Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1971 02 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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MOTOCROSS by Stump Jumpers M.C. at Elsinore Raceway. AMA sanct.. Dist. 37 pts. Post entry only. Race at 9. Info: (714) 545-3507. TOU R by Pacific Coast Honda from 2073 Pacific Coast Hwy. in Lomita to Indie Date Festival. Start 7 :30-8. Limited to 350cc and up. Info:"(213) 326·3810. ,I ~ w Z W ...J U THURSDAY, FEB. 18 FREE MOVI ES by Pacific Coast Honda at Peck Park Auditorium, 560 N. Western Ave., San Pedro. Free admission to see Clyde Earl films. Info: (213) 326-3810. ~ U FRIDAY, FEB. 19 TT AND FLAT TRACK at Trojan Speedway, South Gate, Calif. 100, 125, and 250cc classes. Gates open 6 p.m_ 1st race at 7:30 n m. Info: (213) 923-9132. SATURDAY, FEB. 20 MINI BIKE'at Trojan Speedway. Pract. noon to 2. racing and qualifying at 2. All classes. Entry $3, admission $1. Mini bike classes (11) can be obtained from Southern Ca. M/B Assoc. ACE MOTOCROSS at Indian Dunes, All Jr. Day with trophies $5 entry. Signup at 6:30, race at 9. Info: (B05) 259-8000. SAT. & SUN., FEB. 20-21 DRAG NATIONAL at Irwindale Raceway. Time Trials and qualifying Sat. and Sun. morning, eliminations Sun. -afternoon. Entry: $20 fuel, $15 gas, $10 other before Feb. 15; add $5 additional after 15th_ $3 admission. $4700 purse. For entry blank write: Box 2165, Irwindale, Cal. 91706. Info: Mel Reck (213) 969-1619. SUNDAY, FEB. 21 ACA MOTOCROSS at Carlsbad. $5 mail entry plus $1 class fee to ACA, lOON. Claudina Suite 312: Anaheim 92805 closes Feb. 16. $10 post. Pits open at 8, race at 10:30 All Jr., Inter. 8< Sr. classes. '71 ACA license and 3 No. plates req. Info: (714) 774-3222. HARE SCRAMBLES by Orange County M.C., Annual Little Bear Run, limed north of Lucerne. AMA sanct. Dist. 37 pts. Lemans Start Signup Sat. 8< Sun. Ex/Am start at 10 Nov. at 10:15. ' ACA ROAD RACE at Carlsbad. $8 mail entry plus $1 additional class fee to ACA, 106 N. Claudina Suite 312, Anaheim, 92805 closes Feb. 16. $15 post. Pits open at 8, race at 10:30 All Jr. 8< Sr. GP 8< Prod. classes. '71 ACA license req. Info: (714) 774-3222. regularly scheduled events MOTOCROSS by Pathfinders M.C. at Dunlap Cycle Park. Mail $3 entry to Earl Taylor, 4942 E. Grant, Fresno, Ca. 93727 closes Feb. 17 $5 post. Practice at 8:30, race at 10:30. SCRAMBLES by Salinas Ramblers M.C. at Crazy Horse Canyon Rd., 12 mL N. of Salinas on Hwy 101. Signup 7:30-10, practice 8-10, race at 11. AMA Sanct. No mini bikes allowed. $2 admission, under 12 50 cents. Info: (408) 422-9809, 424-9611. ~CE RACING by Dusters of Colorado Springs at Rainbow Falls Park between Woodland Park and Deckers. Signup closes at 10:30, race at 12:30. $2 entry, SRAC points. 125/175/250/Open - 3rd wheel 125/0pen. No chains or studded tires. Info: (303) 633-9840, 473-3277, COURSES FOR SALE ADELANTO T.T. TRACK 30 acres. buy now. 30 days goes on mu Itiple, no loan fee, no realtor fee. $6.000.00 down, 6% interest. On Hwy. 395. (213) 927-3860. EVERY SATURDAY MINI BIKE at Trojan Speedway, Pract. noon to 2. racing and qualifying at 2, All classes. Entry $3, admission $1, Mini bike classes (11) can be obtained from Southern Cal. MIB Assoc. EVERY SATURDAY TT RACING at Elsinore Race Track, Gates open at 3, races at 7:30. Off Hwy. 71 in Elsinore, Cal. TT by HRA at Huntington Beach Cycle Park, 7561 Talbert. Signup 9-10:30, practice at 10. $2.25 post entry only. HRA membership required ($1.501. New members accepted race day but ride pie plate expert. Gate $1.50. MOTOCROSS at Deadman's Point in Apple Valley, Calif. All classes. Practice at 8, race at 10. $2 gate entry, $2 race entry for members, $2.50 non. ENGLISH TRIALS by SDTR at Miramar, limed from Genesee and Hwy 5. All classes. Signup at 8:30, start at 10. Camping OK;but no chambers. Info: (714) 278-3466. ATTENTION PROMOTERS: For Listing in this column call or write: CYCLE NEWS Box 498, Long Beach, Ca. 90801 (213) 427-7433 EUROPEAN MOTOCROSS at Cloverfield Race Track near Cloverfield Airport in Texas. Gates open at 8, riders meet at 11 :30, race at noon. $1.50 admission, under 12 free. $2 entry. FRIDAY, FEB. 26 ~ INDOOR SHORT TRACK by Bob Barkhimer Assoc., Inc. at Cow Palace, Brisbane, Calif. $1200 purse. Warmup at 6:30, race at 8:15. 1/10th mi. concrete track. Info: (408) 438-3210. HARE SCRAMBLES by Yuma M/C Sports Assn., 12 mi. E. of Yuma on U.s. 95, limed. 50 miles. $3 entry. Start at 11 (MST) after riders meet at 10. Info: (602) 726-Q532, evenings. SATURDAY, FEB. 2.7 MOTOCROSS at Puyallup Raceway Park, Wash. $3 admission, Gates open at 7, race at 11. $1 entry. Trophies. Amateurs plus invited Ex. AMA sanct. TRIALS by Rocky Mountain Trials Assn. at Youngs Gulch, W. of Ft. Collins, Colo. Nov. at II, Ex. at 1 :30. $3 entry for RMT A members, $4 non<. Info: (303) 355-7033. CMC MOTOCROSS at Saddleback Park. $5 mail entry to CMC, Box 1402, Costa Mesa, Cal. 92626 closes five days before event. $10 post. $3 admission to park to ride or watch. Signup closes at 9:30, race at 10:- 24-HOUR ENDURO by Casper Ghost Riders at Casper, Wyoming. Info: 113 N. WiI.son, (;asper, Wyo. B2601. ACE MOTOCROSS at Indian Dunes. Trophies to Jr., cash to Sr. with $100 guaranteed purse per class. $5 entry (post onlyl. Signup at 6:30, race at 9. Info: (805) 259-8000. INDOOR SHORT TRACK by Shoreline Lions Club at Monroe, Wash., follow signs from Interstate 5 in Everen to Monroe Fairgrounds. $2 entry with proceeds to charity. Signup at 11, race at 1. 125/250Nov/Ex, plus minis. Info: (206) 743-3172. MOTOCROSS by Stockton M.C. at Carnegie Cycle Park. $4 entry, $2 admission. Signup at 9. 10 mi. E. of Livermore on Tesl. Rd. or 12 mi. W. of Tracy on Corral Hollow Rd. Info: (209) 463-7283, (415) 581-1256. OPE 1st & 3rd SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH Deadman's Point, Apple Valley, Cal. 1st & 3rd Sunday - Motocross - all classes 8 a.m, practice - 10 a.m. start - $2.00 gate entry $2.00 race entry with membership. $2.50 without membership. Info (714) 247-7473 (eves.) SAT. & SUN., FEB. 27-28 A.M.R.A. MINI-BIKE RACES 1st AND 3rd SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH at Indian Dunes Classes by age and horsepower. $2.50 entry fee to members, $3.00 to non-members. Sign-up opens at 8:00 a.m., practice 9:00 a.m., 1st race 10:00 a.m. - (805) 259-8000_ SUNDAY, FEB. 28 TEAM SCRAMBLES by EI Cajon M.C. at Hwy. 8 and Dunaway Rd. $3 entry. AMA . sanct., SO miles. 10 a.m. start. Info: (7141 444-8236. ACA ROAD RACE at Riverside International Raceway. $8 mail entry plus $1 additional class fee to ACA, 106 N. Claudina Suite 312, Anaheim, 92805 closes Feb. 23rd. $15 post. Pits open at 8, race at 10:30 All Jr. 8< Sr. GP 8< Prod. classes. '71 ACA license req. Info: (714) 774-3222. 1st & 3rd SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH. Indian Dunes Park. 300 odd acres of land. Big bikes and Minis on separate course. Gen. Adm. $2.00, Entry Fee $5.00, Open 7-days a ,week, CMC MOTOCROSS at r:laude Osteen Bike Park in Steen's Met;~~~~ ..phy MX Series. Off Hwy 71 in P"Qs~ ~ ....'Iow signs from Dudley St. $5 ~6 ~ f to CMC, Box 1402, Costa Mesa, C. ., 92626 closes five days before event_ $10 post. Sign up closes at 9:30, race at 10. .' GAMBLER ENDURu by Boonie Bounden M.C., limed from Interstate 15 and Henderson turnoff, 14 mi. S. of Las Vegas. CERA pts; 2 loops, SO·m. $5 mail entry ($1 additional per team rider - mailed together) to 705 N. 16th -St., Las Vegas, Nev. 89101 with 2 self-addressed stamped envelopes. Closes Feb. 15; $7 post. Camping OK. Info: (702) 385-1413. MOTOCROSS by Feather River M.C. at Marysville, Cal., under "E" St. Bridge, AMA sanct. 3 No. plates required. $2 to watch, $4 to ride, late sign ups $5. Signup 8< practice 7-10, race at 10:30. Trophies, prizes, Mini Moto. Info: (916) 742-7785,743-5282. INDOOR SHORT TRACK by Western States Racing Assn. at Washoe County FairgrOUnds, Pavilion Bldg., Reno, Nev. Signup 9-11, pl"actice 100noon, race at 1. $3 entry. l00/125/200/~50 plus PP. AMA sanct. Full leathers, no big knobbies. Info: AI Lockett Enterprises (7021 32~055. MOTOCROSS by Sprockets M.C. in Wichita, Kansas. $2 entry; practice in a.m., race at 1. Info: (3161722-2668. ENGLISH TRIALS at Dunlap Cycle Park: take Hwy lBO E. from Fresno 40 mi. to Clingan's Junction, turn HARE SCRAMBLES by Trail Trotters of Coalinga has been cancelled. 1-24 trophies will be at Dunlap on Feb. 21. n SCRAMBLES by Lodi M.C. at Lodi Cycle Bowl. AMA sanct. $2 to ride or watch. All classes. Sign up 8:30-11, practice 9:30-11, race at noon. Info: (2091 368-7182. Cla,"e 05 'ee•. .o'or ,'iie Jari (Please tum to pg. 30) il POMONA AYOID THE CROWDS AT OAK CREEK RANCH ride on 200 acres of rolli hills ride the Motocross Course Rentals. You can rent anything from a Honda Motosport 100 ($4 per hour) to a 50 minitrail ($325 hr.) as well as helmets ($1 a day), secured arid insured storage for your cycle and riding gear ($8 a month) or a house for your club meetings (free during business hours or special . . times to be arranged. Feb. 28 -CMC Motocross (S8ries) ~.eriC•• C New Trails. About 40 more miles of new trails have been blazed. This is in addition to the familiar trails and the motocross course, scrambles tourseand mini-scrambles course. .. Information. For further info on any of our NEW or existing services or facilities call (714) 639-5832. LOQtion. Newport Fwy, to 'Chapman Ave., east to Santiago Canyon Blvd., tum ri!tlt 1'1.. miles to entrance opposite state fire station. )1!·,JilP .1 ... II:.H .... ,ele . 55 odatio. presents First Aid. A completely stocked, staffed·by fireman 'first aid center has been established in a new building erected for the purpoSe. Hours. Now open seven days a week 8 am to 5 pm (Winter months Sept. to June). 8 am to 7 p'm (Summer months June to Sept.). n. and 4 miles to Dunlap. Riders meet at 9:30, trials start at 10. Info: (209) 734-3340. PNTA TRIALS at Portland, Ore. Follow signs from Oregon City. Nov. start at 9, Am/Ex at 11:30. Info: PNTA, Box 131, Weston, Oreg. 97886. Feb. 21 - Carlsbad Road Race Feb. 28 - Riverside I Road Race Directions: Take Ganesha EXit'-. 8-5 Sat-5un. 8< Holidays 1 :30-5 Weekdays, Closed Thursdays Admission: $1.50 per motorcycle & Mini Cycle $1.00 Per Mini Bike . .50 Per penon +10% tax for inf.... : write 610 Cherry St.. B_, Ca. Moto-x - Feb. 21 - Car·lsI·bad. For furth« info. see calendar or phone,. ACA office 1 " M-F 714) n4-3ACA • JI I , •fIt f fJ I f I I 11 1t.

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