Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1971 01 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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By Russ Sanford GAINS EXCEED LOSSES Starting a new year always causes me to reflect upon the happenings of the past year: a form of mental calculation of the pluses and minuses. For me, personally, 1970 has been a very good year. More than ever beore, I am consumed with a sense of satisfaction for all of the good things which have happened. And the good things happened not by chance, but because you, the California motorcyclists, have made them happen. You have" stood up for your cause, faced your oppostion, and made your needs known. You have done this with compassion and logic and have avoided the more common and contemptible forms of protest and demonstration. You have learned to use 'the system' and to make it work in your behalf. Certainly, we have suffered a few set-backs, but our gains far exceed our losses. And I am especially pleased with the image which we. motorcyclists are. creating. That of responsibte persons who are respectful of the rights of others. It is little wonder that I am so please with 1970. Thank you! POINT MUGU IMPORTANCE As was announc;d some time back, a public meeting was held in Oxnard regarding the development of Pt. Mugu as a State Recreational Area. Included in those plans, were the development of a mot 0 rcycle riding area of SPEEDWAY AND ME (Continued from page 1""9) place, I reckon I'm set for a busy time. Still, no complaints. You must have gathered by. now that in spite of all the dangers, the problems of traveling and the almost permanent lack of adequate sleep, I'm still as enthusiastic about motorcycle racing now as when I first started almost 20 years ago. In future editions of this newspaper, I'll be recalling some of the things that have happened during those 20 eventful years - happy times, tragic momen ts and all stops in between. I'll tell you about the drama of a- World Championship Final, the behind-the-scenes nervous tension that is a part and parcel of modern speedway racing. And at the same time, I'll take a close look at the speedway scene in Britain and throughout the continent so that you can keep abreast of current events and eventually understand the workings of speedway raci<1g on the • other side of the Atlantic. I'm convinced that speedway in America will grow in popularity, and present indications are that some time during the Roaring Seventies, the U.S. will once again emerge as a major power in the truly international sport of speedway racing. DEPT. OF CORRECTION As many readers have already noticed, the points listings headed "Final Dist. 37 Motocross Point Standings" in the last issue were not the final lists, b",t the standings as of October, 1970. We shall print the final standings when they are compiled. In last week's issue of CYCLE NEWS, reference was made in the Ascot Half-Mile report that Kenny Roberts had won the state Novice TT championship two weeks earlier. Our mistake. The actual winner was Gary Scott and Roberts took second. Can't win them all, ya know. •••............................... CONLEY 250/360 Down Pipes - $49.95 Unbreakable front fender with bracket $19.95 Folding foot pegs $25.95 · · · · · ••• 1 ~ ..· · · · · · · · · · · • · · · · ~ TIS MOTORS 1049 W. Mission, Pomona, Cal. 91766 714-629-8642 Dealer Inquiries Invited . . .._----- m~~r~e~ from Die calRol; .... m approximately 100' acres and about 5 miles of trails: I attended that meeting as did a large number of other morotcyclists. One thing which became readily apparent to all of "the hundreds of persons present, was that the motorcyclists (to a man) presen ted logical argumen ts and never "lost their cool" in spite of frequentheckling. On the other hand, all of those present were rather apalled at the tantrum-like, immature and illogical behavior of those who opposed the inclusion of motorcycling facilities. I believe that the general public is beginning to have some second thoughs about the "established image" of motorcyclists. In any event, the Department of Parks and Recreation must have heard our message, because at. the time of this writing, a mo torcycle area is still in the plans while many other planned. recreational facilities have since been omitted. There are many who feel that a' ,measly 100 acres and 5 miles of trails are hardly worth the trouble of defending. But we must not lose sight of the fact that this is our foot-in-the-door. Our very first, precedent-setting opportunity to have the State of California recognize our needs in the form of action, as opposed to words on paper. And let me assure you that this is important. Several times during the Pt. Mugu discussion, non-motorcyclists made statements to the effect that their organization recognized that our needs should be satisfied, but not at Pt. Mugu! Director Mott countered by by saying, "Everyone wants a firehouse in the neillhborbood. but not next door!" 11,000 ACRE RIDING AREA? The furor over Pt. Mugu, if nothing else, has served to publicize our needs. As a result of our good showing and presentation of logical arguments, I was subsequently contacted and informed that t.he U.S. Government is desirous of giving the 11,000 acre site of Camp Irwin (near Barstow) to the State of California. I have been_given to believe that if the motorcyclists want this area as a riding area, the State of California might accept the offer. I volunteered to pursue this rna tter and am now in contact with our congressional representatives in Washington, D.C. I need your help! I am not personally acquainted with the area but understand that it has very definite possibilities. Certainly, some of you have ridden there or near there. Is this an area which we want for our own? If not, I'll tell them to "forget it." If so, let's get it! Please address your comments to me, c/o M.O.R.E., P.O. Box 26062, Sacramento, Ca. 95826. If you haven't received your free MORE Progress Report yet, send a stam.ped self·addressed envelope to the above address. Editor's Note: Contributions to M.O.R.E. of 11 or more are requested. California Motorcycle Enthusiasts should help Mr. Sanford defray the costs of lobbying in our behalf . MOTORCYCLE SAFETY A new motorcycle safety class is being held at 8 a.m. on Saturdays in room 316 at Orange High School, 525 North Shaffer, Orange, Cal. No experience is necessary; motorcycles will be provided. The class is free to boys and girls 15V. or older and is $5 for ad ults. Registration is with M.A. Schrader at Orange H.S. or with the Adult Education Office, Orange Unified School District, 370 North Giassell, Orange, Cal., 92666, phone 714/532-3301. This class is an aid in getting a learner's permit or a class four license for riding a motorcycle. ACA AWARDS FEB. 6 The ACA will have its annual Awards Banquet on Feb. 6 at the Royal Coach, 1015 Ball Road, Anaheim, Cal. • I NGK's are preferred go-power in all kinds of two-wheelers from 50cc mini:s to 750cc supers. Good riders know their set-up is no better than their plug. And that if they've only got one, it'd better fire on time, every,time. They also know what bad plugs can do to a day of great sport. The same kind of sure-fire performance and protection works in any internal combustion engine. Two or four cycle, one, two or twelve cylinders-it's all the same to NGK's tough "Heart of Copper". , This copper core dissipates heat quicker than old-time iron cores, Cools the electrode tip and insulator tip. Prevents plugdamaging hot spots that could cause preignition. And to cut fOUling, there's a longer, heat-holding insulator nose. All the NGK feptures - high alumina ceramics, extra internal gaskets and nickel alloy tip-add up to a wider heat range. So NGK's run hot and cold. Easy and hard. Idliog or on the pipe. They just run clean and efficient for more miles than you're used to. You know how they work in your bike. Try a set in your car, your buggy or outboard. NGK's don't cost more. They just do more. NGK, the long life, hi-performance plug. ~ N g .., ~ w Z ~ ~ u

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