Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1971 04 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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'" .... en .... N Q. <{ ~ w Z W ...J U > U By Art Loya Photo by Eddie Smith SOUTH GATE, CAL., April 16, 1971 Motorcycle racing fans who have been concerned of late about getting the most out of their racing dollar were not let down tonight at Trojan Speedway as five different riders hared the winner's circle in the IT and fiat track motorcycle racing speed fest at the South Gate fifth-mile oval. A small, but bighly enthusiastic, crowd who turned out under threatening skies were treated to some wild racing by the Trojan Renegades Club riders, and despite a steady drizzle of rain from the time the semi-main events were started, not one of the fans were seen to leave their seats before the final main even t was completed. Larry Shaw, who has made his mark in speedway racing circles, gunned his Fullerton Harley-Davidson sponsorec;l speedster to a third consecutive victory in the 250 F.T. main. Shaw, getting off to a slow start and trailing fourth going into the first comer, found the racing groove high on the track made extremely slippery by the increased sprinkle while his opposition battled the elements and track condition, but all in vain. Mastering his H-D around the rim of the oval, and showing skill of a seasoned veteran, the Fullerton ace picked off his rivals one-by-one to take the checkered ahead of John Vandergeest (C-Z) and Warren Tackett, Bultaco mounted. Dale Hopkins, 18-year-old 125 IT and F.T. Trojan champion, showed the field the tail-end of his Steve's Bultaco in his romp to a well deserved win in the 250 IT main event. Hopkins was chased across the finish line by Rick Goade (Bul) and Jerry Kole (Bul) in a race that was considered wide open until the checkered flag was dropped. Two restarts were in order before action became official as the tricky surface claimed its share 0 f fallen riders. Kawasaki mounted Bob Sanders was the only rider to chalk up double main event wins by out-dueling Steve Okuda (Kaw). The two riders exchanged the lead in the 100 IT main. He then bounced right back to out-jump the field (and starler Bob Schoeman), in the 125 IT main and win it over Bruce Nordstrom (Yam) and John Doyon (Yam). In both wins, Sanders displayed his winning form that carried him to th e 1970100 IT and F.T. championship. Taking the lead in the 100 IT, Sanders was hard pressed by an inspired Okuda who somehow closed the gap on Sanders by the second lap and started his probe for an opening as he challenged the champion at every turn. Ou t-maneuvering Sanders as they headed into the second comer, Okuda edged ahead of Sanders but was unable to hold his advantage when Sanders came out ahead going in to the jump. Tom Doty, who found the wet surface much to his dislike after spilling twice in other events, finally found the right formula in the 100 F.T. main as the "little package of dynamite" on his con troversial Honda, scored a major win over last week's triple winner, Mark Revels (Kaw). Doyon (Yam), a rider wno can always be counted on for a tough race, came out on top in the 125 F.T. main that saw riders see-saw in their quest for a top position. Th e trophy dash events were cancelled due to an unraceab!e surface. (Results on page 22) GAS TANK DEVICE MEASURING At all future Road Race National Championships, the AMA will supply an official gas container measuring 6.2 gallons. This container will be the official measuring device to verify gas tanks. It will be available for riders to use before the race. There will be no allowance given for any reason, be it temperature or any other. If a gas tank holds more than the approved container it will be disallowed. It will be the riders responsibility to check his own tank prior to the race. For eomplete lillie Information at VaJerian's, Just eall (ZI3) 475-454I* *Thls numller also good for serviee, parts, ~ele elothlng, aeeessories, eredlt and Insuranee. oo~~~.~!~"~~,!:!.~:.~td. Los Angeles. California 90064 - Telephone: (213) 475-4541 Sales - Service - Accessories - Parts - Motocross Leathers HUSOVARNA· JAWAlCZ· SUZUKI· PENTON· MZ • MONTESA • TRAIL-HOPPERS open monday through saturday GUEST EDITORIAL Off-road clubs beware By Joe Kiggens, Valley Observed Trials Enthusiasts announced the relocation of the A.T.A. Points Trials which were to be held April 18 at Frazier Mountain Park in Los Padres National Forest. It was moved on the eleventh hour to Saddleback Park. Due to new requirements established by the Forest rangers, it is now virtually impossible for any club such as V.O.T.E. to hold a competitive event in the Los Padres National Forest. The Forestry Service was contacted by V.O.T.E. members on February 23rd for permission to use the forest for an observed trials. The project was ou~ined to them at a meeting. On March 12, V.O.T.E. received a letter from an official of the Forestry Service advising the club of the areas available and restricting them to those areas. No unsual restrictions were cited or discussed in either the meeting or the letter. On March 22nd members of the competition committee visited the area with the Resources Forester to start spotting sections. At this point the Resources Forester showed how resourceful the Forestry Service can be. Instead of the nine conditions involving spark arresters, sanitation facilities, campfires, water polution etc., which were all that were required as late as last November, the club members were presented with thirty-three conditions, among which was a $300 performance bond to insure that all conditions were met. The toughest condition, however, was a $200,000 accidental death public liability policy. The price tag was $1,000 for one day. Remember, this is for a Trials. Bear in mind these restrictions apply to any group of ten or more who wish a permit to use the National Forests for the operation of motor vehicles. State officials are powerless in this matter. Your Congressman is probably unaware of it. The Parks and Recreation people are indifferent to it. Organized off-road vehicle recreation is excluded from the forest by these conditions. It is interesting to note that the Forestry Service is currently holding meetings purportedly to solve problems of vehicular use of the forests and at the same time they have their legal staff busy eliminating the problem. Insidious as their tactics may be, they are effective. In my opinion, this action constitutes a case of discrimination. It is directed at a minority element of society as squarely as poll taxes or literacy tests for voters. If we learned nothing else, we can be sure that when "Smoky the Bear" hibernates, he doesn't waste his time sleeping. Protest this matter to your Congressman in Washington. This is a federal requirement initiated by the Department of Agriculture. Honda'" ""Ins hilielimb By Shirley Knop BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH, April 11, 1971 - The Klunker Club's annual Easter hillclimb was a tough one. Although the hill was just 230 feet high, and relatively smooth, only the Open and Exhibition class bikes were able to top it. Dennis Spencer took the Exhibition class, climbing the hill in 7.7 seconds. Spencer didn't do quite so well in the Open class, however, where Craig Williams won on his Honda F our, which happens to be complete with disc brake and electric starter. Craig came back in the Exhibition class with chains, but couldn't top Spencer's time. The smaller bikes had more trouble. The winner of the 200 class, Kevin Croft, just managed to force his Yamaha up to the 99 foot mark. (Resul ts on page 22) WIN $25 FROM (Aj,~ FIT THIS TO THIS and win your class in any Moto Cross, T. T., or Enduro that is held on the West Coast and reported in Cycle News or Motor Cycle Weekly. ~ f~ I~ HANDLES BETTER QUIETER t

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