Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1971 05 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOLUME VIII May 11, 1971 NUMBER 17 J. N.'s Desert Win PRICE THIRTY CENTS --See ,age 8 Grossi Wails LIVERMORE, CAL., May 2,1971 - This state's best motocrossers faced off for the second week in a row during a benefit for the AMXT and this time John DeSoto and Bob- Grossi wowed the crowd on hand to witness the "muddy motos" at Carnegie Cycle Park. The rain made the course almost unrideable for the inexperienced riders. The 'Experts, however, had a lot of fun maneuvering their way around during a light to moderate drizzle through most of the day, Report begins on page 12. National Cancelled CUMBERLAND, MD., May 2, 1971 - Rain began to fall on Sunday morning, prior to the scheduled 20-Lap, AMA Half-Mile National Championship was to begin and never let up, thus causing the races to be cancelled. The AMA has not reset a makeup date and, the current report from Worthington, Ohio, is that it will not be made up. The next stop on the AMA National Championship Trail will be June 5 with the running of another 20-Lap, Half-Mile at Louisville, Championship Kentucky. The whoop-de-doo type hill which comprised a portion of the AMXT Benefit Motocross at Carnegie Cycle Park in Livermore, Calif., turned into a giant "slip 'n' slide" Sunday as rain soaked the area. Above, just a small group of the riders that challenged the hill but didn't succeed without trying several times. CiC'·.F!NBWS 249908&111QS.'-'" ., er Ne.'&"sp~'p· . WW 5W Longlleach,ca. 90801 C71d4274133

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