Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 12 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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,,; " ~ o In the 250 Amateur, Larry Batiston, Bob Bowers and Wayne Farrell put on a great dice for first for the entire six laps and kept the assembled fans hopping for their favorite . (Results on page 20) ~ w Z W ..J U >- U COW PALACE GETS 'EM READY fOR LONG BEACH INDOORS By ll'iI1 Spencer SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., Dec. 12, 1970 - Opening night at the San Francisco Cow Palace brought out a record number of entries for the 1/10th mile short track. Sixteen qualifying heats consisted of 125 riders that only transferred the first and second to the four heat races. Many of the celebrated entries. such as Jim Rice Nat. No. 24, SALINAS 'SAND PIT ROARS AGAIN By Bill Spencer SALINAS, CALIF., Dec. 13, 1970 Separating the Santa Clara Valley and the Salinas Valley is a short stretch of low, sandy hills. Nestled in these hills sits the Salinas RAmblers M.C. "Sand Pit". The race track was cut in the late 'forties and over the past twenty years some great names have arisen from this sandy scrambles speedway. The races are billed as scrambles but the temperament is more toward motocross. In 1969, it was the scene of a very exciting Inter-Am motocross and the track will probahly be redug for motocross in 1971. Last Sunday's winter scrambles brought an all time rec~rd number of en tries with 402 sign-ups, which will attest to its popularity amongst the rough scrambles riders. Many of these riders do not race the summer flat track ~ scrambles while many others consider the winter mud unbearable. At any rate, Salinas does develop some extremely exciting, different racing. This run was no exception as halfway through the h ve "old rain set in, drenchin Three racers try to occupy the same sandy spot. free with purchase of& "ores AtX Boots new CZ .. . v.n.r Pairtnga • bOx 218 • Urbana. . . $75.00 value South Bay Motorcycles 213 S.. p.e.H., Redondo (213) 371-3344 offer good until Christmas only everyone and making the going slick. In the 500 Expert Main Bob Grossi showed his sensational talent at rough stuff riding with broadslide turns and top-gear speed. In the few years of his developmen t, he is no less than spectacular to watch. His riding as a sponsored racer in the next few years should make him an all-time great. The 650 Expert Main was an interesting race although only six riders started. When tbe checkered fell, it was Bill Landsborough just ahead of Jerry Chadim and that was it. Norm Seidel went out on lap one and Duane Spence on the next lap and so on, until only the two were left and yet it was a close battle. The 250 Experts were again the fastest and the win went to Ron Stockman. Ron was also the guy who led Grossi around for the first lap. Stockman is no newcomer and rides very well. Beating the regulars at the Sand Pit is something to be proud of. Second went to Jim Miller, a newcomer, and third to Dave Hansen who rides everything and does a great job. "The most effective lubricants of our time" e 7340 Florence Ave. Downey, Ca. 90240 Dealer inquiries invited Dave Hansen, the winner. Chuck Palmgren Nat. No. 6 and Jim Odom Nat. 77, never made the show as the.going was hot and crashing. Much talk against this elimination system was hard to swallow here as, this year, the track is larger and very fast. Also, the midget race cars have made the surface very sticky, laying down much rubber that makes passing on the outside possible. It was Dave ,Hansen, the San Jose Indoor Champ, who showed the way around for the fifteen lap Main Event. AI Kenyon had grabbed the lead at the onset from the outside position but Mike Yam took a nasty spill that brought oltthe Black Flag. . The restaTt brought Russ Powell to •• GORDY WILLIAMS Authorized Dealer ~ ~ 9C1TY NOlRTIHI1EIRN ]D11IRlECTOlRY RATES 'S75 PER YEAR 1<;0 I$SLJt:S Cye FOR EACH $ING ..... E aU$INESS L STING PAvo,BLE 1'-1 AO'-'ANC!:. ALAMEDA, CALI FORNI A FREMONT, CALIF. MARYSVILLE, CALIF. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. POWELL'S ALAMEDA HDNDA - Bol .• Hod.-$uz.-H,on. OVlr 250 M/C's to ehoon from. Trade-In. aceepted-pald for or not. Liberal flnancln•. It you'.,. been twntd down-Try us!) Frn rldlne Ilison. with purch., In•. couns'line. 5 tecto trained .ch. to un. you. 1128 Park Sh'ftt 94501. (415)"165.0545. BIiLTACD OF FREMDNT - Endur. H,adquartlrs. Com. In and hi'" a cup 0' co,,,,. Bultaco, quality 'rom top 10 bottom. lIoto-lItta, Brohco, bold nlW b,tICI o. lI.y·to·toll Mlnl·81k1. S.I•• , Slrvlcl, and AC-ClSsorl.,. Molo,cycll Insuranc•. (415) 792-7949, 37J1I Frlmont Blvd. at Plralta in Fremont. SLIM'S MOTORCY LE SALES - 100 D Slreot. Mary,vlll•• C.III. !S9M. (916) HAP JD/lES DIST. CD. - Avon & Car. Ulle Tlr••, Ionanl .110' rims. Amal carbl. NGK, KLG & Hlbchl plu", Lu. cas .Iectrlc part. _d .11 e,cl. n••d•. S.nd S1 for ' ••11 clulOI. Bol 3061, 94119. (415) 621-4115. BERKELEY, CALIF. CAIIPUS SUZUKI - 1403 San Pablo Ave. Zip 94702. (415)141-0192. S"ukl, .ko, Sachs & Ciao lilli, servici & partl. ilPIrtJ .... o. splclalty!" Any. thin, WI don't hllll,,, can GET."Opin 9-' Mon. thru Sat. SM J 1m Johnson. CYCLE CENTER STORES '2 - 37422 F,.mont Blvd. PllOI1I: (415) SY 3.7311. Honda, Malco, Triumph. Motorcyete In. .ancl, Taco .. Bonanzl ... 100% 'Inancln. on approval of c,edlt. Oiffieun Cuslomlrs aft I Chall.nll! 142·na5. Yamaha, BSA. Mavrlck, and Bonanza.S.,vICl ,ndlnlurance.AlIslz. 1"I'ne borln,. Crank 'Ipllr. Motocrou h.adqu,rtltrs In MarysvlU•• SDNNY KENYDN'S CYCUS, Le' eapll'1.ncld competitor s ure tor your blk•. R,CI tunld lpeclallst, WI wo,k on mo.t makes. a.ltaco and CZ. PI'ts, SaliS, and Servic•• Mall o,de, 'or Bulta'co and CZ Part. and Acculorlu. 2594 Mlddl.· ft.Jd Rd. (415) 9&l-4399. CONCORD, CALIF. NDIlTH BAY MOTDRCYCLES - J.w. &CZ IIlu & .. rvICi. Sldicars.I.S.D.T. 250'. &. 402's. -The Motocross Head. quartlrs for North 8ay.1I Parts & Accas. sorl". Op.n 9 to 6. 2120 Concord AVI., C.ncord, Calli. 94520. (415) 617·9300. T(IM'S CYCU CENTER - BSA, Kaw•• saki, Suzuki, Gr.VlS" M sa, OSIl, Moto-lItta. Full fine ot Mont parts. -Home o. Good Guy,." 1325 Galindo, Zip 94520. Phon.: (415) 619-6722. Hours Opln s-6, .9-8 Wid. LAFAYETTE, CALIF, RICK SCHELL'S SPDllTCYCLES- BoI· taco, Yamaha, Penton. Headquarters 'or &arlinit' calbs. Complell MIlIn: w.ldln,. WI speclallz. In dirt bike,. Hom. of Oist. 36 111. 3611 1ft. Diablo Blvd., Lat.y.It•• C.III. 94549. (415) 213-2212. &~Svc. DAM CYCLES: Buttaco, Suzuki, Hodaka, Taco IIlnl Bikes, with full parts and accluo,l., Invlntel'Y for,t,... and dirt rldlrs. WI .ell Insuranel Iei' dirt and t bike. all kklllls. COIlll In and . 1 Jack Lewis, the Plco Kid eI' Rldl Clyd.l 4036 D.m Road. EI Sowant., C.1I1. 94103. "":·(415) 222-2044. ,t,.. 0' CDUSEUM CYCLE & ACCESSORY CO. - Kawasaki Sal.s & Slrvlet. CorapJI" .ccIssorlll, clolhlna dept. Custom :~:~·~~:~~~s~,,~'II:tI;la:::~ Ihru Fri •• 5... 9-5. 3~ E. 141h 5'., Oakland 941M. (415) $34-5411. Presi· dent: Howard Silt. All riders WI leo.,.! NELSON BItOS. ~ T,lumph. Honda, _ ., P.ntCil Ulll, repal, & shop ..,vICl.EltIbU,hld since I''''. Extlnslve parts l leeellOf'l.. deptl. Complete Insurancl & tlnancl", "cilia tl... ilWI ...nd behind our product• • ..,vlcl." ~4S00 E. 14th St., Oakland 94101. (415) S32·3i77. • Gr••, HOd •• C~Z ••• "nl·8Ik..: Ma .... lck. TICO, Bonanza, Scout Choppw•• Corne In and ....'n to ride. Open: Mon. 12.$ T,., T ,', "', Sit. '·5. 933 Franclsc~ Blvd. 94901. (415) 451-0335. - C.z. OILS & ADDITIVES ESCALON, CALIF. ·SLENDZALL" Ind "EXCELZALL" ·.wld', Fl.-It" Join the! •• I"qulrl•• W'leo•• Addzl p Add Itlft' 143347 First St., Escllon,CaIl'. t532O: Ph.... : (209) 131-7912. De.,. REDWOOD CITY, CALIF. A&A MOTDIlS - Pari' & ..... & .,vlc. fat v d .quip. R.E., "I.,. LIVERMORE, CALIF. CYCLE CENTER STORES '4 - 2310 First 51. Phone: (415) 443a5111. Kawa. saki, Suz., BSA, lIalco. Motorcycl. Insurancl, Taco" Bonanza Minl-bikls. 1.~ "nancln, 9n approval of credit. Are )'ou plrtlcular? S.. us! Hod..... 0' Nor. Mid Y1m. snowmobl t••• Also CDIlpI... macbl.. ahop, Milan:: .eldla,. pleleu, & delllllly and mall _ .......... 1771 EI Camino. 94011. (415) 316-3.14. JOHN SIIITH IIDTDllCYCLES - (Tho Wh..1 Kina) Custom wh.. 11 far an)'· thlna Ind I'll. SII. cult. part" IDcl. Ixt.nd forks and IIUII tor molt bikes. Oullr fel' SYZ., Jaw., CZ, and Gar.lIl. Mill order tor molt makll. Incl. BSA .. Trl. You phonl, we ship. 25U Franklin ., _y. Sac'o, 95111. (911) 45.2-2622. SELBY MOTORS - 34 EI C.mino Ru r~ 94062, (415) 369-4112. Lar.lSt stock' of ·tlrls and acCIS•. WI havi the ~rt S for K.w., Grl., Sill., MontI", BSA. and Sachs. Eas,' pay Ins. and hon..t deal, that we stand behind. Lar,l.t Montlsa deallr In No. Callt. O,.n Tl!ur•. 9-9. 0' ORDER MOTORCYCLES 3958 E. 14th ST., OAKLAND, CAL. (415) 534-5461 94601 10. flnlncln. on ~provil of crldlt. Dlfflcutt customers wlntld. BISCUITS' CYC U TClWN 'Sis. Marin Count,. Yam., A.£,Mo'o-X Hq. 01 Compl. MIch. Shop. liSA, Montll', and ACCESSORY CO. ~KAWASAKI Insurancl, TieD & BonanZi _nl-blkes. SACRAMENTO, CALIF. tLrSOBRANTE, CALIF. COLISEUM CYCLE CYCLE CENTER STDIlES '1 - 16520 East 14th 51. Pho..: (415) BR 6.s21l. Hondl, "odalea, 8SA, IIIlco. Motorcycl. SAN RAFAEl, CALIF. 939-4988 N. MAINIWALNUT CR •• C.AL. MAIL SAN LEANDRO, CALIF. MT. VIEW, CALIF. OAKLAND, CALIF. CYC LE CENTER STDRES '3 - 37411 Fromon. Blvd. Phon.: (415) SY 2.0111. Suz., Ibw., Hodalll, 8SA, Plnton, Mon· te .... Motorcycll InsurMlCI, T,co & Bonanza Mlni.blklS. 100" tlnancln. on approval of credit. W. wllcome dl'tfl. culty In CUltOmlrs. . (415) 2~3I 'lllllle"ll' sOle U.S. Distributor Prices and information on request Or-angevale 0 istributors 9198 Greenback Lane Orangevale., Ca. 95662 (916) 988-4725 ~ .nnITR'lmmrnrnrnrn"lnl......... .* iN STOCKTON l PENTON - CZ HUSQVARNA Coleman's. 1545 E. Miner Stockton, Ca. 95205 ph. (209) 466-5872 ..•.•...•••••....•••t····I.-.···

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