Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 09 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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N 8. :. o ,... en en N c. " tJ) WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 23 MOTOCROSS at River'Ridge, 2 mi. E of Ziller, Wash. Tum at "T...pot" service station, follow markers. $1 entry. Racing ·7-dark. TT & FLAT TRACK at Orange Co. Speedway. Gates open at 6, sign up closes at 7:30. Racing at 8. ACA sanet. ~ w Z W ..J U > U REGULARLY SCHEDULED EVENTS ATTENTION PROMOTERS: For Llstln,ln this eolullIII call or writ.: TOIl Walsh at CYCLE NEWS Ilu 49', laaf·lllIllCh, Ca. 90101 (213) 427·743 EVERY WEDNESDA'Y NIGHT FLAT TRACK & IT RACING, at Orange Co. Speedway. Take S.D.. Fwy to Valencia or S.A. Fwy to EI Toro road to Valencia, right to tracl<. Gates open 6 p.m. Sign up closes 7: 30 p.rn. lst race 8 p.rn. 125,250,500 & Open Classes, Am. & Expert. ACA Sanction. Motorcycle Jackpot racinf (Motocross) River Ridge course, miles east of Zillar, turn at the "Teapot" service station, follow markers. Classes - 125cc, 250cc, over 250cc. Entry fee $1.00. Race - 7 :00 until dark, EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT CLASS A Speedway Racing at Orange County Fairgrounds, Costa Mesa. Gates open 7 p.rn., Racing 8 p.m. Free parking and programs. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT IT RACING, Elsinore Race Track. Gates open 3 p.m., races start 7:30 p.m., Off Hwy, 71 in Elsinore, Cal. 3rd SUN. OF EVERY MONTH Deadman's Point, Apple Valley, Cal. - 3rd Sunday, Motoaoss - all classes, 8 a.m. prac. - 10 a.m. start. $1.00 Entry Fee 247-7473 (eves.). Info: (714) 1st SUN. OF EACH MO. MOTO-X RACING at H.B. Cycle Park by H.R.A., P.O. Box FA, Westminster 92683. ~ entry $3.00 by Wed. prior. Post entry $6.00. Non-members ride expert. 3 number plates. Signup 8-10. 7561 Talbert, Huntington Beach-. 2nd,3rd & 4th SUN. EA. MO. IT RACES at H.B. Cycle PiU'k by H.R.A. $2,25 members. Non-members . ride expert. 3 number plates. Signup 9-10:30. 7561 Talbert, Huntington Beach. COURSES FOR RENT ADELANTO T.T. TRACK Available 'for club meets (sanctioned events only). Suitable for cycles and mini-bikes. Hwy. 395, 8 miles West of Victorvil1e. For info. (213) 927-3860, THURSDAY. SEPT. 24 CMC MOTOCROSS at Ascot Parle, Gardena, Calif, Gatas open 5:30 pm, 1st race at 7 pm. CMC mernbenhip and three readable number platas required. TT AND FLAT TRACK at TrojenSIllIOd-Y, South Gate, Calif. 100, '125. and 250cc classes. Gates open 6 pm, 1st race at 7:30 pm. Info: (213) 923-9132. FRIDAY, SEPT. 25 TT RACES at Orange County SlllIOd-y. Jr. and Sr. trophies. cash, Gates open at 6 p.m., practice at 7, fim race at 8. SCRAMBLES by Hi Hats M.C, at Vallejo Speedway. AMA sanet. $2 per rider per bike. Clan C traction, Signup 5-6 :45 p.rn., practice 6-7, racing at 8. MOTOCROSS at Hangtown SlllIOd-y, EI Dorado County Fairgrounds, in Plecerville, Calif. Trophies for In; Cash for Sr. Signup 5:30 to 7 p.m., racing at 7 :30, HALF MILE RACES at Ascot Park. New rooster tail track. Adults $2.95, Juniors $1, under 8 free. SPEEDWAY RACING at Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. 8 pm. SPORTSMAN SHORT TRACK by Westside Eagles M.C. at Turlock Fairgrounds. Turlock. Cal. Signup 4:30-7 p.m., practice 6:30-7:30; racing at 8. $2 admission or entry. Info: (209) 537-2426. SATURDAY, SEPT. 26 SPORTSMAN SHORT TRACK by Valley M.C. at Cycleland SlllIOd-y, 14 miles S. of Chico on Hwy 99E and Gage Shippee Rd. AMA sanct. Info: (9161342-4216.. . SCRAMBLES by Hayward M.e. at Hayward S~ay. HAL.F MI LE by Visalia Ramblers at Tulare Co. Fairgrounds. 12th annual, AMA sanct. class "e" event. Prac-:ice at 5, racing at 7. Info: write Visalia Ramblers" 229 S. Vista Ave., Visalia, Calif. MOTOCROSS by Fresno M.C. at Kearney Bowl in Fresno. Gates open at 4:30, praet. at 5:30 with racing at 8. TT RACING at Elsinore Race Track. Gates open at 3, races at 7:30. Off Hwy 71 in Elsinore, Calif. SAT. & SUN., SEPT. 26 & 27 JAWBONE JAMBOREE at Skyline Ranch, Kelso Valley near Lake Isabella. Grand tour, mini-hill climb, poker run, slalom, and motocross. Info: Dan 753-1003. RIDE WITH THE BEST 'NOW AT1 saOOLeBaCK (i) Watch for RIDE ORANGE COtlNTY'S MOTOR PLAYGROUNI: EVENTS Oct. 4th MOTOCROSS A.C.A. Motocross CROSS COUNTRY RUN for motorcycles and dune buggies by Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts (S.N.O.R.E.) in Las Vegas, Nov. Start at Stardust R_ _y. Entry $100.00; 6O'J(, purse. Mail to P.O. Box 4394, Las Vegas, Nev. 89106. Info: (702) 384·3566. MOTOCROSS by Bushmasters M.C. at Bea umont, Calf. Take Beaumont Ave. offramp from Interstate 10. Limed immediately heading west. Virgin territory. Starting time 10 a.m. with $3.50 entry. Info: (714) B49-6181. GRAND PRIX by Four Aces M.C. at Willow Springs. Take Hwy. 14 to Rosamond, turn left and follow Rosamood to track. sa.50 entry, limited. AMA unct. District :n pts. Entry closes Aug. 27. Send to Gary Reichenback. 17900 Duncan St., Reseda, Cal. 91335. Post entry $50, Free admiaion. Info: (213) 353-9669. TT & HALF-MILE by ACA at South Bay Speedway in San Diego. 40% gross gate pUlU. First race at noon, pits open at 9. Info: Rod (7141469-6092. INTERNATIONAL TOUR at 51ll Annual EnsenacJe Cycle Tour. Sill",up Fri. 6-9 p.rn. or Sat. 8·11 e.rn. at Mexican Auto & Motorcycle Insurance Office, 660% E. sen Ysidro Blvd.. San Ysidro, Cal. on Interstate 5. Mail entry $3.75 closes Sept. 21 to Terrapins M.C., 4010 Thorn St., San Diego, Cal, 92105. Post: $4.50. OCT. 18th - SADDLEBACK OCT. 25th - CARLSBAD 3 Plates Req. Gatas open at 7:30 a.m., racing at 10:OU a.m. CMC MEMBERSHIP REQ. $5,00 Mail Entry, SlO.OO Post Entry. Mail to CMC. Box 1402, Cosla Masa, Calif, 92626. Mail Entries close 5 days prior to each a.. nt, TT & FLAT TRACK at Orange Co. Speedway. Gates open at 6, sign up closes at 7:30. Racing at 8. ACA sanet. THURSDAY, OCT. 1 CMC MOTOCROSS at Ascot Park, Gardena, Calif. Gates open 5:30 pm, 1st race at 7 pm. CMC membership and three readable number plates required. CMC MOTOCROSS at Carlsbad. $5 meil entry to CMC, Box 1402, Costa Mesa. Cal. 92626, closes Sapt. 22. Post entry $10. Gates open at 7:30 a.m.; racing at 10. 3 No. plates. TT AND FLAT TRACK at Trojan Speedway, South Gate, Calif. 100, 125, and 250cc classes. Gates open 6 pm, 1st race at 7:30 pm. Info: (2131923-9132. MOTOCROSS at Arlington Moto Park in Arlington, Texas. Admission $2.50, entry fee $1.50 for beginners, $3 for pro. Info: (817),. 262-3825. FRIDAY, OCT.2 HARE 'N' HOUND by Firebirds M.C. at Eureka. Utah. Limed from Eureka to Jericho. Entry $5, signups close at 10:30 a.m., racing at 11. AMA and SRA unCI. Info: Firebirds M.C., Box n, Eureka, Utah, 84628. SHORT TRACK at Orange Count'f Speedway. Jr. and Sr. troph ies, cash. Gatas open at 6 p.m., practice at 7, first race at 8. SPORTSMAN SHORT TRACK by Westside Eagles M.C. at Turlock Fairgrounds, Turlock. Cal. Sign-up 4:30-7 p.m.; practice 6:30-7:30; racing at 8, $2 admission or etnry. Info: (209) 537·2426. B~NE"FIT SCRAMB'LES by Stockton and Golden E _ M.C.. at San Joeguin County . Fiar Grolindll in Stockton with all proceeds to San Joequin Assoc. for Retarded Children. $2.50 ·to ride or watch, Signup and practice 8:30·11 :30. a.m., racing at noon. Special side-hack race. HALF MILE RACES at Ascot Park. New rooster tail track. Adults $2.95, JuniorS $1, under 8 free. HILLCLIMB by Hillclimbers Assoc. at Cycle Hills, Gilroy, Calif. Signups close at 11. $2 admission plus '$1 to ride. Info: (408) 262-9386. SPEEDWAY RACIN.G at Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. 8 pm. SCRAMBLES by Hi Hats M.C. at Vallejo Speedway. AMA sanet. $2 per rider per bika. Class C traction. Sign up 5-6:45 p.m., practice 6·7, racing at 8. TT RACING at Huntington Beach Cycle Park by HRA. $2.25 members, $2.50 non-members. Three correct HRA number plates or ride Expert. Signup 9-10:30. 7561 Talbert. Info: (714) 897-4458. MOTOCR.OSS at Hangtown Speedway, EI Dorato County Fairgrounds, in Placerville, Calif. Trophies for Jrs; cash for Srs. Signup 5:30 to 7 p.m., racing at 7:30. SPEEDWA Y RACING at San Gabriel Valley Speedway. 4900 Rivergrade Rd., Irwindale, Calif. 1/5 mile oval track. Racing begins at 3 p.m. SATURDAY. OCT. 3 SCRAMBLES by Yuma M.C. at Adair Park, 15 mi. N. of Yuma on Hwy 95. Praetice at 11, racing 12:30. $3 entry. SCRAMBLES by Hayward M.C. at Hayward Speedway. SHORT TRACK-5PEEDWAY-MOTOCROSS at Austin Motocross Park in Austin. Texas, . located 7 mi. E. of US 35 on Hwy 290. 1 p.m. eighth.."ile Short Track and Speedway; 4 p.m. motocross. Admission $2, under 12 free. Gates open at 1 O. MX track open for practice Sat. MOTOCROSS at Cyclesports Park, 2121 Harold, Houston, Tex. 1 p.m. races; $1500 purse. $2 entry. Park located 33 mi. N. of Houston on Interstate 45 on San Jacinto River. Info: (713) 523·3741. Gary Bailey MX School Sat. and Sun. • HOURS 8:00 A.M.--5:00 P.M. Closed Tues. & Wed. TT RACING at Eisinora Race Track. Gates open at 3, races at 7:30. Off Hwy 71 in Elsinore, Calif. SAT. & SUN., OCT. 3 & 4 INDIO TOUR by Pacific Coasters M.C. and the Indio Chamber of Commerce at Riverside County Fair. Mail entry 53.50 closes Sept. 27. Post $4. Under 12 is $3. No official start, no check points. Finish and sign~in 8t National Date Festival Fairgrounds. Hwy 111, Indio, Cal. Mail entries and info: Pacific Coasters M/C Inc., 4236 Feather AVe., San Diego, Cal. 92117.. (Please turn to pg. 26) - ~ -~:S~~;:: Q ~~;;;~;y -C MOTOCROSS saDDLesaCK parK Every Thurs ay ~ BOx 2455.orance CBllFornld q2bb1 Newport Fw~, to Chapman Ave .• east to Santlago Canyon Blvd .• turn right, l~ miles to entrance opposite state fire station. Phone (714) 639-5B:l2. MOTOCROSS at, River Ridge, 2 mi. E of Zillar. Wash. Turn at "Teapot" service station, follow markers. $1 entry. Racing 7-dark. TT SCRAMBLES by Far West M.C. and Six Rivers Raci ng Assoc. at Redwood Acres Fairgrounds, east end of Harris St. in Eureka, Cal. Day races. Admission $2.50; Minis $1.50 - RAIN or SHINE - WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 30 SUNDAY, SEPT. 27 SEPT, 27th - CARLSBAD OCT. 11th - CARLSBAD SHORT TRACK, lightweight, by Monterey Rams M.C. at Monterey County Fair Grounds. AMA sanct. Admission and entry $2.50. Signup at 8 a.m., practice at 9, racing at noon. Pit gate open 4:30 pm Pit gates and entrles close 6:00 pm Gates ooen 5:30 pm $400. purse ASCOT PARK Orf fREEWAYS • i83,d (. VERMONT r:..~~~ ~~::m~~: 3 1a'1II .. adab" # plates

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