Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1971 01 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ (Continued from page 37) to make it. Almost within sight of the ... town he ran out, but he had seen some .... tractors in a barnyard and, he reasoned, g. where there were tractors, there was M gas ... Fearful that his trip would be terminated by a close range blast from a C shotgun, he Hborrowed" enough gas to .!l make it into the town of Villa ~ Constitution which marked the start of w the asphalt and the start of Doug's Z roughest time: the literally life and ~ death battle to stay awake. , ~ Experienced riders know many tricks U for staying awake on a motorcycle and Doug used them all. He sang, screamed, cursed. rode standing up -and in awkward positions, but to no avail. He still fell asleep time after time. Finally, he concentrated on riding the white center line, but still he would drift, into sleep, and off the line. He was quite literally fighting for his life on this last stretch, because there were occasional oncoming trucks that woke him with their horns, and there were no road shoulders at all. In the morning we followed the road in the airplane and the dropoffs were frightening, even if one were awake. Doug had opened his jacket to get a blast of cold air but even that didn't help. He was simply approaching the limits of endur~ce. Finally, in a burst of gemus or I11santty, he took off his goggles and helmet and rode the last 30 miles bare-headed. The telegraph office wasn't open when he arrived, but the night radio operator was authorized to take telegrams and Doug carefully dictated his record-breaking message. He then called his wife Glenda in Redlands and announced that he was going to bed. It was 6:15 a.m., California time, 27 hours and 15 minutes after the start. Six hours later we had arrived and Doug joined us for lunch and a tour of the town. His fantastic body had already recuperated from its ordeal and he looked very little different from what he had looked at the start. His eyes were red, and his wrist was sore and swollen, but other than that he was fme. He couldn't say enough about the bike. "It's the best ride I've ever had," he said, "It's just impossible for a good rider to falloff of that Ajay. The handling is perfect." Through the entire ride Doug had only nad to fix the lights 0) RESULTS once and change one plug that he fouled when he stopped for gas. The bike was obviously well-worn, but it was still running strong and working well when I rode it to the airport for its flight home. But fantastic as the performance of the bike is, it is overshadowed by the performance of the man. In good summation, Doug said "Every man wants to know what his limits are. I don't know exactly what mine are, but at least I know they're someplace beyond 27 hours and 1000 miles". A sort of cockeyed grin indicated that, for the moment at least, he was satisfied with this. Competltton proven by top Motocro~s and TT nders Hi·lOrque or hIgh RPM expansIon chambers In either upswept or downswept styles. EXPANSII\f 0952 F.O B. Anaheim CHAMBERS ''BUILD YOUR OWN" KITS NAlLABLE Improve the performance of your Bullaco. Yamaha. Kawasaki, Hodaka, American Eagle by installing a Bassant expanSIon chamber Other models also aval1able. SlREET SILENCERS For street and off road riders who wanl a qUIet machine With no loss of Dower or performance. Fits all expansion chambers and stralQht oloes. Super hght weight. only 7'/2" Guaranteed unbreakable. 59.95 - 125 JR. DIV. I Bill Scarlett Clem Slater Steve Finnegan 125 JR. DIV. II Mike Collins Ian MacLachlan Greg Williams 125 SENIOR Ron Huffman Bob Grossi John Jensen 250 JR. DIV. L Mike Edward Jim Dieu Bruce Rust 250 JR. DIV. II Gary Norman Ken Carli Ron Walters 250 SENIOR Jim Miller Dan Davies Ron Davies OPEN JR. DIV.I Ron Womack Dylan Cook O.B. Urban OPEN JR. DIV. II Bill Schaffer Dick Lacey Bob Eaves OPEN SENIOR Bob Grossi Jim Saitone John Dieu Bul AE Vam Ric Puc Vam Ric Sac Puc Hus Gre Kaw Bul Bul Mon Bul Bul Bul Mai Mai Hus C-Z C-Z Hus Hus Mai Hus TT SCRAMBLES Elsinore, Calif. Dec. 12, 1970 - HaSSan) ... Manufacturing· DE .... tER IN~~~:~ 1164 C Fountain Way Anahiem Calif, 92806 POWDER PUFF V. Conley I. Byrnes K. Jackett 100 NOV. NOV. F.Joynes D. Settler M. Ball 125 UP NOV. NOV. M. Whitlock K. McArthur C. Reeves B. Henderson 100 NOVICE R. Whisner A. Pettit B. Smith R. Barnes 125 NOVICE D. Nicol L. Robinette D. Rabjon S. Bates 250 NOVICE S. Glende M. Peters' J. McDavid T. Tipton G. Barrett 350-500 NOVICE B. lIosford S. Donaher R. McLead B. Rich ~I 100 EXPERT R. CYCLE NEWS WILL BE ON VACATION beginning December 22,1970 and returning Januar, 6,1971 ~1orrison A. Pettite S. Willoughby 125 EXPERT B. Hosford ~. Morrison D. Hopkins 125 EXPERT B. Hosford R. Morrison D. Hopkins 250 EXPERT W. Hosaka V. Hannon B. Hosford 350-500 EXPERT M. Hannon V. Hannon J. Sp'l'ague SPECIAL V. Hannon W. Hosaka M. Hannon SWEEPS R. Morrison ACA ROAD RACE Carlsbad, Calif. Dec. 20, 1970 By Jon Stevens MOTOCROSS Deadman's Point Dec. 20, 1970 By Dave Brown MOTOCROSS AFM Sanct. Morgan Hill, Calif. Dec. 20, 1970 Kaw Vam Suz Suz Suz Kaw Hus Vam Kaw Vam Kaw Vam Kaw Bul Vam Vam Vam Oss Vam Bul Vam Kaw !\1ai BSA Vam Mai Kaw Vam Kaw Vam Kaw Vam Vam Kaw Vam Bul Kaw Vam Tri Tri Kaw JR. G.P. CLASSES 100 JR. DIV. I Kaw 125cc M. Tyer Suz Frans Vandenbroek Vam . Payne Hod Dave Isely Vam G. Little Hod 175cc S. Crawford Hon Mark Revels 100 JR. DlV. II Bri Hod Bruce Martin L. Brimer Hod 200cc S. Aageson Vam Dale McCreary Hod S. Voung Hod 250cc J. Riggs Vam Mark Revels 125 JR. DIV. I Kaw Bul Jim Evans J. Elliot Oss Vam Steve Kill R. Achevedo Vam 350cc D. Grattan Vam Sac Jeff Sperry P. Rizzo Kaw Tom Page Sac W. Shirk Hon Kent Rockwell 125 JR. DIV. II Pen 500cc S. Elsbree Suz Vam Roger Glic kman R. Vennum Kaw Vam John Thomas J. Travis Vam OPEN C. Woody Richard Feist Nor Vam M. Gifford Brent Thompson BSA 250 JR. DlV. I LTWT. PRODUCTlON Oss F. Tidwell C-Z A. Engelking 125cc Vam Oss Phil Thompson D. Bonds C-Z 175cc G. Little Hon Mark Revels 250 JR. DIV. II Hon C-Z Duane Bygun S. Bebeck Bri Mon Bruce Martin K. Ratzloff Bri Bul James McWorthy M. Cavoretto Bul 200cc R. Stagg Jim Damron Suz 250 JR. DIV_ III Dale McCreary Vam C-Z M. Thompson Pat EVaDS Vam C-Z L. Ramsey Al Mark Bul C-Z G. Nixon HVVWT. PRODUCTION Mai J. Smith 250cc 500 JR. Suz Geoff Mazon R. Santen Hus Oss Rod Murufas B. Samuel Mon Suz Pat Evans M. Crawford Hus Suz Jim Damron T. Lantrip Mai Kaw Mark Goslee 100 INTERMEDIATE Vam Tom White E. irsik Hon Suz Bob Speier 100 SENIOR Oss Steve Kill F. Wilsford Jr. Hod 350cc 125 INTERMEDIATE Kaw Tom Page T. Rogers Vam Suz Dave Damron 125 SENIOR Hon Mike Devlin D. Wambold Vam Hon Doug Stanton 250 INTERMEDIATE 500cc J. McDonald C-Z Kaw John Thomas C. Wagner Hus OPEN 500 SENIOR BSA Hus John McGillivray B. Feldkamp SR. G.P. CLASSES 125cc Vam Steve Froschauer Vam Phil Thompson MOTO-XMAS Suz Oak Creek Racing Assn. Dick Carlson Vam Dale Ebersole Mojave, Calif. 175cc Dec. 20, 1970 Bri James McWorthy Bri Stan Smith POWDER PUFF Bul 200cc Kathy Hubbard Vam Pat Evans Bul Cherry Stockton Oce Jim Damron 250cc SR. Suz Geoff Mazon Vam Gary Jones AI Mark Bul Hus Steve Thompson 250cc OPEN JR. Vam John McGillivray Hus Ken James Vam Tom White Hus Gary Garland Vam Jerry Greene Tom Kelsey Vam Pat Evans Skeeter McMurray Suz Geoff Mazon Bob Klier Oce Jim Damron Mai Richard Miller 350cc OPE SENIOR Yam Steve Mallonee Hus Don Bevans Vam Pat Evans Mike Meyer U-G Jim Damron Bul Bob Sullivan Hon Mike Devlin Mon Wayne Sullivan 500cc 125 SENIOR Kaw Dan Hanebrink Vam Dewayne Jones Kaw Marty Lunde 250cc JR. Bul OPEN Dick Gabe BSA John McGillivray Lawrence Vejar Vam Ken Lehr Doug Montgomery Hus MOTOCROSS Kaw J ames Carter Arlington, Texas R. Bonnicksen AJS Dec. 13, 1970 Mon Wayne Sullivan By Dodie Stingley Hus Mike Parker 125ccJR. ALL CLASS SR. Vam Bill Twainting C-Z Anthony Jones Bul Mike Van Dueson Mai Joe Rachel Dot Robie Scott Bul Joe Conwell Vam Mike Norris Sac David Musick Sac Tom Stockton Mon Kenny Ingram Vam Mike Conlon Vam Charies Eller C-Z Tom Kelsey Pen Ole Finstad Sac Rich Rumble Vam Ken Smith 125 JR. Pen Sam Menefee Sac Richard Peck Yam Ronnie Williams 250 JR. C-Z Terry Helm Yam Billy Wilson Oss Mike Taylor c·z c-z c-z c-z c·z

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