Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1971 01 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ .OTORCYGES '" THE fUTURE (Continued from page 3) 8> earlier times than its original 10 p.m. slot, will turn as many if not more 0: impressionable viewers on to the nice-guy road rider image as this first season :;; M ~ ~ w z ':j ~ u created. The great epic of the motorcycle image has not yet been written, but I plan to attempt it next year. With a first-rate book on the subject, 'media could satiate the country on the motorcycle life·style, for years to come. Meanwhile, general acceptance of the motorcycle movement is continuing to spread. We can look for television exploitation of motorcycle racing to begin very soon, perhaps starting in earnest with the Madison Square Garden races that kick off the new year. Problems come with progress. Some of them are already familiar. Our amazing growth in the past decade rubbed our noses in the inadequacy of service and supply, and we have not yet begun to sell. Safety used to be a bigger problem than it is now, and may get out of hand again. Part of the reason why accident statistics are declining is that more people are learning to ride off the road. Two million minibikes that were sold trained at least that many riders to the basic operation of single-track motor vehicles. That many won't have to cut their teeth on a hood ornament when they first venture into traffic. DuHamel To Race Kawas MONTREAL, P.Q., Dec. 7, 1970 - Road racer Yvon DuHamel signed a contract today with Canadian Kawasaki distributors E. Manley and Sons to ride the seven AMA National Road Races for the 1971 season. DuHamel will be given a pair of HIR's (race version of the Mach Ill). Continl(ency money, purses, and salary combine to make an "earning potential" of $200,000, according to Manley. In addition. if DuHamel does well at Daytona and other AMA pavement events, Kawasaki will give serious thought to campaigning the 3-eylinder at dirt events, and a MOTORCYCLES ARE PART OF THE SOLUTION Statistics compiled by BSA, Inc. show that 40% of the new bike buyers last year were repeat buyers. And the number of repeat buyers is equal to the total number of people who bought motorcycles in 1965! This means, among other things, a healthy big·bike market, better safety record, and more people reading Cycle News. It also means that the so-called "fad" of motorcycling is a permanllnt fixture on the American social and business scene. As the years march on to 2,000 the population, economic and ecological problems will grow more severe. How fortunate we are that motorcycles are part of the solution. We sell &set~~e::RfI> MAlCO\.,.1 . ~ AMERICAN 13ZlIE.lJUJlGUIIIIIU'£ ElJUfRTlJII CAlIF_ 17\41 171--4.7 $ eyeU CITY QW> 34198 Coast Highway Dana Point, Calif. 92629 (714) 496-1001 . s.III Donee ee_ty TrI,,- Ha_ners ...zu,u Twin at short tracks. DuHamel will also ride selected Canadian events under the same contract, with Mike Duff as team manager. \ Yvon has spent much of the past three weeks or so north of Montreal practicing his snowmobile racing. He will be the No.1 rider for Bumbardier, originators of 'Snow Machines' and Canadian manufacturer of the Ski-Doo line_ A five-man team has been signed by Bumbardier for 1971 snowmobile racing, including DuHamel, Lucien Lamoureux, Dan Obert, Bert Siklund (all Canadians) and. __ Bart Markel. Bean Canyon Plea Refused BAKERsFIELD, CALIF., Dec. 11, 1970 - The trials of approximately 45 individuals involved in the Bean Canyon trespassing charges which came to light several months ago, arc still being protested by the group': '.ttorney. Ray Yinger. A recent dismissal plea was refused by the judge and Yinger has "filed a petition for a writ of prohibition to compel the justice court to dismiss the cri.m.inal action." If this is effective, the question will be tried before the group's trials are set. ulf we lose this dismissal plea," adds Yinger, uwe will have no other alternative except to go to cou·rt for the actual trials." The~ outcome for Yinger's most recent dismissal petition will not be known until after the new year. If people don't knoYl who you are, II's a long way 10 laoDday DlonliDg. Hodaka, the original trailbike that made off.road riding a national sport, offers the key to weekend excitement. "G .tling Clway from it czlI" is wbCll HodakCl trcziJbilt.. .... czlI ClbouL Fr•• from w••kday woni... out in the open CIir ••• trcziJbiking gi... you CI "go cmywb.r.., do cmythiDg- kind of f••ling DO other aport CaD offer. W" d"sign and build Hodaka trailbikes to promote this feeling of freedom. Take performance. for instance. Hodaka i. the world's most popular 100cc trailbike because it out pe,rlorms other trcilbikes. Consistently. The technical reasons why are complex. The results are simple. More competitive events in the 100 class have been won on Hodaka's than any other make. We're experts when it comes to building trailbikes and seven years of study and design have taken the guess work out of the 'go' But just 'go' isn't good enough in a trcilbike. A breakdown ten miles from the nearest road can be dangerous as well as irritating. This is where Hodaka really shines. Every single component that goes into building the Hodaka has been time tested .. some up to seven years. When something isn't up to snuff we improve it until it is (flaws should be discovered in the factory by engineers, not in th" field by customers). To date. our 1970 Hodaka has been improved 174 ways better than the first Hodaka intro· duced seven years ago. And this testing continues, right down to the tiniest nut or bolt. Cycle Magazine affirmed Hodaka's reliability when they reported on a Cali· fornia Scrambles event with the words: "While the other makes of motorcycles, ICIrlJ. and amClU, dropped like flies from the pounding the Hadaka's went OD and on and on I" So now you know what Hodaka trail· bikes are basically all about (Weve won National Trailbike Champ three years in a row to prove it). Learn how it 011 started seven years ago by sending 2Sc and the completed coupon to: Public Relations Dept., PABATCO, Box 327, Athena, Oregon 97813. H@DAKA MOTORCYCLES ....................................................................... For a copy of "The Hodaka Story .. send the coupon and 25c to PABATCO's addrrss below. Nam•..........................._ ..__.._._._ Street __ _ _ _ _ ~ _ : : ~. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it isn't our fault. • Original designs created for your shop, team, or club & printed on T-shirts, non-shrink sweatshirts, wash & wear jackets, moto-x jerseys (as worn by Ake Jonsson & Willie Bauer) & tank tops. • Finisher pins_ • Wholesale prices for shops & clubs. : Ae<.:eo : City ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ .._ _._._: Stm _ _ .. .. Zip. .._._. iPhone····-····-····-~~·~~~~··~-1·~;·~-····-········--· ; ...-..... i ....................................................... PABArco...... 327. AtMIuL 0 . _ 17113 Los Angeles (213) 849-5776 products inc. Seattle (206) 284-5561 • Phoenix (602) 264-3201

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