Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 12 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ICE RACING .... ~ 1 o .... '" N N ~ C ~ W Z W ...J tJ ~ tJ Typical of the Cow Palace action, this kind of excitement moves to Long Beach, Calif. Arena this Friday. real show for their money and when this the front but he bailed and it was all Bob Barkhimer Production returns on Hansen from that point on. Joe Henry Jan. 2nd it will resume at the same hot kept up a good pace to finish a close pace. second with Len Hatton doing a great (Results on page 20) job for third as he was the only Novice in the bunch. Yam salvaged a fourth as the pack strung out with falling and mechanical ills prevalent. Mike Yarn's fourth place finish was part of a series of fourths and barely making it type thing as the '67-68 champion has had difficulties making a comeback. His second place finish in the qualifying heat was an inch or so from ftrst as his drive off the last comer on the outside nearly beat Terry Sage. From there it was a series of back row starts and then just barely making each rransfer. [t was a job well done. The four heat race winners were Hansen, Powell, Butch Corder and Kenyon and that was also the way they lined up for the main. These four have probably been the most consistent in the heat activity but certainly have had their problems with main event winning. Last year it was all Mark Brelsford, with the four horsemen showing up right behind. But with Brelsford having his own difficulties this year, it'5 anybody's race now. In the ten lap consolation event, Jim Roeder survived for the most laps with George Carter second and Joe Soto third. It was Mark Brelsford on the pole for this race but as he led it into the Butch Corder gets his just desserts from first tum he lost the front end and Trophy Queens Diane Kenyon and down he went. Carter picked up the Carol Swanson. pace with Scott Brelsford close in. But as Scott made his move he also bailed. The assembled 2000-plus audience Kot a SUL.T!=lCO sonny kenyon's ~ cycles "ales service parts. . @;. IIIIIa • " . . . SPECIALIST 2594 Middlefield Road Mt. View, California 94040 Chub Boyles surpasses the limit of adhesion on the sanded frozen pond as Wayne McFetridge tries to decide which way to go to avoid him, at ice race on Gilpin Lake, Colorado. Readers in the Denver, Colorado area don't let a little thing like winter snow slow down their motorcycle fun. Harry's Roamers Motorcycle Club of Denver offers a 3-race season of Ice Racing, combined with the 3-race season by the Dusters M.C. of Colorado Springs, to give bikers in the Rocky Mountain state something to do besides dream. Ice racing is run on sanded frozen ponds, with no extra traction devices like chains or spikes allowed. Six entries constitute a class in the 0-125, 125cc-175cc, 176cc-250cc and Open categories. There is a third-wheel class, like sidecars, only with no passengers, grouped in two categories: up to 175cc and Open. Dates of the races and locations will be in the Calendar of Events through March 21. Irs a long way 10 Dlonday lDonliDg. Bodaka, the original trailbike that made off-road riding a national sport, offers the key to weekend excitement. (415) 961-4399 MAlL' ORD~R. .~~ ~':h(cl..... l (fmichrome .::i0_·/$blnes SUddenly ':! • . ShIll chrome i. a ""n.y quick as a bunny OMPETlTlON Tube 51 CHEMICALS Can $3.45 713 Estes 51".1 10000a Falls IllWa 50126 1/; \ , ~. A II A S A K • I KAWASAKI ONLY sa~es and service largest parts stock on west coast "G elting away !rom it cdI" ia what Hodoka Irailbikes are all about. Free hom weekday wani... out in the open air ••• Irailbiking giyea you a "go anywher... do anything" kind of feeling no other aport can offer. We design and build Hodaka trail bikes to promote this feeling of freedom. Take performance. for instance. Hodaka is the world's most popular 100cc trail bike because it out performs other trailbikes. Consistently. The technical reasons why are complex. The results are simple. More competitive events in the 100 class have been won on Hodaka's than any other make. We're experts when it comes to building trailbikes and seven years of study and design have taken the guess work ouf of the 'go'. But just 'go' isn't good enough in 0 troilbi'

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