Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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'" " '" :. o ,... '" ~ g ~ w Z W ..J U >- U I NDOOR SHORT TRACK by Nevada Trailblazars M.C. at Washoe County Fair Grounds, Pavilion Bldg., Reno, Nev. $2.50 to ride or watch, mail only closes Oct. 9, to AI Lockett Ent.• 670 Hood Ave., Reno. Nev" 89502. Pract. 2-3:30, racing at 4. AMA sanet., no big knobbies. Info: (702) 323-6055. CALENDAR items wiU no ~onger be taken by phone. To msure appearance in this section. please mail information to Cycle News. Box 498, Long Beach; Calif. 9080l. Information requested to Type of event, sponsor. location. date. Entry fees (mail and post) with mail closing date and address. Sanctioning group. district and if poin 15 available. Should .a1so have phone number with area code for more info. May include other items if needed. SAT. & SUN., OCT. 17 & 18 TOUR by Majesties M.C. of the Colorado River. 2nd Annual Hawaiian Tour. Info: Majesties M.C., 10919 Linchen, Norwalk, Cal: (213) B63-9233, (714)595~.. SUNDAY. OCT. 18 MOTOCROSS Championship for California by EBRA in Ensenada, Max. No card needed. Mail $3 entry to PO Box 731 Ensendada Baja. Mex. $5 post. Camping o~ beach with pract. Sat. and racing Sun. at 10:30. Info: 83237 irt.F,nsenada, Mex. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 14 MOTOCROSS at River Ridge, 2 mi. E of Zilla" Wash. Turn 8t "Teapot" service station, follow mark..... $1 entry. Racing 7~ark. THURSDAY, OCT. 15 MOTOCROSS by Kern County Trailblazers M.C., at Paso Park, 18 miles North of Bakersfield on Hwy 99. All classes, AMA sanct., Di51. 35 ptS. Other Dist. cards honored. Practice at 8 a.m., first race at 10. Post entry $4.50, mail entry $3 to 240 E. Ash. Shafter, Calif. Info: (805) 746-4058. TT AND FLAT TRACK at Trojan S~y, South Gate, Calif. 100, 125, and 250cc cfaaes. Gates open 6 pm, 1st race at 7:30 pm. Info: (213) 92:Hl132. FRIDAY, OCT. 16 CMC MOTOCROSS at Saddlebeck Park. $5 mail entry to CMC, Box 1402. Costa Mesa, Cal. 92626 closes Oct. 13. Post $10. Gates open at 7:30 a.m.; racing at 10. 3 N.o. plates. SHORT TRACK at Orange County Speedway. Jr. and Sr. trophies. cash. Gates open at 6 p.m., practice at 7, first race at 8. ACA ROAD RACE at Willow Springs Int'l RAceway, Rosamond, Cal. All Jr. and Sr. GP and TT classes. Signup at 8; racing at noon. Info: (714) 526-4290. CMC MOTOCROSS at Ascot Park Gardena Calif. Gates' open 5:30 pm. lst ~ at 7 pm: CMC membership and three readable number plates required. POKER RUN by ladi M.C. with signups at ladi M.C. club hourse from 9·11. $2 entry includes meal at tend of run. Info: (209) 368·7128. SATURDAY. OCT. 17 SHORT TRACK, lightweight, by Monterey Rams M.C. at Monterey County Fair Grounds. AMA snaet. Admission and entry $2.50. Signup at 4 :30 p.m., Practice 4:30-6:30. Racing at 7:30 p.m. MOTOCROSS by Dirt Diggers North at White Rock Park, E. of Sacramento. limed from Sunrise Blvd. & Hwy. 50 to White Rock Rc;I .• left, 3 mi. to Park. AMA sanct. $2 to watch or ride. Signup 8:30-1 0:30. racing at 11 .. MINI 81KE at Trojan Speedway. Pract. noon to 2, racing and qualifying at 2. All classes. Entry $3, admission $1. Mini bike classes (11) can be obtained from Southern Cal. MIB Assoc. MOTOCROSS at Deadman's Point. $1 entry. Gates open at 8 a.m., racing at 10. Info: (714) 247·7473. r i SHORT TRACK by Eastside M.C. of San Jose at Alviso Speedway. Class "C" traction, AMA sanct. $2 to ride or wateh. Signup & pract. 9-11, racing at noon. In,o: (408) 292-8574. H1LlClIMB by Campbell M.C. at Carnegie Cycle Park's (livermore) virgin hill "The Well". AMA sanct.• pootponed from Oct. 11. . $2.50 entry plus $2.50 admission. l00cc·up. Signups clooe at 10:30. 2 hills for heavyweight and lightweight. Info: (415) 251-3331.241-6443.263-1374, or 272·2474. SCRAMBLES by Hustlers M.C. % mi. S. of Interstate 80 on Old Davis Road ~en Davis and Woodland Fwy exits. Signup and pract. 8-10, racing at 11. $2 entry; Dist. 36 pts. $1 admission. 50 cents under 12. Info: (9161 753-7437. TT SCRAMBLES by Gripsters M.C. at Elsinore Raceway. Practice at 8, racing at 9. Entries close at 8. Info: (714) 871-1961. HARE & HOUNDS by RAms M.C. at Soggy Dry Lake, lucerne Valley. Will be limed on Old Women Springs Rd. E. from Lucerne to Soggy Lake turnoff. Two 4O-mile loops. Dist. 37 pts. 10 a.m. start. , WEDNESDAY, OCT. 21 MOTOCROSS at River Ridge. 2 mi. E of Zillar, Wash. Turn at "Teapot" service station, follow markers. $1 entry. Racing 7~ark. FRIDAY. OCT. 23 TT RACES at Orange County Speedway. Jr. and Sr. trophies. cash. Gat.,,; open at 6 p.m.• practice at 7, first race at 8. CMe MOTOCROSS at Ascot Park, Gardena, Calif. Gates open 5:30 pm, 1st race at 7 pm. CMC membership and three readable number plates .required. SPEEDWAY RACING at. Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. 8 pm. TT AND FLAT TRACK at Trojan Speedway, South Gate, Cal if. 100. 125. and 250cc classes. Gates open 6 pm, lst race at 7 :30 pm. Info: (213)923-9132. 29 f,r"TS f'fRY II; THUISDA YNIGHT .......... J ' . Pit Gates Opon: 6 PM 6 IIIlns 6 Tro"" Dashes "'''''' • ..Ar.... Pit Up to 16 Hoat RKOS - " lst 4 Soml's Adll: $2.00 Fo' Infcrulon: Mini bike. practice I·U: $1.00 Call Under I: F_ C (2(21 3)) 19Z632~13292 from 12 to 2 p.m. Racing Starts 2 p.m. .. 13 Oualifyill!l Of All Classes • (213) 944-2960 Entry $3.00. Adm. $1.00 1st 150 Rldo' Entrlos On Iy MOTOCROSS by Bushmasters M.C. at Beaumont. Take interstate 10 to B·...umont and follow lime from Beaumont Ave. Dist. 37 pts. S3 meil to Bushmesters Inc., PO Box 921, Banning. Cal: 92220. S6 post. Prect. at 8. racing at 9. $1 admission. SCRAMBLES by Hi Hats M.C. at Vallejo Speedway. AMA sanct. $2 per rider per bike. Class C traction. Signup 5-6 :45 p.m.• practice 6-7, racing at 8. TROJAN SPEEDWA Y SOUTHGATE TT & fLA T TIACI RAClN' TRIALS by SCTA at Saddlebeck Park. Signup at 9,triels at 10. Info: (213) 697-9441. RIDE WITH THE-BEST Gates CI_: 7:15 PM RKO: 7:30 PM .rlto 5601 Southam A... South Gato. Ca. Untl~ 6:30-p.-.. MOTQo~ROSS Every Friday Night ~oo Pit pte open 4:30 pm Pit ptos aad OlItr1os Close 6:30 p.m. S• • p.rse ASCOT P '-RK . ~ . • t83.d (. VERMONT Off =..&t":~ FREEWAYS Gatos_5:30p.. 1st rKO 7:all ,., CIIC .....rshlp 3 iorIO ,. .dab.. # plalos A:NTIQUE RALLY by CAMA at Grossmont Shopping Center on the Mall. Classics and Antique motorcycles. Begins at 9 a.m. each day. Info: John (714) 448-8416. (Please tum to pg. 26) REGULARLY SCHEDULED EVENTS ATTENTION PROMOTERS: For Listing in this column call or write:. Tom Walsh at CYCLE NEWS Box 498, long Beach, Ca. 90801 (213) 427-7433 Motorcycle Jackpot racing (Motoaoss) River Ridge course, 2 mi les east of Zillar, tum at the "Teapot" service station, follow markers. Classes - 125cc, 25Occ, over 25Occ. Entry fee $1.00. Race - 7:00 until dar!<. EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT CLASS A Speedway Racing at Orange County Fairgrounds, Costa Mesa. Gates open 7 p.m., Racin9 8 p.m. Free parkjng and programs. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT TT RACING. Elsinore Race Track. Gates open 3 p.m., races start 7 :30 p.m., Off Hwy. 71 in Elsinore, Cal. 3rd SUN. OF EVERY MONTH Deadman's Point, Cal. - 3rd Sunday, classes, 8 a.m. prac. $1.00 Entry Fee 247-7473 (eves.). Apple Valley, Motocross - all - 10 a.m. start. - Info: (714) COURSES FOR RENT ADELANTO T.T. TRACK· Available for club meets (sanctioned events only). Suitable for cycles and mini-bikes. Hwy. 395. 8 miles West of Victorville. For info. (213) 927-3860. rNOW AT1 SaOOLeaaCK Watdt for 5601 SOIT• • • ". SO TIUR, CAllfonfA •C-~_AII. E~tries Accepted SAT. & SUN., OCT. 24 & 25 ORANGEC.OUNTY'SIIOTORPLAYGROUNC RIDE (j)EVENTS , MINI BIKE at Trojan Speedway. Pract, noon to 2.-racing and qualifying at 2. All classes. Entry $3. admission $1. Mini bike classes (11) can be obtained from Southern Cal. MIB Assoc. . Oct. 18 CMC Motocross . MOTOCROSS OCT. 11th - CARLSBAD OCT. 18th =-SADDL,J:BACK OCT. 25th - CARLSBAD Oct. 25 A.C.A. Motocross Featuring: Every Sunday a riding school for beginners and inter· media.te 12 noon and 3 p.m. . HOURS 8:00· A.M.--5:00 P.M. Closed TieS. & Wed. Admission S2.50; Minis S1.50 - RAIN or SHINE 3= Platos Roq. Gatos 'opon at 7:30 a..... ral.. at 10:"'" a••: CMC IIEIlBERSHIP REQ. 55.00 11111 Entry, $10.00 Post Entry. lIall to CMC, BOl 1402. Costa lie.., Calif. 92626. lIall Entrlos close 5 clays prior to o.c11 ovont. saDDLesaCK parK ~ BOx 2455, oranee cauFornla Q2bb.1 Newpo,t Fw~. to Chapman Ave., east to Santiago Canyon Blvd., turn right, l~ miles to entrance opposite state fire station. Phone (714) 639-5832 .