Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1971 06 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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..... '" ~ w Z W .J (.) >(.) - ,THERE ARE VERY FE\Y ENDURO BIKES \yORTHY OF THE NAME. BULTACO HAS THREE OF THEM. Despite what some manufacturers so obviously think, an "Enduro" bike isn't just a street bike with knobby tires. . It has to be a tough, rugged dirt bike capable ot matching anything the backwoods have to offer. But it still has to be a tractable~ fu lIy muffled bike that can be ridden on the public roads. Ours are ... all three of them. The Lobito (in 125cc or 175cc form), the 250cc Matador and the lusty Montadero 360. All street legal in every degree and all proven winners off the road. - Bu Itaco Montadero 360. BUL....CO ..... April 24-25 The Lonesome Pine National 2-day Enduro High Point - 1st Overall- Montadero - Bob Puckett March 21,1971 The Fallen Timbers National Enduro Class A Open· 3rd - Montadero • Bob Puckett Class B 251-450 - 1st - Montadero - Rick Smith BULTACO MATADOR CONTINUES TO WIN·. Taking First Place in the Sio-Pokes Enduro, Clear Lake, California. Lewis Milligan, First 250 Expert. Collecting two Gold Medals over the two days of May 15 & 16 in the rugged Berkshire Trial, an I.S.D.T. qualifying event held annually in the woods of New England. Jerry Paholke and Tom Canning, just two more Bultaco riders earing Gold Medals. Want to know more about Bultaco? Write for illustrated literature to: Bultaco Services, Inc. PO Box 101, Santa Clara, California

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