Dunes Team MX Staged
Jim Wilson won the 500 cla.. and took second in the 250s. but was later disquali ied and
suspended for delivering that age-old gesture of insolent ill will to some spectators. Tsk·tsk.
Wilso_n Can't Win ·for Losing
ByJohn Grout
VALENCIA, CAL., May 23, 1971 Young Jim Wilson would probably have
been well advised to have stayed home
in bed on this particular Sunday, instead
of trying to compete in Indian Dunes'
weekly slip and go show. Because, as of
late, he either gets everything all
together, or else everything gets all
together against him. There's no middle
While encountering more problems
than one could expect, the "Torrance
Skyrocket" evenly divided his efforts
between grabbing three srraight wins in
the Open Senior jamboree; taking a 2nd
over·all against the 250cc tribe; and last
- but far from least - doing something
illegal, resulting in a 30-