Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1971 01 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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A PAZ' IN 27 HRS., 15 MINS.; direction heading north. Fatigue was finally making its terrible way through the body to the mind. To make matters worse, the trail here was the worst of the trip, alternating between deep, silty ruts which can throw the best rider, and smooth sections strewn with about 30 minutes, and had his only ~ solid food of the trip, some beef stew ~ and a cookie, accompanied by the w inevitable milk. Larry changed the air c3 filter element, adjusted the chain and >checked the lights. There was nothing U else to do. We had some benzadrine and ...At La Paz. The Ajay had run hard but could have gone a lot farther. Modifications to the bike included Koni shocks, Akront rear rim, lights, and more padding fO,r the seat. our instructions were if Doug had not arrived by 4 p.m. we were to depart for ~ur final destination, leaving his night ndmg gear and gas behind for him to pick up when he got there. This was the famous halfway point, El Area. Doug apparently got his second wind on this leg because he made up the entire 45 minutes and arrived right on the original schedule, at 3 p.m. The motor was a lit~e rough, so Larry cleaned the points, while I changed the plug. Doug relaxed with a cigarette and some milk, his standard .rest fare. His hard charging on the last section had also caused the kickstand spring to come adrift, and one spoke in the rear wheel had broken. A bit of tape fixed both of these. The chain was lubed, but did not yet require adjustment. At this point, Doug had ridden the equivalent of one Greenhorn Enduro, but whereas the Greenhorners have two days to complete the run, he had done it in 12 straight hours.. The territory, incidentally, was quite similar to that of the Greenhorn. Our last stop for the day was a small, rough airfield near the tiny Mexican village of Cadeje, 160 miles south of El Arco. We just barely made it, landing in semi-darkness. We built a good fire and awaited Doug, whom we expected at about 6:30. Disaster. Doug got off the main route and got lost. For an hour he wandered up and down the beach, trying to find the road back. FinaUy he did, but then he took off in the wrong Flying above Doug just outside EI Area. melon-sized boulders. He came upon a truck and tried to pass, bu t got forced completely off the trail, at about 50 mph. The Ajay hit a boulder some 30 inches high, the front end taking a terrific jolt as the wheel rode over the top. The skid plate crashed once and then the rear wheel took hold and drove the bike over. Doug, held on and rode it through, but the penalty was a damaged wrist that was to be very painful. Finally, tired right down to his bones, he reached us at 10:30 p.m. Doug took his longest break here, I asked Doug if he wanted to take some. In his only serious miscalculation, he replied that although he was physically tired, he wasn't at all sleepy, so he didn't want any. At 11 p.m. he left, his riding now somewhat sloppy, but still fast. He had 34 miles of really rough road left which would end at this next gas stop at La Purisima. Doug had stashed some gas at La Pursima earlier in the week, but someone took it. It was 80 miles to the next gas so he put all the gas from his canteens into the thirsty Ajay and tried (Please turn to Page 42) NEW HIGH PERFORMANCE SPECIALTIES FROM WESCO for HODAKA·KAWASAKI·YAMAHA ................•.....................•..............................•.......... HODAKA TWO·RING RACING PISTON ~ . . , LOOKING FOR A HARD .TO FIND PAR"."? TRY US... Steve's BULTACO 7627 Van Nuys Blvd. 780-6300 Developed for severe racing applications where total stability and maximum compression sealing are necessary. Cast from prime alloys. Features dykes type top ring With second rail ring for increaSEd stabilrty and positive sealing. Available In SOmm only. An ideal combination when used in conjUnction WIth our alloy cylinder and high performance head. =1484 piston. includes rines. pin and clips.. .. _.$12.95 KAWASAKI 90, 120, 238 CYLINDER HEADS Adds winning performance 10 your Kawasaki. All heads feature special performance boosting combustion chamber and increased finning for maximum cooling. May be used with or without com· pression release. = 1196 for Kow i 90. UTI. 6355 525.95 = 1774 for KIw ; 120 525.95 =2048 10' Kaw..ahi 238. 250 (f-41. 539.95 YAMAHA 125, 175, 250 CYLINDER HEADS Designed to Improve the performance of these popular models. New type combustion chamber and flnning malle these heads ideal for all types 01 competItion and trailing. May be used with or without a compression release. =2064 for AT·1 Yamaha (125<,1 . .. .539.95 = 2063 =1843 for CT·1 Yamaha 1175<,1 for OT·l Vamah> 1250<,1. .. ...$39.95 ...........539.95 ....•.....•.•..........................................................•........ SOLD THROUGH AUTHORIZED DEALERS ONLY

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