Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 12 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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scramlDn' arouncr By Maureen Lee Well here we go, our traditional Christmas wish list to Santa Claus, some are meant to be funny, some are tongue in theek and some deadly serious. fOR TOM CLARK: a very prettily wrapped box containing...well ...Iet's see...could be a new badge for his traditional hat, a bottle of the good stuff, or a bouquet of roses...still, if it arrives ticking maybe he'd better put it in water first ... naw Santa, it is Christmas and Mr. Clark is a nice guy and a good competitor so I'll let you choose something really nice for him. FOR JEFF ROBIN & RICK DURAND: and others like them fresh back from Viet Nam with everything still intact, everything they wish for themselves, good bikes etc. and a sucessful return to civilian life. Rich has already won the first race he entered. FOR DICK KOUNS, DISTRICT 37 STEWARD: a slection of notepads so his wife can pin notes to his shirt so he doesn't forget what he's supposed to do and a TV set that doesn't give out when his favorite programs are on, and may his Matchless keep running forever. FOR JEFF Sl\1ITH, M.B.E. Well Santa, jeff's done everything including being honored by his Queen and besides that, he's a very special kind of person. Pop into his stocking everything he desires. FOR JOHN BANKS: The 500World's Championship, he's got the equipment and the determination, and then have people stop picking on him because he has money. Kidding is one thing, nastiness is another and the British school system doesn't pamper people. Under that English reserve John is 100% racer, and tough. FOR CHUCK l\1INERT: A little gold replica of a BSA for being a man who has shown the most unswerving loyalty we've ever seen to a sponsor. There's no one quite like him, Santa, so along with the replica, could you make sure that he always has the very best of equipment to ride. FOR FRANK COOPER: The best of luck with his Maicos, he's worked hard .EaR j for it Santa, always on the spot with his boys and even getting his hands dirty working on the bikes when necessary, cleaning mud off, things like that. He's 100% motorcycle people. FOR THE AMA: A West Coast office that really keeps in touch with the home office. Communications are a real problem and our country is too big for j~o=offi~. , FOR l\1ICUS: The decision as to who is the head of the organization. FOR WES COOLEY: A set of training wheels (he went down boom on his bike) and a less hectic 1971. fOR THE GRlPSTERS M/C: A great Elsinore Grand Prix but couldn't you figure out some way, Santa, that everyone who rides gets District points? fOR EARL FLANDERS: A case of tranquilizers, champagne, Scotch, whichever he desires because he really goes beyond the c"'l of duty to keep technical things running for the AMA, including Bonneville and that ain't easy when you have to work for a living. FOR DAYID ALDANA: The National One number plate and a new set of ear lobes (that's a private joke) as well as some new leathers. FOR NORTON VILLlERS: We'll revert to totally "English" English on this one... Father Christman, let them be successful. They are really putting on a ~ood show, their bikes are great (especially the A-Jays as was well demonstrated to me, whew!) so please, no unforseen bad luck for them. The British aren't coming they're here, (dump all that tea in the Boston Harbor will you) is the spirit that prevails. FOR GREEVES; all the best of luck in the New Year, all the bikes the distributor needs from the factory, and for Nick Nicholson himself, well, he plays a mean game of pool (cheats a little) but balances magnificently on a bike so how about one of those three wheel jobbers so he can sit there and the rest of us don't have to feel so demoralized when it looks like he's settled in for the night in a trap or a rut. FOR E.C. BIRT: All the bikes he tunes to win. He's one of the best. wu..sQN~. s_ GIAID .• UEIAO'E"'G SALE 'All CYCLE T-shirts to wear whilst riding his C-Zed, but for .a serious present Santa, a completey healed knee. FOR BRIAN KENNEY: The AMA motocross championship next year, good equipment and cases of dog food for ''Snowflake'' (another private wish, readers.) FOR JOEL ROBERT & ROGER DeCOSTER: A course of lessons in learning to speak Japanese. FOR RUSS DARNELL: Another succesfuJ European season but this time without so many crashes. FOR EVEL KNIEVEL: His very own private and portable x-ray machine. FOR GARY NIXON:. An Agnew watch. FOR DON VESCO: Hate to say it but here goes•..a month·old !lroken record. FOR DICK MANN: A bronzed pie.plate with "2" written on it with shoe polish. FOR EDISON DYE: A set of AMA . ~ MOTORCYCLE PARTS 8< SERVICE Specializing in Yamaha, • Gemini Mini Cycles and • Off Road Equipment. 1< 7872 Orangethorpe Buena Park 1714) 522-1041 •••••••••••••••t ••••••••••••••••• * a division of A.V. Carnicetlo Inc..... flags. FOR GENE ROMERO: A year's supply of tacos and beans. FOR JIM AND JOHN RICE: Contingency awards from Uncle Ben. FOR US ALL: Whatever we ask for Santa, like peace, courage, a good bike, good friends and plenty of places to ride, and above all to keep the traditional spirit in motorcycling, freedom! We service what we sell ~Qa~~~~: Maslers Riding Sclloo' A combination bike tune·up, maintenance, and riding school for English Trials will be presented during the holidays. Master riders Bob Nickelson and Kevin Walker will be conducting three separate trials schools for all persons interested in learning the many techniques of English Trials riding. The fee for each class will be $4 and all proceeds from the schools will be donated to the fund for sending the 1970 top two Southern California trials riders to Spain for European Championship competition. Sign up time is 8:30 a.m. at the following locations: Dec. 20 Riverside, Dec. 27 - San Diego, Jan. 3 - Riverside. For more information see the Calendar of Events listings or call Bob Nickelson at (213) 532-9867. BMW Specialties 411 West Whittier Blvd. Montebellll, Calif. 90640 (213) 724·9474 Give your Bul. a shot in the pipe . HAVE IT DYNOTUNED AT . ' :" Steve's BULTACO 7627 Van Nuys Blvd. 780-6300 Do your Christmas Shopping by phone to order agift subscription to Cycle News sent w.ith agift card in your name. / CALL (2J3) 421-1433 '-5 MOl THIU fR' . .............................................................. SUBSCRIBE TO CYCLE NEWS AT THE SPECIAL ~HRISTMAS RATE OF $6.00 · · · · · · · • • • • • • • • CYCLE NEWS WEST (,1 yr.) . . . . . .. $6.00 0 (4 times a mo~th) CYCLE NEWS WEST (2 yrs.1 $12.00 0 Via lst eI... mail for one year $18.00 0 Vie Air Mail for one year $26.00 0 This is a n_ subscription. THIS IS A RENEWAL .0 I enclose check or money order. A card will be sent sayinl this is • Please bill me. .lift from _ CYCLE NEWS WEST (1 yr.) . . . . . . . $6.00 0 (4 ti mes a month) CYCLE NEWS"WEST (2 yrs.1 $12.00 0 Via 1st class mail for one year . . . 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