Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 10 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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N REGULA'U Y SCHEDULED EVENTS I o ,... ATTENTION PROMOTERS: For Llsllne In Ihls column call or wrll.: Tom Walsh al CYCLE NEWS Bas 498, Lillie Beach, Ca. 90801 (213) 427-7433 ell - U CALENDAR items will no longer be taken by phone. To insure appearance in this section, please mail information' to Cycle News, Box 498, Long Beach, Calif. 90801. Information requested to include: Type of event, sponsor, location, date. Entry fees (mail and post) with mail closing date and address. Sanctioning group, district and if points available. Should also have phone number with area code for more info, May include other items if needed. HALF MI LE RACES at Ascot Park. New rooster tail track. Adults 52.95, Juniors 51, under 8 free. INDIO TOUR by Pacific Coasters M.C. and the Indio Chamber of Commerce at Riverside County Fair. Mail entry 53.50 closes Sept. 27. Post 54. Under 12 is 53. No official start, no SPEEDWAY RACING at Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. 8 pm. check points. Finish and sign·in at National SCRAM8LES by Hi Hats M.C. at Vallejo Speedway. AMA sanet. 52 per rider per bike. Class C traction. Signup 5-6:45 p.m.. practice 6-7, racing at 8. MOTOCROSS at Hangtown Speedway,. EI Dorato County Fairgro.unds, in Placerville, Calif. Trophies for Jrs; cash for Srs. Signup 5:30 to 7 p.m., racing at 7:30. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 30 SATURDAY, OCT. 3 MOTOCROSS at River Ridge, 2 mi. E of SCRAM8LES by Hayward Hayward Speedway. ZllIar, Wash. Turn at "Teapot" service station, follow markers. 51 entry. Racing 7-dark. TT & F LAT T RAC K at Orange. Co. Speedway. Gates open at 6, sign up closes at 7:30. Racing at 8. ACA sanct. THURSDAY, OCT. 1 SO-LAP TT at Trojan for 250cc class. S300 purse. CMC MOTOC ROSS at Ascot Park, Gardena. Calif. Gates open 5:30 pm, lst race at 7 pm. CMC membership and three readable number plates required. FRIDAY,OCT.2 SHORT TRACK at Orange County Speedway. Jr. and Sr. trophies, cash. Gates open at 6 p.m.• practice at 7, first race at 8. SPORTSMAN SHORT TRACK by Westside Eagles M.C. at Turlock Fairgrounds, Turlock. Cal. Sign'up 4:30·7 p.m.; practice 6:30-7:30; racing at 8. 52 admission or etnry. Info: (209) 537-2426. TT RACING at Elsinore' Race Track. Gates open at 3. races at 7:30. Off Hwy 71 in Elsinore, Calif. MINI 81KE at Trojan Speedway. Pract. noon to 2, racing and qualifying at 2. All classes. Entry 53. admission 51. Mini bike classes (11) can be obtained from Southern Cal. M/8 Assoc. SAT. & SUN., OCT. 3 & 4 PONDE ROSA HARE SCRAMBLES by Greyhounds M.C. starts 15 miles east of Lancaster on Avenue "J". Begins at 10 a.m. 40% trophies to trail 125 and open plus contingencies. Info: (213) 367-2907. MOTOCROSS by IRE and Ventura County Jay Cee's at Bay Mare. Sportsman on Sat.? Pro on Sunday. 51000 purse. Mail or post 55 for Sportsman. 510 pro to Simi Valley Motorcycles. 864 Los Angeles Ave.• Zimi, Cal.. 93065. Date Festival Fairgrounds, Hwy 111, Indio. Cal. Mail entries and info: Pacific Coasters MIC Inc.• 4236 Feather AVe.• San Diego. Cal. 92117. SUNDAY, OCT. 4 01 RT TRACK NATIONAL at Fairgrounds Speedway, Oklahoma City. Okla. 20 laps for AMA National Points. Final race of circuit. BENEFIT ENDURO for M.O.R.E. by Conejo Trail Riders. limed .j,.,m Frasier Park, near Gorman. Three ,... ~ ~eams and single rider entries. 'Limitp#~ 200 riders. Mail entry $4 per rider ac" ,,<' _. 55 post. Starts at 8 a.m. 70 mile coun,

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