Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 10 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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,... ·M "o g • . 11. o " '" u:i t> o FOUND: Small golden Shepherd mix;4-5 mos. LMlest selactlon ~ Ya· Endaros. Bluast Yamaha ..-ts Hlac:tlan ALSO MAIL ORDER. 1619 La Cadana, Riverslda, Cal. (714) 616-1014 1.....l'jiOifO...&I.maha '69 YAMAHA DT1B, 250 Enduro. Clean, 4BOO miles, $575.00. (714) 886-5541. 1968 HUSQVARNA 25Occ. Low mileage,like new. $695.00. 17141 88B-4522 or 1714) 883-4315. NEW Used pipes 1970 (213) - KON I shocks with springs $29.95. - Girlings with springs, Triumph T.T. with mufflers and Tachometer - Offer. 125cc Eagle, clean - Offer. Need cashl 884-9870. "70" SUZUKI 90 Honcho. Street, excl. corldition. Call 1213) 426-2971. CHand,es Id " female at Cactus Cats Hare Scrambles at YAMAHA TD1-<: Roadracer. $500. With spar. frame. forks & extras. $750. (805) 942-2467. Call after 5 p.m. Try oae teday. ..J U YAMAHA CZ MAICa PENTON YAMAHA AJS U HUSKY 10 SPEED GREEN STREAK JR. Honda tank, plated frame and much more. Must s.1I this week, $225. 1714) 525-3733. TRADE - '66 BSA 350 for 100. Hod. w/.xtras. (213) 632-3762. ANY YEAR non-working Hodaka, pref.rably a "basket case". 1213) 645-2711 nights. '69 CZ-TRIALS. 175cc. All orginial, street or dirt. A-1. $385. 1213) 379-6657. BULTACO '68 Matador Mk III. Expansion chamber. super d.p.ndabl., well tak.n car•. of. $500.00 firm. (714) 883-5640. NORTON RICKMAN Ounp COUll" Cyela Eut 1211 S. Main Sl., Santa Ana. Calif. PII: 714-542·2334 WANTED - MECHANIC & PARTS MAN. 40 hr. week, medical b.n.fits. top pay for experienced top men. References necessary. salary or commission. Richard Miller Motorcycles. Honda. Yamaha, Triumph, 1725 Tomlinson St., Eureka, Calif. 95501. 1707) 443-8031. ------------------------~=- PUCH '66 TRIUMPH 500cc desert ready. Fast, make offer. (213) 423-6909. HUSQVARNA SPECIALIST Malcolm Smith's K&N SllIVice. Bi9 stock. Husky parts. Yamaha. BS.A.. Hodaka, Pentons. Work also. Full machine shop & Heliarc. modified fork dampers. $15. Husky' long swing arm assembly $35.00. Phona (714) 684-1866. $900.00 see to appreciate. Call after, 4:00 p.m. (213) 566-1906. ' 1970 MONTESA 360-DS. Brand new, 3 hours of crate - must sell, make offer. IS.F. Cyde Products Unlimited motorcycle DISCOUNT CENTER A full line at Moto-X, dlsert & chopper parts & accessories at the complete motorcycle discount house. NGK 7427 Rosoda Blvd. Rosada, CallI. 12l3J 345-7300 spark plugs 79C '69 YAMAHA 180 YCSIC Scrambl.r. Top condition, low mileage. Turn signal.s, buddy. seat, luggage rack and extras. $450. 1714) 535-0551. Valley) Pat (2131 345-8767 - days. TIRED OF MICKEY MOUSE LAWS? $1.00 per year helps support your lobbyist in Sacramento. For details, write MORE (Motorcycle Owners. Riders, and Enthusiasts). P.O. Box 26062. Sacramento. Ca. 95826. of Cycle News East (the eastern states Cycle News), Send 15 cents in coin or stamps to Cycle News East, P.O. Box 13, Amerherst. Ohio 44001. SALESMA" EXPERIENCED ONLY MILNE BROTHERS 1935 E. Colorado Boulevard Pasadena, Calilornia 91107 '68 sq. barrel, dirt with street equip, exe. condo $425. PURSANG GEM TOP Shell,)(, T, tinted glass $150. (714) 871-4335 1969)(, YAMAHA 125. 21" and 18" front wheels, two high pipes and one low pipe, new knobby, new paint, race ready. $450.00. Call (213) 679-6751, '66 YAMAHA 100 L2C - dirt ready. Expansion chamber, high compression head, fork~raced, knobbies, electric starter and valuable extras. $275. (714) 535-0551. The names listed below have contributor checks coming. If your name is on this list, contact CYCLE NEWS, 2499 Cerritos. Long Beach. Calif. 90806. Rudy Berg. Elaine Brown. Dave ·Butcher, Frank Clay. Bill Collie. Ed Cook, F.rdinand Daly. EII.n Eager. Margar.t Earnest, Billy Eldred, Harry Grable. Gutierrez, John Hansen, ----..., now available at CVamaha ofep;l~onte Pursangs in stock (213) 442-5800 2859 North Durfee Ave. EI Monte, Calif. 91732 new paint, front tire, shocks, engine parts. Needs .ngine work. $225.00. Call Ed O'8rien (213) 476-3004 (days, 782-9019 (eves.). 16" SUPER-WIDE AKRONT RIMS FOR HARLEY-DAVIDSON DRAG BIKES AND CHOPPERS' CONTACT YOUR DEALER OR NORTH AMERICAN IMPORTS. P.O. BOX 621. GARDEN GROVE. CALIF. 92642. PHONE (7141 534-6390. . 25% SAVINGS ON INSURANCE Dealer. garage liability 15% savings on Deeler's bonds. JOHN W. MAYNARD INSURANCE. 3447 Motor Ave .• Los Angeles, Calif. Phon.: (213) 836-5211. LoST - AMMO BOX of tools at Cactus Cats run, Sept. 20th. Please return to any' Buzzard M.C. member or call (213) 358-9514 collect_ Suzuki, Greeves, Ossa, C-Z, Maico, Penton II 11835 E. Carsea St, HawaIIan Gardens, Ca. 98116 (1\2 Bib. E. of 605 Fwy. off ramp) (114) 521-5343 • (U3l 421-1655 Hrs: Mon.-Fri. 9·7, Sat.!1-4 KAWASAKI '69% 250 ENDURO V,e~y ciean street/dirt. Factory chamber, Filtron, Green Streak engine. extras - bars, knobby,"sprock.ts. $495. (213) 698-4176. 175cc HONDA Road Rac.r. 1969 ACA class champ. Complete with CR93 tank, CIR 4 spd. and reliable_ $700 or offerl Ron pean (2131 246-8786 or 2430 Cascadia Dr., Glendale, Calif. Mail Order On All Parts 213-980-3715 COLE BROS. M/C 5906 Lankershim Blvd. N. Hollywood '69 8U LTACO PurSang. Completely rebuilt. top & bottom. Trans & etc. - 2 plug head, Barnett clutch. 5 ported, super fast, looks better than new, must s••. $675.00. Wll rail trailer $725_00_ Tony (213) 363-2779. MOTO BETA '69, XC1OO. Ceriani forks & shocks. down chamber, bored .8 over, head milled .040, new tires, Filtron, skid plat•. 1213) 365-1767. $375.00. OITESA care and is in top condition. 7 months old, EL 1I0NTE, Ca. 91733 H_s: 9.. p.m. Sat. 6:30-10:00 p.... Tues.-Fri. PII. (213) 443-5712 reliable, and the best handling machine made. Contact Ted Moore at American Jawa - WANTED Position as parts or service man, married, 20 SELL - 1969 Maico 360, X4·A. 7-port, 43 H.P.. extra parts, Filtron.· Cerianis, immaculat•. $850.00. (213) 579-3552 .. JIM HUNTER Motorcycle.Repalr au rts yrs. old, ivy college 3 yrs., no .xperience, seeks knowledge for career in motorcycle design. Mike. 719)(, Port.r St., Glendale. Calif. 91205. GREEVES 250cc TFS Trail Bike. Perfect condition, $450.00. (213) AT 2-4770. HODA KA Super Rat. Xlent. cond., never raced, $425.00. (714) 792-7628. '69)(' YAMAHA 125-MX. Bailey down pipe, Webco fork springs, Filtron. $400. 1213). 675-2404. TRIUMPH TR6. Excellent condition, new custom paint, fresh engine, 10 miles, dependable street bik., $750. (714) 521-0498 or "17141 521<1658. 1964 MUSTANG Bronco. Street legal, 4 speed, 12 hp. 1714) 847-5582. 1969)(, MONTESA 250 Cappra. 4-speed, just 1965 MONTESA. $350.00. Cherry condition, Cerianis. Curnutts, more. 1213) 374-5077. rebuilt engine, Curnutt shocks, Diamond chain, Filtrons. all new unbreakable fenders, '69)(, YAMAHA 125cc Motocross. 18 H.P., many spares, fast and dependabie. After 6:00 p.m. 1213) 394-5386 ask lor Angela. $415.(.1p. (213) 823-5145. --------------------------r YAMAHA DTI Enduro. Super clean, stock. $515. Ron, Torranc. (213) 326-6109. FOR HODAKA: Reed valve, ported barrel, 32mm Amal. TT seat. Also: 3.25x17 K70, 3.50x17 Carlisle. 4.00xI8. 3.50x19 Perellis. 2 sets handlebars. 12131 349-6989. 8(PERIENCED TWO STROKE MECHANIC WANTED! Excellent opportunity in small progressive shop. Call Dick at Allied Cycle (805) 259-5350. Suzuki, BSA. Sach., Penton. Maico,CZ. Sales & servlca 10619 E. Garfty Rick Hernandez, Roy Hicks. Ross Khunle. Jack McFarren, John Messineo. Mike Morris. Ted Mosh.r, John Murrin, J. Perkins, Grant Spotts, Brooks Toland. Jim Ward. Dink and Shari You~g. GREEVES '63, 25Occ. Exceptionally clean, KAR CYCLE Ct. 213/838-7349. $875.00. ATTENTION CYCLE NEWS CONTRI BUTORS: We roU.m you weldem. Quantity discounts availabl•. Send dimensions to: Airco Sheet Metal, 15209 Grevillea Avenue. Lawndal•• Calif. 90260. (213) 675-5290. BSAVICTOR Owned and being sold by the CZ sales manag.r. The bike has had the best of factory BULTACO 250. 1966, A-I cond., $400.00. 12131338-6513. 1970 PENTON Excellent, must •••• $550.00: Bell Star, size 7-3/8. $40.00:Desert & Moto:X boots. size 9, $20.00. (213) 342-6966 aft~r 6 p.m. trans:. Ceriani shocks. and Honda engine stand, never crashed, excellent handling, fast 1970 CZ 360cc -

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