Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 12 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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8, :. o ... Ol -u o " ~ w Z w .... U >U m~~r~e~ from Ibe 0811110( NOISE ANNOYS! A couple of months back, I wrote in this column about a Board of SUJ><'rvisor's me~ting being held in San Bernardino regarding a proposed ordinance (since enacted) which would extend certain provisions of the Vehicle Code to off·road vehicles. These provisions applied to noise and the elimination of noise through mandatory mu fller requirements. I suggested in that anicle that any desert riden who objected to the propsal should attend and protest accordingly. . I have received numerous letters since that time which were designed to "straighten me out on the noise problem". Before anyone else takes pen-in-hand, let me say this. "From a personal view, I dislike motorcycle noise! I have for years told feUow motorcyclis.ts that noise is our worst enemy! It does more to hurt our public image than anythmg else! But, on the other hand, I represent thousands of California motorcyclists, including many desert riders. And sometimes, I must ignore my pe~onaJ feel~gs ~d ke.:p those whom I represent (and who have differing views) adVISed of legISlation which affects them! That was my purpose In announcing the meetlng". - THANKS To 'lie Cone;o Trai' Riders on "ellalf of 'lie members of M.O.R.E. for 'lie Benefi' Enduro . Now, with respect to .noise, let me offer some food for thought. I've been riding bikes for more than thirty years and there was a time when I owned what was undoubtedly the loudest H.I? in the State of Oregon. And not too many years ago, I rode a pretty ratty sounding Yamaha. But at about that same time I became ina:eas~g1)1 i!1v?lved in the ~ussion of motorcycling needs with the agencies havmg JUrisdiction over public lands, and with various legislative bodies. And wherever I. went! wh.ere.~er I go, the f"U'St thing .that I'm told by non-motorcyclists and ~otorcyclists alike, IS, When are you guys gomg to do something about noise?" This IS usually foUowed by statements proc1aiming that, "We understand your problems, but where can we put you so that your noise won't bother other J><'ople?" Needless to say, I have long since q~eted my own bikes and have been stumping for others to do the ~e. Sure, the nOIse sounds good b~t a quiet bike is the price we must pay for public acceptance and support. I'm paymg the price! How about y=? • And if I c~'t appeal to you~ logic, perhaps you might be surprised to learn that many of the silencers n~w reac~ the market not only eliminate noise (to a whisper level) but appear to be unprovmg per£onnance. My responsibilities with MORE keep me at competition even.ts t,hrou~out the state ';Very weekend. More and more (love that word!) of the wmnmg bikes are also silenced bikes. That should tell us something! Or maybe it's just that our better' riders have a slight edge in the intelligence department. . Comments and/or inquiries should be addressed to the author, clo MORE, P.O. Box 26062, Sacramento, Ca. 95826. Mi'eo I."aeo We specialize in only Baltaco 1241 W, Onagetborpe, Buena Pn CU4) 522-1109 :'0::::' GrHws: ':t~m:: Motorcycles Wes,.i.s'., ., , S,." Guy R. Louis e,de. CU4) 193-1051 7574 Westminster Ave., Westmlnst., ca. lsn ~e ~~ (imichrome ·~~-/ SUddenly ~ I: ,/ . YAMAHA MOTOCROSS MODEL $32.00 pair Dealer Inquiries Invited !>bone: # C~05) a SACHS OSSA 824-4261 1049 W. Mission, Pomona. Cal. 714-629-8642 'Idlic e.IS' H'."I Shocks come with 78 t as standard spa.. springs $8.00 pair. Complete rebuild kits $5.00 ea. lW E••nslons $3.00 pr. Seals $1.50 pair Please specify motorcycle make & model. Mount type requlr.d. Eye at each end or eye and clevis type. Now In stock the new "lbvrlck" 5·way adjustable heavy duty shoeks, rHulidable lustrous ch.- sprlnes, llW or 12\4" leneth available. Center to cenlltr of eyes 3\2" travel. We Pay Postap on Prepaid Orders. california Residents add 5% lor sales tax NOW ......NEW ADDED WARRANTy ...... II the seal falis on any MAVRICK unit wi !hI n 90 days from date of purchase we will replace the seal free. P.S. Does anybody else do this? __........ 2073 W. Pacific Coast Hwy. Loillta, Ca.' Pb: Cn3) 326-3810 Open 7 days ,.S.,••" SI'S Jo••• I"I'~ "He, Mr. Dea'er" We carryall types of insurance coverage - garage I iabi Iity fire - theft & dealer bonds Sire u, T. 251 MAVRICK DOES IT AGAIN Penton - Hodaka Yamaha - Norton Husqvarna ~ on this Introductory oller, EDDIE MULDER: National Expert Winner .. . Sante Fe Park. III. - 25-Lap n Race - 2170. MAVRlcr SUITE 227 7340 fLORENCE J. VENUE REG SHELDRICK Sa'" "~Iion PHONE (2.13) 9'21-D11 DOWNEY, CALIfORNIA 90240 SSA~w:I'>l'._ 3441 Motor Ave., L.A., Ca. Cn3) 83&-52ll " .....~ $10 00 NORTH AMERICAN IMPORTS 2325 Cerro Gordo, P.O. Box N Mojave, Calif. 93501 ~ubricants . . , Inc. JOHN I. MAYNARD INS, Take advantage 01 the best buy of the year. SPOOL HUBS, 40 hole wllh 5/8" bearings included. Best alioy with chrome Jlke IInlsh. Invited Parts & Accessories TRIUMPH SUZUKI MOTORS 13211 EAST ORANGETItlHU'E FIUERTON CAL_ 1714) 818-481 S~lng Ratios from 65t to 125t In stock oea ler Inq ulrl es fONTANA Hodaka-Malco- Fontana Calif CZ Sales ,. Parts - Service (714) 822·2252 $29.95::r s~lngs "J4, ! Yamaha-Sac.h's- 9008 Sierra Ave. Deluxe. MOdel $34,00 pair 4" travel w/60·90 procresslvely ~ Slmlchrome is a honey Cle.. S quick as a bunny OMPETlTlON Tube $I CHEMICALS Can $3.-S 713 Estes Street Iowa Falls Iowa 5012& These top stars demand the best they chose Suco Safely Helmets for performance proven protection. See why more professional races are going to Suco Safely Helmets. Send 25 cents handling cost for 1970 catalogue of the complete Buco Cycle Accessory Line. • .. I BUCO PRODUCTS 2400 FISHER BLDG. DETROIT, MI. 48202 A 111 A S A K • I r~WASAK' ONLY slles an" senice largest parts stocll 01 west coast Drlco's Motorcycles 1629 S. Stln"lr" Santa Ana, Ca'if. (714) 543-9688

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