Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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· ........ .~ , .... ~-_ .....--. ... Corona Council Backs Raceway i ... ..... Hello AMXT followers: Snowflake here to put you up to date on our progress on the European racing circuit. In my last report I had promised to boost spirits in the Kenney racing ranks after a flat tire cost us a race. I honestly tried (my straight meat diet was at stake), but following two races side by side it looked like the Depression of '29 around here. Bercheres-Ies-Pierres, the Saturday race, is a good track for spectators and riders. It's plenty wide to pass and includes a number of breath-taking jumps and descents and a fast straighL England had the strongest representation with Vic Eastwood, Dave Nicoll, and Andy Lee on the line-up. Nicoll came through with top honors. Bryan, in 8th place and not far from Marcel Wiertz, the Belgian ace, claimed to be saving a few RPM's for the next day. Our race on Sunday was located near Vannes on the west coast of France. The track sat right up on the top of a hill overlooking the countryside. With a little imagination, I could even see the ocean. This setting will serve as the site for the Motocross des Nations at the wind-up of the Kenney, Grossi, Higgins assault in September. One word of advice from a fellow speed freak - fabricate some sort of "solid" rubber tire. This track is rocky! Twenty-five riders kick up a lot of dust, and after the first start on this rocky terrain, I was wishing the old man had thought to put fog lights on the Husky. By the time the dust cleared, Bryan was running 5th, but on the 4th lap a sharp rock went right through his rear tire! By the second moto, despite my long face, he was 'setting high' in the saddle and ready to go. Again he held onto a solid 5th position, but his time toward the end of the moto, another tire blew! The last moto we all watched from the sidelines. Bryan was studying the top runners' lines. Even Wolfgang Muller, the German who won all three motos, looked like a sack of potatoes as he plowed through the washboards at the summit of one hill. More than one of the climbs had'to be cemented because of the deep dug-outs worn in from years of races. We'll hear more from this track in September. No time to play last week; not that we felt like it! Bryan I felt like a hare in a hare & hound trying to keep in front to snap this shot of Bryan. You can see him - behind Muller (1). worked full time checking over the bike and soaking up helpful hints from the Swedish riders in the same field while the old lady scrubbed the racing jerseys "a la primitif". And the long days paid off at our next race, Gaillefontaine, south of Rouen. The track was smooth and sweeping with several drop-offs into a quarry to add spice. Bryan finished 6th over-all, and we let out a sight of relief! Again Dave Nicoll topped the charts with his Beezer. Next week Bryan is riding his first Grand Prix of the season in Sweden. He'll need all the luck you can send our way to rub those Abergs into the ground! Look for my coverage and keep up the support. Remember: each batch of patches means one dog bone for me. Best - Snowflake (OK you AMXT fans - you've heard it from Snowflake. She needs the dog bones so you can help by sending in your $5 donation to the AMXT, P.O. Box 3276. Hollywood, Calif., 90028. In return, you'll be getting 8 neat AMXT patch as weU as getting your name printed in Cycle New. whan space permits.) PENNSYLVANIA CORONA, TOO "Your name is Rod Breaker and you're a writer for what?" --Richard Ses, Sacramento, Calif. And here are 'some runner-ups: "Don't stop now, Joe, I'm in the lead." - Steve Johnson, Woodland Hills, Calif. "It's not what it will cost me if you do succeed; it's what it will.cost you if you don't." - Randal Ferman, Monterey Park, Calif. "Hurry up and adjust the clutch; I think it's slllliiping." - Harnisch, North Hollywood, Calif. "That's OK, Joe, my nuts are tight enough as they are." - Chris Sorensen, Pioneertown, Calif. _ . "Forget the kickstarter, give me a push." - Mark Balzer, EI Toro, Calif. "Scratch my right ankle while you're at it Joe." - Robin Radlauer, La Habra, Calif. "Ya know, Harry, I'm kinda tired of operating on a shoestring." - Mark LeFont, Hollywood, Calif. "I'll let ya know in just a minute if I'll be needin' that 'pick-up' service." - Kolbe Cycle Sales, Woodland Hills, Calif. Developers: ORANGE, CAL., May 18, 1971 - A new company to aid developers in planning and operating motorcycle parks has been formed. Vic Wilson, recognized expert in the field has been appointed President of Cycle Parks Inc. headquarteres in this city_ Wilson built and manages Saddleback Park, now in its fourth year. Wilson brings his experiences to CPI, rounding out its complete package of planning and operating services. Off-road cyclists number about 750,000 in the western states and are feeling the pressure of desert restrictions recently imposed by local and Federa1 rulings. Says Wilson, ''We have learned the attitude and habits of cyclists of all ages over the years and we are convinced that private cycle parks, properly managed, are a. workable solution to the cycling family's HAS ITS Handle "Bar Park, near Huntingdon, Pa., has had an injunction ordering its permanent closing because it "constitutes a nuisance". The plaintiffs' major objection to the motorcycle drag strip was the noise created during practice and competition. The decision was issued on April 24 and will become effective with 20 days unless exceptions are filed. Gary Young, owner of the park, has stated he plans on filing exceptions based upon poor legal advice given during hearings and court processes. MOTORCYCLE TRADERS FAIR MD ~~ By ElaineJones CORONA, CAL. - The largest crowd ever present at a Corona City Council meeting turned out last Tuesday night, with the majority in support of Corona Raceway. The Council elected to hear from only those who were for the track, since the anti-people had already had their tum at a previous meeting. A representative of NASCAR spoke on what the cancellation of their race cost the track and the City of Corona. He stated that there were 20 tracks in the United States worthy of a NASCAR event and Corona was one of them. He also pointed out that sound proofing can and is built into good homes and does cut dowp noise. Representatives of both the stock cars and motorcycles spoke stating that they would do everything possible to cut down on noise. Sound experts have told owners, Felice and Laura Lipari that in order to place the acoustical walling so that it does its job they to run under all conditions to be aware of what the sound is going to do. When all was heard, the motion was made and seconded that a strong letter of recommendation be sent to the Riverside Board of Supervisors to have them reconsider the Injuction which bans all racing except Sundays, so that the Liparis can have the chance to correct the problem without going through a costly court fighL So far the District Attorney has not changed his mind. Now it is up to the people -who are in favor of the track, especially those who live in Riverside County, to write letters to the Board of Supervisors and the District Attorney and let them know there are a lot of people who care very deeply what happens to Corona. Since this is an election year, let them know how many votes they stand to lose if they don't start thinking. about the motorcycle enthusiasts they represent. TURN SPARE PARTS INTO CASH••• Weekend Sales Company is sponsoring a really big Motorcycle Traders Fairallhe Great Western Exhibit Center, just off the Santa Ana Freeway at Atlantic Boulevard, Friday June 18th. We invile bolh dealers and traders 10 Ihis spectaCUlar event. If you need something or want to gel rid of something, Ihis will be the place. Old and New parts and accessories. Spaces are available in 10'x 10' squares. that's a big 100 squa-re feet, for $5 and $1 O. Reserved spaces for only $15. Spaces are limited, problem. ''The difficulties in starting a cycle park cannot be taken lightly. It needn't take three years for a park to show 'a profit as it did at Saddleback if developers will take advantage of our past experience." continues Wilson. CPI offers a four part service: Feasibility study, planning and layout, operations and Co-op membership_ Adyantages in Co-op membership are promotional, efficiency and cost-<:utting in nature. William Miner, CPI operations manager, indicates that to be successful, a cycle park should be located very close to population centers for day-visits or far enough away and attractive for family outings with their campers or trailers. Developers can contact CPI at: PO Box 2455, Orange, Calif., 92667 or call 714/532-3973_ GREAT WESTERN FRIDAY EXHIBIT JUNE .18 CENTER so make reservations early. SP.M. TO MIDNIGHT If you just want to bring your body ii's only $1: Don't miss this mOlarcy_cle happening. For more information and reservations: TRADE FAIR HEADQUARTERS V\eEl. P.Q. BOX 25641, LOSANGELES,CALIFORNIA 90025 OR PHONE IO_DAY: (213} 478-7343 ~ w Z W ..J U > U