Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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N ~ C1. ~ Ql M :> o z ~ REGULAIUYSCHEDULED EVENTS ATTENTION PROMOTERS: For Listing*' this column call Of write: Tom Walsh at CYCLE NEWS Box 498, Long Beach. Ca. 90601 1213) 427·7433 w Z W ...J (.l > u EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT CLASS A Speedway Racing at Orange County Fairgreunds, Costa Mesa. Gates open 7 p.m.• Racing 8 p.m. Free parking and programs. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT TT RACING, Elsinore Race Tracie Gates open 3 p.m., races start 7:30 p.m:, Off Hwy. 71 in Elsinore, Cal. FRIDAY, OCT. 30 SHORT TRACK at Orange County Jr. and Sr. trophies, cash. Gates open at 6 p.m., practice at 7, first race at 8. S~. INTER·AM MOTOCROSS at Ascot Park, Gardena, Cal. S15 ..... il entry to Inter·Am, 4790 Palm Ave., La Mesa, Cal. 92041. FIM sanct. Info: 1714) 460-1281. 3rd SUN. OF EVERY MONTH Deadman's Point. Apple Valley. Cal. - 3rd Sunday, Motocross - all classes. 8 a.m. prac. - 10 a.m. start. $1.00 Entry Fee - Info: (714) 247·7473 (eves.). SPEEDWAY RACING at Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. 8 pm. COURSES FOR RENT ADELANTO T.T. TRACK. Available for club meets (sanctioned events only). Suitable' for cycles and mini-bikes. Hwy. 395. 8 miles West of Victorville. For info. (213) 927·3860. TT AND FLAT TRACK at Trojan Speedway, South Gate, Calif. 100. 125. end 250cc classes. Gates open 6 pm, 1st race at 7:30 pm. Info: (213) 923-9132. THURS. & FRI., OCT. 29 & 30 FILM - "FIRST LOOP" by Marc Creighton Productions, presented bv Cycle N_. Torrance High School Aud. Two showinll' at 7:15 p.rn. and 9:15. S2.50 general admission, Sl children. SCRAMBLES by Hi Hats M.C. at Vallejo S~. AMA sanct. $2 per rider per bike. Class C traction. Signup 5-6:45 p.rn., practice 6·7. racing at 8. SATURDAY, INDOOR SHORT TRACK by Bob Barkhimer at San Jose, Cal. on Tully Rd. between Frwy and Monterey Hwy. Wermupo at 7 p.m., racing at 8:30; 1110th mi. •phalt track. Info: 14 Camp Evers, Santa Cruz, Cal., 95060; (408) 438-3210. MINI BIKE at Trojan Speedway. Pract. noon to 2, racing and qualifying at 2.. All cl...... Entry $3, admission $1. Mini bike cl (11) cen be obtained from Southern Ca. MIB Assoc. SAT. & SUN., OCT. 31 & NOV. 1 BMW PICNIC at San Diego's Missoon Bay Park. Displays end exhibits. Info for Dealers and Companies: (714) 298-4498. 1970 TRAIL BIKE 100ee CALIFORNIA CHAMPIONSHIP RACES RIDE WITH THE BEST 5th A Cross Country Race Just For 100cc Trailbikes -. 31 TT RACING at Elsinore Race Track. Gates open at 3, races at 7 :30. Off Hwy 71 in Elsinore. Cal. R V EI\;TERPRISES PRESENTS DECEMBER OCT. IlLDE @ EVENTS SAND SCRAMBLES by AMRA at Indian Dunes. Mila $5 entry to San Scrambles, c/o Box 174, N_I, Calif. No penalty for poot. Info: 1213) 892-5725. or (806) 259-7495. MOTOCROSS by HRA at HuntingtOn Beech Cycle Park. $3 mail entry to Box FA, Westminster. Cal.• 92683, clQ181 Oct. 28. $6 poIt. Signup 8-10. 3 HRA plates or ride expert. Info: (714) 897-4458. Separate course for different skills many contingency awards & trophies - finisher awards - all cards accepted. Noy. 15th - Offcamber MC (POST ENTRY ONLY $5.(0) Seabreeze Park Noy. 1st - Saddleback (H)O" trophies, Jr.-Inter.) Noy. 29th-Carlsbad Rac"way CMC - RAIN or SHINE 3= Plates Reel. Gat•• open at 7:30 a.II., raellll at 10:00 ClIC MEMBERSHIP REQ. S5.00 Mall Entry, SlO.DlI Past Entry. Mall to CIIe, BOI 1402, Costa Mua, Calif. 92626. Mall Entries c lOll 5 days prior to each , ..nt. a.... . 29 EVr.TS ~.. ~ 1;" EVElY fllDAY NIGHT 6 Mains . , If>. Pit 6 Trophy DUMS '\., 4jrAL PIt Up to 16 H,at Rae.. .." lst 4 Salllt's Adlll: S2.DlI , For InfcroutloD: Mini bike, practice 1·11: Sl.DlI· Call Under I: F_ , (213) 162-0229 from 12 to 2 p.m. Racing Starts 2 p.m. ( (213) 923-9132 Qualifying Of All Classes • (213) ""'"2960 Entry S3.00, Adm. $1.00 1st 150 Rider ElItrles 01111 Gata. Open: 6 PM Gates CI_: 7:15 PM Rae.: 7:30 PM Writ. 5601 SolltMnl Aft. slIlItII Gat., Ca. ' ~nn. JACKASS ENDURO by Foothill Hawks limed from Red Mountain. First rider should 1 _ beIIind limed from Red Mountain at 8:01 a.m. Start, lIIIS and finish at Red Mountain. $4 mail to Jay Adami. 63Q8 S. MeN_. Whittier, Cal. 90606. 55 poot with Sledded for eec:h teem rider. Limited entry closes Oct. 18. D.-ing Oct. 21 at B:30 p.m. at 503 W. Whittier Blvd.• Mon_lo, Cal. 90640. Info: (213)695-7317,695-7736. CMC MOTOCROSS at Saddillback Park. 55 .....i1e entry to CMC, Box 1402. Coota Mesa. Cal. 92626. cloees Oct. 27. Post $10. Gates open at 7 :30, race at 10. 3 No. plates. INTER-AM MOTOCROSS at Bay Mare Park. $15 mail entry to Inter-Am, 4790 Palm Ave.. La Mesa. Cal 92041. FIM sanet. Info: (7141 4110-1281. SCRAMBLES by SCMC at Harris Ranch, Hollister. 7BOO Cienege Rd. Signup 8-11, praet. 9-1 1. Class C traction. AMA sanet., Din. 36 pts. S2 admission, under t 2 50 cents. HARE SCRAMBLES by Groundshaken M.C. limed from Aailroed Pall, in SMrChlight, Nev. Nevada Championship begins at 10; cemping OK Sal. night but bring own food II equip. $4 entry. MRAN sanct. MOTOCROSS by Kern County Tra~blazers M.C. at POlO Park. 18 miles North of Bakersfield on Hwy 99. All cl..... AMA sanet.. Dist. 35' pts. Other Dill. cerds honored. Practice at 8 a.m., racing at 10. Poet entry $4.50, ..... il entry S3 to 240 E. Ash, Shafter, Calif. Info: (805) 746-W58. HARE & HOUNDS by Sage-Hoppen M.C. limed from the Oyster Beds at Intentate 8 and D....-y Rd., 20 miles from EI Centro neer Plaster City. 100 miles. AMA sanct., Dist. 38 pts. S3 entry, riders meeting at 8:30 a.m. Info: (714) 753-2907. ;NOW AT1 SaOOLeBaCK ORANGE COUNTY'S MOTOR PLAYGROUNC Nov. 1st C.M.C. Motocross Nov. 15th Trans A.M.A. Featuring: EYery Sunday a riding school for beginners arfd inter· mediate 12 noon and 3 p.m. HOUIS 8:00 A•••··S:OO P••• Closel &Wed. Admission S2.50; Minis S1.50 saDDLesaCK ParK ~ BOX 2455. crance cauFornla q16b7 Newport Fwy. to Challman Ave., east to Santiago CaIi.Yon Blvd., turn right, l~ miles to entrance opposite state fire station. Phone (714) 639-5832. TROJAN SPEEDWA Y SOUTHOATB TT & flAT TRACr RACING MOTOCROSS at San.. Maria Speedway limed from 6lo'tlCE\.\.~O[Umoff. Campi"g avaiable. Ir.cP' ernie (805) 736-6363 SCRAMBLES by Sacramanto Racing Association at Rooevill., limed from Interotate 80 II Dougl. Blvd. Benefit. AMA sanct. $2 to ride or -teh. Student cerd Sl, under 12 free. 3 No. plates. AMA or Sportsman cerd. Signup pract. 8-11 :30, racing at noon. Nov. 8th Mini-Bike Scrambles MOTOCROSS RV Enterprises P.O. Box 3882 Torrance, Calif. 90510 (213) 370-8234 Watch for further details SUNDAY, NOV. 1 Watch for Classes Expert-Amateur, Novice, Over 40 years old, Under 16. Powder Puff, Non-racers (not raced previously) Full publicity plus sponsor awards - sponsored entries $2.00 extra to qualify. Any regular entry blank with $6.00 fee to: PONDEROSA HARE SCRAMBLES by Greyhounds M.C. starts 15 miles ....t of Lancester on Avenue "J". Begins at 10 a.m. 4()'ll, trophies to trail 125 and Open plus contingencies. Info: (2131367·2907. TUES.-FRI., NOV. 3-6 MEXICAN 1000 by NORRA. Starts in Ensenada with registration on. Tuesday, racing on Wednesd8y. Round-trip plane fare for fans from Enseneda to La Paz S100 per. Tourist permits required, awilable at Mexican Consulates and Tourist Dept. in large U.s. cities. Info: (213) 245·1033. FRIDAY, NOV. 6 CMC MOTOCROSS at Ascot Park, Gardena, Calif. Gates open 5:30 pm, 1st race at 7 pm. CMC membership and three readable number plates required. TT RACES at Orange Cou nty Speedway. Jr. and Sr. trophies. cash. Gates open at 6 p.m., practice at 7. fi rst race at 8. SPEEDWAY RACING at Orange County fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. B pm. TT AND FLAT TRACK at Trojan Speedway, South Gate, Calif. 100, 125, and 250cc -classes. Gates open 6 pm. 1st race at 7:30 pm. Info: 1213) 923-9132. SATURDAY, NOV. 7 INDOOR SHORT TRACK by Bob Barkhimer at San Jose, Cal. on Tully Rd. between Frwy end Monterey Hwy. Warmupo at 7 p.m., racing at 8:30; 1110th mi. asphalt track. Info: 14 Camp Evers, Santa Cruz, Cal.. 95060; (408) 438-3210. MINI BIKE at Trojan Speedway. Pract. noon to 2. racing and qualifying at 2. All classes. Entry $3, edmission S1. Mini bike clapes (1 I) can be obtained from Southern Ca. MIB Assoc. TT RACING at Elsinora Race Track. Gates open at 3, races at 7 :30. Off Hwy 71 in Elsinore, Cal. SAT. & SUN., NOV. 7&8 INTERNATIONAL MOTOCROSS by Dirt Diggers M.C. at HopetOWll. Mail entry only, S10 to: (Ltwt. & PPI DOMC. 12221 B. York Ave., Hawthorne, Cal.. 90250 and lHvywt. & Sidehacks) DOMC, 19308 E. Aguirro St., Rowland Heights. Cal. 91745. Entries close Oct. 25. Dist. 37 pts. Scrambles, Desert. Ml(. Info: (2131644-0965,964-5076. SUNDAY, NOV. 8 COWBELL DERBY by Hayward M.C. starts at Upper Lake. Cal. Mail S5 entry to Hayward M.C. or $10 for team entry (3 riders/. No Post. closes Oct. 20. Spark arrester a must. All Entries Accepted· Until 6:30 p.lI. MOTQoCROSS Every Friday Night • .,.rse ~oo S PIt pt. apen 4:30 ,I. PIt ptlS 1l1li 8lItrI•• Close 6:30 pm. ASCOT --R'K r''' ~~:I::;': .:3:'-'1· .5 111,1 CIII: .83.d ~VE"'ONT .Uff::'-=UREEfMYS 3 Iarp , l!1IIe. o~.aa~"a~~~~D~~_~_~~.~.l!l_~.~~ ~.~!~~!~j