Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 10 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Western Edition VOLUME VII NUMBER 41 October 27,1970 USBICOBB PUCH TEST • INTER-AM • BLM MAPS • TRANS-AMA Cal Rayborn and his Harley-Davidson streamliner practically flew across the Bonneville Salt Flats last Friday to set a new World Motorcycle Speed Record of 265.492 mph. Above, the Harley crew makes last minute adjustments before Rayborn makes a pass down the salt. Once again, Cycle News' malHln-thlHilllt, Bruce Flanders was on hand for the record run and has a report and pictures appearing on page 17. Also, there was an Inter-Am and a Trans·AMA this past weekend. Coverage of these events begins on page 6. Other Cycle News Highlights this week include a test of the new 125cc Puch motocross machine, as well as maps of BLM lands in San Bernardino County. PRESSTIME BULLETIN " :I WENDOVER,UTAH, Oct. 19, 1970 - Robert Leppan and his .... • Triumph streamliner clocked 258 mph on a tune-up run across .... the Salt Flats this afternoon. Running on alcohol, the ~ streamliner iii powered by two, 48 inch Triumph Twins. The run fol1oWs by only three days Cal Rayborn's record breaking C;; pass of 265.492 mph. Leppan held the record for four years until it was broken by Don Vesco on Sept. 17,1970. ;::1 - ,·!WI

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