our City for off-road recreational vehicles. This site is immediately availabl. for use by all cycle clubs. Additionally, all types of services, Le., gas, food, lodging, police and medical, are availabl. within minutes of the site at Barstow. BARSTOW The enclosed" is provided to indicate the exact location of the area should you be gracious enough to publicize it. The center portion (in white) is private property and off-road vehicles may use that portion indicated by diagonal lines. GEORGE F. BRUTON Manage! Barstow Chamber of Commerce A QUESTION OF DISTRICTS This letter is in regard to Margaret Earnest's complaint about me riding Junior when I hold a District ll5 Expert card. First, I would like to explain how I obtained this classif'Jcation. I began racing November, 1969. In June of 1970 I was given an Expert card after having won only two races in District ll5. In District ll7 I have yet to win a race, and I believe I am an honest Junior. I fumly believe that District ll7 has the right idea, since they don't have you racing with the Big Boys until you start winning and placing high Dn a "regular" VOICES OF THE WEST to do anything to correct the situation. I infonned them that I intended to report it to the AMA. The official in charge said "go ahead". The details are as follows: It was the 2nd 25 minute heat of the 250cc Novice class lst division. Most of the riders are accustomed to a flagman starting the race, how.ver, today they were using starting lights. The riders were lined up, motors racing, ready to start. The amber ligh t flashed signaling to get ready. Fifteen to twenty riders took off, at which' point some riders realizing they had "jumped the gun" started to back up, still others started to tum around; the riders who remain.d on the line couldn't decide what to do; as confusion prevailed. Then the green light flashed signaling the start of the race. My point is, I considered it an unfair start and thought the heat should have b.en restarted to give all the riders an equal chane.. The Side Hack Association did not give a valid reason for not restarting the race, they preferred 'to ignore the whole matter. I realize the race cannot be rerun, but 1 do think the Side Hack Association should be cautioned against further actions of this nature. I don't think th~ AMA would sanction an unfair race, right or wrong? I would appreciate 'a reply. MRS. O.-F. SPECHTENHAUSER Thousand Oaks, Calif. VIEWFINDER~S ANSWER We, the Viewf'Jnder Team, would like to clear the air and explain our disqualification in the Shamrock '5 Enduro. We have been riding as a B team for three years, and in our mail in entry we were all B riders. At sign in Saturday, Dick Chase was notif'Jed by the sign in lady he was now an A rider, but that it would not effect our scoring as B riders. We made a defmite point of checking this out. Now District ll7 disqualif'les us for riding with and taking advantage of our A rider, who by the way has never been officially notif'led that he is an A rider yet hy District ll7. -The Shamrocks-are a great c~.:aTd , ~_ • • - ~ • - •• - - -. • • ~ - -0' and other publications' advertising sections. We heard a rumor that Wallis Weatherwax is a factory rider for a British fmn and that Desert Duck stands for the name of a new four-stroker that is going to clean up the desert. Is there any truth to all this? Does a Wallis W.atherwax really exist? Someone's pulling our leg. CURTIS LEE FOSLEY (no return address) W. have been r.ceivlng littl. blurbs her. and there and everywhere questionina the advertis.m.nts you discuss, Mr'-C. L. Fosl.y (if th.t r••lly Is your name!), Including. phone call r.c.ntly from Mrs. Wallis W.atherwax (yes, Virgin., th.r. appar.ntly is • Wallis W.atherw.x) .nd sh. puts it this w.y. "Who is it? Who has b••n placing those ads? W.'v. questioned all of our fri.nds and nobody seems to know who it is. Th. Des.rt Ducks is just. group of our fri.nds who rid. motorcycles." Well, it seems to be coming to • head .nd w. ha... faint suspicion that on. "Curtis Lee FosI.y" may culprit - that is, of course, the pl~cer of the ~dvertisements (who .Iw.ys p.ys cash with no name or r.turn .ddress) has d.cided to bring him into the affair as w.lI. Meanwh II., hats off to Mr. We~therw~x, who, is his wife says, is uking this very well - th~t is, come to think of it, if sh••ctually was his wif•. Hummmmmm... Ed. HOW TO MAKE A CHAMPION WORLD In talking with avid enthusiasts, reading your Letters to the Editor column, and in general motorcycle circles, there is a great amount of talk about having a future United States rider become Champion of the World in motocross. The AMXT has done an admirable job in soliciting funds the tmancia! support of an American team who will be touring Europe this year representing our country. I have to agree with John Stein in your June lst issue, that the riden being sent to Europe under AMXT auspices are hand picked riden, and that perhaps an elimination contest should be held to determine who really the public support for deserves representing all of us in Europe. Believe me, I am not taking anything from Barry Higgins, Bryan Kenney, and especially Bob Grossi. They are all tr.mendous competitiors and will repruent•..their ocDUlltrlY;l WdL.j.&llt iUQ. they the best possible team to send to Europe? Many people don't think so. I hop. that in the future the AMA can organize an off'Jcial American team, to be decided by results throughout the year, or based on qualif'lcation rounds. True, not all top professional motocross riders ride AMA .vents, but I feel with the way the AMA has handled motocross so far since being the FIM deleJta te, that they are doing a f'lne job. UO,OOO guaranteed purse for the Summer Inter·AMA series is one indication of. this. If the AMA can get on the ball next year' regarding an off'J~1 U.S. team, I feel it will still .be easy to get donations from the public, but this time in the fonn of a $ 7.00 AMA membership, which, besides helping select a real team, will qualify the donor to participate in sportsman events an enjoy other AMA bene,f'lts. That kind of covers this year's team to Europe andsome hope for next year's team. But what about the future, three to five years from now, when the now prom ising youngsters will be experienced and mature enough for such an opportunity? Well, I feel that they are at a great disadvantage with the 'way local promoters and clubs are running motocross today, especially in Southern California. First of all, almost all events are for three 20 minute motos. If the entiTes are excessive, these Matos become 5 laps instead of 20 minutes. The reason of course, is ohvious, to try to let everyhodY race. But believe me, this will not provide an American Worid 's champion. You must understand the Europeans approach to motocross. All of the top European stars are completely dedicated to their sport. They ride and work out daily. They eat the right foods, usually under a dietician's guidance, they run and swim daily, they ride for hours each day, and they are mentally prepared for the battle. We, as Americans, are not that dedicated to our hobbies, except of course for a few prof.ssionals like Jack Nicklaus, Jim Ryan or the like. We have many young men who do take motocross seriously and undergo rigorous training and conditioning. But the sad part is they only race, under actual race conditions, for approximately on. hour a we.k. I hope soon, and the sooner the better, all of the clubs realize this and start running longer motos. Perhaps three llO-minute motos, or even 2 40' minute motos. The actually racing time is about the same, however, the total days card doesn't take as long as some promoters think, because you have fewer motos to run, hence, less time getting the races off, clearing the track, etc. During the last Inter-Am this was very obvious that this is what the top American riders needed. Race after race, I witnessed American rid~ running in the top 7 or 8 spots against the Europeans, only to tire after 20 minutes. 20 minutes is just when the Europeans are getting their second wind and going strong. The 250cc Grand Prix of Poland ,just a couple of weeks ago had two 50·minute motos. Can you imagine any American rider going 50 minutes under that physical and mental _._, Su ...... We will be rooting for the AMXT team when they go to Europe this fall, and continued success to Bryan Kenney in National local events. But my heart is with a young man named Brad Lackey, who is the only American rider competing for the World's Championship in motocrolS, and with no fanfare. Brad has a full 'cz factory contract including a van, a work '5 bike, a practice bike, a mechanic, full spare parts, a nice apartment and a good income. Brad so impressed the CZ factory people when they were in the U.S. that they almost signed him to a .1I.U J.u ~il ..... l(,1J:" (:J'f:(PIeaR t'Ml'II *tJf,ll4AJ9)

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