Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 08 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Story and Photos by John Bethea INSURANCE & FINANCING SALES: All Hondas (except Minis) delivered witb two mirrors, tool kit, & toucbup paint - NO SET UP CHARGE. SERVICE: Our -Blue Cbeckservice includes free lube & oil cbange· every 1000 miles as long IS you own the bike. ********** free Movies Motorcycle Action Films Every Month August 28," CI imb enthusiast attempts the cliff with street lights. An unidentified spectator decided to maKe his try at the hill climb. 8:00 p.lII. Peck Park Auditorium 5&0 North Western san Pe.o Parking Refresllnents ********** San DI'ro Fr"way REDONDO. BEACH.a :: =. E c E ! 2i I "'4'/.;';::-:-'~L-+-_+=Z:""'~ ~ Coa.t Hwy. 10 ! U* = SAN PEDRO STURGIS, SOUTH DAKOTA, August 9, 1970 - They came from coast to coast to this small town at the foot of the Black Hills. It was early Monday morning when the tlrst began to pull into town, and many missed the two on-olf ramps on HJgbway 90 that linked this town with the rest of the Midwest. But, by Tuesday evening, the city limits were packed with thousands of these motorcyclists. The only park in town had turned into a campground with tents, campers, pickups, and vans with imitation lean-taos sprawled ev8rywhere. The streets were so thick with cycles that Mar10l1 Branda would never be noticed. The city officials, however, were not up in arms over the "invasion". In fact, neither were the city residents. Instead, all welcomed the groups and individuals with open arms. U this all seems unbelievable - a daydream - consider it fact. F or this week. this typical town had turned atypical for the 30th tlme in its history. This week. Sturgis, S.D., had become "Cycle City, USA" • The festivities began Wednesday with a 175 mile tour of the Black Hills, beg1nn1ng sharply at 9 a.m. and ending late in the afternoon as the stragglers slowly pulled back into town. Another . tour group went out Thursday, but this time in another direction covering an equal amount of grOWJd. '!bat n1gbt, the tlrst of many races was scheduled to begin, but the 90 degree temperatures were quickly cooled as a thunderstorm, Midwestern style, rolled over the area. This resulted in maJdng a beaut1fuJ Friday morn1Dg for the HID climb as several thousand spectators and participants took in the action. Less than 100 yards away (and before the climb was t1n1shed) the sportsman motocross events began with the track 80 full of mach1nes that Eve! Kn1eve1 would quiver over. But, Friday's events went oft smoothly and without incident or accident. When tt Is said they came from an over the nation, Saturday and Sunday was when it really became apparent as the half-mUe and short track professional races got underway with National Point Standings leader Dick Mann grabbing the first place money in Saturday half-mile. Also on hand were Cbuc:k Palmgren, NeU Keea. AI Urich, and John Isaacs. In the Amateur races, San Dlsgo's R"ch Holly had complete command of the tract. Not 0II!y did he win easOy the lIa1f-mJle Amateur tlna1 both days, buthe also produced the fastest time trial of (Continued on page 32) Open 7Days ours For the month of August 5t. ANNUAl ENSENADA CYCLE TOUR CAMPING POKER RUN FIELD EVENTS DINNER AND. DANCE I 2U/3 Pacific Coast Hwy. Lomita, Calif. (213) 326-3810 MOTORCYCLE, CLUBS, COUPLES, LATIN COSTUME JUDGING Sept. 26-27 Pacific Coast Honda SATURDAY & SUNDAY- TOUR PINS Sirn In Fri., Sept. 25th, 6:00 pm 10 9:00 pm er Sal. 1:00 a.. to 11:00 am. Al llIe Mulcan Auto. lIolerC)'c" Iilsurance OIflce 66l11h E. San Ysidro Blvd., San Y~ldro, Calif. ( . 5) 11111 Enlry: $3.75 Ibll Deadll.. Saple.... 21st Post Enlrr. $4.50 Ibll Entry 10: Terrapin. MoterC)'cle ClUb, 4010 Thorn st., San Dler., Calif. 92105 TROPHIES (All ... nI. . .d trophy pro......llon Saturday) A ROAD RIDERS INTERNATIONAL T.OUR

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