Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1971 01 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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., • ... , . ..,- " 1 , M M " if 0.. ...,.. - ~ /---' r:: CI> ~ S I . ..,. " M • ~ W Z w ~ (J > (J What has: AMA national championships Inter~Am motocross events Trans AMA motocross events Local events that mean the most to me Calendar of coming events Want ad section Dealer & Service Directory Home Work Shop (technical tips) Columns of interest in my local area Special feature articles Road tests, with real meaning Voice section to air my likes and dislikes In essence something that gives me the NOW news while it's news. is~our answer. Weekly National & Western Every Other Week National & Dixie Every Other Week National & Eastern ...••••.•••••••••..................•.................••........•........•••....••...........•.••........................ .............••.......•.•..........•.................•.•...• : · · · · · · · SUBSCRIBE TO CYCLE NEWS SUBSCRIBE TO DIXIE CYCLE NEWS SUBSCRIBE TO CYCLE NEWS EAST 12 times a month) $7.50 0 CYCLE NEWS WEST 12 y'S.) . . . .. $12.00 0 DIXIE CYCLE NEWS 11 y,.) . . . . $5.00 0 (2 times a month) • VIa 1st class mail for one year . . . $18.00 Q DIXIE CYCLE NEWS 12 y.. .J CYCLE NEWS WEST 11 y'.) .. (4 times a month) Via Air Mad for one year o ThiS IS a new subSCription. o THIS IS A RENEWAL o enclose check or money order. o Please bIll me. $26.00 0 ..• , $9.00 DIXIE CYCLE NE.WS 11 y'.) . . . . $5.00 DIXIE CYCLE NEWS 12 y.. .J 0 0 0 . . . . $9.00 o This is a nf!IW subSCription. o THIS IS A RENEWAL o I enclose check or money order. o PleMe bIll me. o ThiS 15 a new subSCription. o THIS IS A RENEWAL o I enclose check or money order. o Please bill me. Enclose check or money order, and MAIL TO: CYCLE NEWS. INC .. Box 498. Long Beach. Ca. 90801 Dear Sir: Please send me my subscription to the newspaper. Enclose check or money order, and MAIL TO: DIXIE CYCLE NE.WS. Box 32277. Decatu,. Ga. 90032 Dear Sir: Please send me mv subscription to the newspaper. Enclose check or money order. and MAIL TO: CYCLE NEWS EAST. BOX 133. AVON. OHIO 44011 Dear SIr: Plsase send me my subscrtption to the newspaper. NAME NAME NAME ADORESS ADDRESS I CITY STATE ' ZIP___ Due to postal regulations for mailing periodicals. we must have your correct ZIP CODEt Please fill ou1 this form completely and allow three weeks for new subscriptions to 51art. Prices Listed For U.S. Mail Only. Foreign Rates on Request. Canadien subscribers. pleese mak.e checks payable In U.S. funds _ _ CITY STATE ZIP _ Due to postal regulations for mallmg periodIcals, we must have yOur correct ZIP CODe I Please fIll out this form completely and allow three weeks for new subscriptions to start. Prices Listed For U.S. Mail Only. ForeIgn Ratel on Request. CanadIan subscrmers. please make checks Plyable In U.S. funds ..:.~.~::f::.C:::::C:: ~:~e::l.n:; .............................•:: .. :.n.d.:~ .f:f:~ .c.~:::~~: ~:~-:s: . n?; •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • : _ ADDRESS CITY : • _ STATe' ZIP Due to postal regulations for mailing periodIcals, we must have your correct ZIP CODEr . Please fIll out this form completely and allow three weeks for new sub.scrlptioll$ 10 Slart. Prices LIsted For U.S. Mall Only. ForeIgn Rates on Request. CanadIan subSCribers, please make checks payable In U.S. funds and add flfty cents for processIng. ' : • : • • : .................................•......•....................

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