Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 08 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Cranke Wins Again By Bruce C. Young PLACERVILLE, CALIF. August 8, 1970This weekend ·the races went ott smoothly, with three motos being completed at the night's eDd. Carl Cranke was the big winner by w1Dn1ng two Sr. classes and placing second in the thttd w1nn1ng $110 for Packed House Given Action By J. Notts1nger CHICO, CALIF. Aug. I, 1970 - Wow? Action on the spectacular slde was abundant and present in every heat and main event at Cycleland Speedway.Standing room only was again in atfect, and some 90 riders put on a show which w1ll long be remembered at this track. Dick Turner riding a 250Cc Triumph in one Handicap heat pushed out of the south corner, got good bite out of the tract, and then found himself on h1s seat in the middle of the track with his bike laying about 15 feet distance in two parts. The bike had snapped ott down the middle, and the engine somehow was st1ll running. Dick cooly reached over and pulled the spark plug wire. He watched the remainder of the evening's races from the grandstand. Jim Hubbard riding h1s Yamaha in a heat of the 200Cc handicap ~ced across the ftn1sb l1ne on h1s back. One of h1s spectacular wheelles got away from him and he Went all the way over at about 50 m.p.h. The 250Cc Handicap and Scratch Mains were put away by Jim Crenshaw and his Bultaco. However, DaVid Vefferdo (Bul) after a long absence was back, and in form, and really pusb1ng him in the Scratch Main. At one time in the 200cc Handicap Main three bikes tangled and required a Uttle muscle with a crowbar to separate them. Mike Hardy (Bul) from Sacramento finally rode to a well deserved win. Jobn Grant (Kaw) ran first ott the l1ne and first to the finish· in the 200cc Scratch Ron (B3q) McCready leads Gary (BOF) Cooper in the 250cc Amateur class. Marx Edges Crews For 'Win Photos & Story by James W. ShiPley WILLOW CREEK, CALIF., Aug. 1, 1970 - A lot of new riders were out Saturday night for the TT Scrambles put on by the Tr1n1ty Tra11sters in WIDow Creek. Before the heats started there was a brief moment of prayer and an announcement that all the proceeds from the race would be given to the widow of the late Don Turnbull who died last week in an auto accident. Don who had had a motocross track on his own prOPerty and had been an Amateur before be retired from racing was a the pits, helping his son Randy and anyone else who needed it. He will be greatly missed. Due to the large turnout there were three semi-mains held, the first in the 100Cc Novice class was taken by Mark Lagarra who fought hard to keep ahead of second place rider Tim COJ"rtgan. The second semi-main was the 250 Novice event. Ron Scott' was first, Steve Fike was second and Jobn Morrison was third. The last semi-main was a 251ccOpen Novice in wb1ch Randy Turnbull fought hard all through the race to hang on to his early lead, only to be passed by James Ryan in the closing laps. There was more action than usual in the small bike events because more outof-towners showed up to compete. The 100cc NoVice was touch and go all the way for Kirk Fator with DaVid Ford right behind him look1ng for an OPening. Tim Herman went into the wall pretty hard during the 125cc Novice but he rot right back 011 and somehow got around two bikes to come in second beh1nd Pat ·'I~';;~~':;~; *':E'N~~~'~ ~~''I' I Richter. Jobn Fry who had won both the heat and trophy dash in the 250Cc Amateur was knocked out of h1s second place position in the main when his co1lfellott.In front of him was Steve Benson who went on to take first with Gary COOPer and Ed Thayer in hot pursuit. All three of these fellows have just started racing again after be1ng out from three to four years. The 250Cc E3Pert a close race all the \1(lI.Y with Harvey Crews right on the tail of Whitey Marx. who kept his lead to win. Whitey started racing in 1967 on a Honda 90 and quickly became a top rider in the 100cc class. Before h1s first year was over he had become an Amateur. In his second year he was sponsored by Honda of Arcata on a 250 and quickly advanced to Expert. That year he was one of the first to ever beat Gordon Kuhnle. Whitey was out for the season last 'year after break1ng his collar bone in the first race but he's back now and doing great. The Hurst brothers, Bob and Gary, top Experts from the Redd1ngarea, were here to compete. Bob rode in the 250Cc class and Gary in the Open Expertclass. Harvey Crews took the lead at the start and built a comfortable lead, leaVing Hurst and Knutson to battle it out for second. It looked like Hurst had it tulbe missed a shift and Knutson got around him. They f1n1shed out the race in that order,' Crews, Knu~ and Hurst. The next race at WUlow Creek w1ll be held on September 5th. (Results 011 page 22) was HUSQVARNA ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• lit -.e,de PORTABLE CYCLE WORKSTAND $16.95 mE IIANDLE DOES 'DIE LIFTING 3 models available - use at borne. 'hills. or sIIop - Ilea wy steel consUuction-Bnild yourself plans 52.00 Gat,1II Enel_rlne & .e. 1571 H,ron AWlnu, (408) 245-5435 SUnnyvall. CaU'cwnla 9408' a-uL.T~.CC sales s'ervice parts sonny kenyon's ~ cycles IIllIa • . , . . ~. SPECIAUST 2594 Middlefield Road MI. View,. California 94040 (415) 961-4399 ~WL ORDER r.Jo 1915 ........... ~~ .:..~= _~ClI.I7P~ .... _ .. Main. Rollen Eschew (Kaw) from N. Highlands simply gets better and better, and won both the l00cc Handicap and Scratch Main. ' As mentioned before, Cycleland Speedway otters an exciting show; however get there early to. get a seat. Standing up during the course of the evening is hard on the feet. (Results on page 22) I.'taco fI,••••, ,.11., Fits III ClII'IIt II'ltlactl. BultlclS IICI" a.,ll•••15 Cal. r,•• add 5l' ..I.. tax. C &. SPECIALTIES - P.O. Baa 717 Mountain VI. ., California 94040 N01RT1HI1E1RN ]())llR1ECTOlRY Ii' Coleman's. 1545 E_Miner Stockton. Ca. 95205 ph. (209) 466-5872 his efforts. The first moto to·the l1ne was the first D1.v. 125 Jr. with Jim Dieu on a Sachs an easy winner of all three motos. The second Div. of 125 Jr. was won by Steve Poston! on a Sachs, Steve won the first two motos and finished second in the third moto Next was the 125 Sr. race won by Cranke of Cycle Speed Eng. w1nn1ng all three motos with Jay Carterrtghtbeh1nd him. The first Div. 250 Jr. race was a runaway by Gary Ceragtola of Carson City, Nev., an easy winner. BWDePrato had bad luck in the first motoandf1n1shed second overal1~ SeCond Div. of 250 Jr. ~ won by Mike Rowlett with Doug Nelson f1n1sh1ng next. The 250 Sr. race was the best race of the evening with Brad Lackey, Cranke and Phil Jacobson duel1ng i.n all three motos. Lackey won the last moto with a crowd pleaser by pull1ng ahead of Cranke, in the last 50 feet of the race to get the flag first. Next came the Open Jr. Div. I with Ceragiola w1nn1ng for the second time. He was pressed hard by secood place MarVin Helzer in all three motos. The Open Jr. Div. II was won by Don Malley who won all three motos easily. The f1nal race of the evening was the Open Srs. with Cranke w1nn1ng all three motos. This class had about twelve Sr. riders so Cranke had some hard competition all through the night. Lackey finished second and Jacobson was third. Allin all, it was a good night for racing. Starting Aug. 22 there w1ll be a motocross here every Friday night with races starting at 7:30-8:00. Jrs. w1ll be given trophies and cash w1ll be paid to the Sr. riders. The promoters, Hurst & HJnds, have set up a real good track and everyooe had a good time and stated that they would come back next race so be sure and be here, it whould be a real boss race. (Results on page 22) ;; . . . ~. _ ;::>E;;: "t"" JS"t\ ~0"';' "', "'~ ... E ::'I~~ o,jES' ... s~ '10:' P:. ...... :!_E ... .=.: .:. . . ::- SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. ALAMEDA, CALIFORNIA FREMONT, CALIF. MARYSVILLE, CALIF, l"OlIELL'S ALAIIEDA HOIIDA - 11111.· H.d.·Soo•• ~... _ 250 M/C'. 10 e..... frola. Tr....-In."~11I ,., • Dot. LIt_al flNlKla", If , ..' .. .... tll'.u -Tr' us!) Fr8e rldlne JeSIOllS wltll reb., Ins. counsellal. 5 r.ct. lral.... _b. . . . . . . ,... lUI Porto SI_I MSOl. (415) .s.o5OS. IIULTACO SLIM'S MOTOIlCYLE SALES - 1110 D S....I, ...,..1110, com. 95!1Ol. (916) 742..nl5. YIIII.b., liSA. Mnrlcll, and IIonno.S.,.lc••nd IIIsuranc•• All a1ze IERKELEY, CALIF. CAliPUS SUZUKI - 1403 S.. Pobl. A... Zip 94702. (41S) 141·0192. Suzuki, IIIleo, & CI. III••, . .vlci & plrts. M...-u .re Oil" 'plclaltJ!" An,. don't can GE'r."Dptn W Mon. thru SM. 5.. Jim JoItnlOn. sac... tII"'l. h.",. or I'1tE_T - HI.Quart_s. Co... In ... ta.... cup of co..... B.llxo, quallt, from top to bottom. . ... Blta, Bronc, bold lew bre.d of ... 111111·81 •• 511." SerYlet, and Accessorl... IIotofcJcle In.u,onca. (41S) 792·7949. 37311 1 Ihlll .•t In Fr.moat:. ,·to.... r'..... CYCLE CEIITER STOIIES #2 - 37422 ' ......1 81.... ""... : (415) SY 3-7311. Hond., Malco, Trhapb. MatOICJtJe In· lII'.ne., TICO &. .... nz. IInl.b1U. 10K flnanclne on .pprova' of credit. Difficult Custom.r. ar• • Chan..... ! • ...-1'" borlDI. Cr..-Il llatocross h.adq.. rt.... In "rysyl n•. NOItTH IIAY MOTORCYCLES - Jowo &CZ III.. & .rvlc•• 51d1C1f'1.J.S.D.T. 250'. &. 402' •• ·The Motocros. Hlld· QUlrt.n far North Ia,." P.rt. &. Acce.· 1Of1••• Open 9 to 5. 2120 Concord Aft., C_d, CoUI. 94520. (415) 617·9300. CYC LE CENTER STORES' #3 - 37411 r,omont III .... PIl..o: (415) SY 2.0111. Suz., Klw., Hod.ka, ISA, hnton, lion· ..... llatoreycll In..... CI, Taco & IIonanzl IIInl·blk... 100,," 'In.nclne on approvil of credit. W. w.lcoma dlffi· culty In Cu.tONf'; TOIl'S CYCLE CENTER - liSA. 110.0' LAFAY.£TTE, CALIF. Gr."." IIkI, Suzuld, lIant...., Ossa, _11010. rull II. of Montou ,orts. ·H. . of 'DOd GIIJ'," 1325 Gallndo, H_. ZI, 94520. _0: (415) 619-6722. open ~, ,.... Wed. RICK SCHELL'S SPOItTCYCLES- llultaco, Yallllla, Pent•. H.-'quarter. f. Gardn_cll'b •• Comp.. t. hen.rc . . Idlnl. W peclallze In dirt blu••~ Home fA •• DI.t. 3& #1. 3511 Itf. DiablO alvd., I.JlIo,otto, Colli. "509, (415) 213~212. SOIIRY KERYON'S CYCLES, Lot ... perl.need co_ltor s care for ,our blk•. R.ce tuned lpeclalllt, we work on lIIost ""mak••• lultaco .nd CZ. Pwt., S"IS, and Servlc•. "II order f. Bulbco and CZ Part ••nd Ace. . . . IIS. 25M IIlddl.· hid Rd. (415) .1..399. DAM CYCLES: "ltaco, $aUk', ModakI, TlCo IIlnl Bikes, ·wlttl full plrt• • ad for .treet .d dirt rI.... las_anee f. dirt aad Itrwt bUll' of all klBd•• Con 1_ aDd . . Jail Lawls, . . Plea IUd. lit,.. CIJdo! 4036 Do. R..... EI S.broOlD, .lIkl, Suz., ISA, 1I,leo. MotolC,cll I. . . .nc., Taco & Io"'''u IIInf41ul. 10ft fI.... c1nc on lIJPfoval of credit. CollI. "'03. "": (415) 222·_. Are ,OU part'cu'ar? W. ,.11 t., COUSEUM CYCLE .. ACCESSORY CO. - Kawlllki Sat.. & SlfVlce. Compl... .cc...orl.., C~"lnl dtp(. Custom work•• Kawlulll .,.clall.ts. F.ctory trained ", ODIn'~". thru Fri., S". '-5. 3951 E. 14tb St., llokl..d 94501. (415) go-S4il.....11· dent: Howard All rldtrs w.lcolII! 5.". NELSON BRDS. - T~ ..."., H....., _ , Hu.q. . u, Pent.. lilli, rllpalr E.....II...d .Ioco 1941. bt.nsl , &. .cClllorl.. dept•• Compl". laswlle. &. nnanelftC faclll· tl••• ·W• •tan4I llellilld ow product. & ........rvt CYCLE CENTER STORES n - 1S52D EOII 1 . St........ : (415) IIR 6-8211. Honu, HodIa, 1IA, "Ico. "WqCI. Insaranc., Tlco &. -blk... Iota n.-Kln, 0. app~11 of cNd•• Difficult cUlto..." Wlnt.... ""IZ' .... SAN RAFAEL, CALIF. . IIISCUITS' CYCLE TOWN - IIot.. X Hq. t. . . .,In C_IJ. C... "dI. SIIop. ,I. SI •• , he. ISA, Ylm., A.£, 1I..1t.I, Gr•., Hod., C"Z.•• lInl·._s: ....rid, TKO, Ion'-Zl, Scout Cltopp••• C_ In and ""n to rldt. Optn: Mon. 12.5, T,.,T,F, '.', Sat. '·5. 933 Francllco III .... M901. (415) 456.0335. - C.z. OILS' ADDITIVES ESCALON, CALIF. -ILEIlIIDULL" and ItEXCELZAlL" •...Idt • '1. It" Join the WI ....,., De. I· •• lnqulrl. . . .lco• • Addzlp Addltl..., 1433037 Flr.t SI., £.caICII,Ca'''.,s32D. ......, (2") al.7!112. REDWOOD CITY, CALIF. AIoA 1IOT000S - Port... _d oqul" SACRAMENTO, CALIF. EL SOIRANTE, CALIF. ace••.,I.. ,..... II ... TIr.., ......., IUO, rl_., Aul Hltocbl ,Iup, Lo· cal .I.ctrlc ,.rtl ..d all cycl. n. .d•. Sud S1 for }'tIt111 cital.. lox 3.', 94119. (41S) 521..115. SAN LEANDRO, CALIF. MT. VIEW, CALIF. OAKLAND, CALIF. CONCORD, CALIF. HA~ JOIIES DIST. CD. - A..., .. Cor· coJII., NGIl, KLG .. LIVERMORE, CALIF. CYCLE CENTER STORES ". - Zl10 rlnl SI........: (41S) 443·5111. Ilowo. s.. u.! .... &. .rvlc. far Y.m., R.E., 1111., HN., Mal., Nor. and Y _1 . Alto COlli'.... lIIacbl•• abop, re w.ldl8l, "clmp &. dlU ..ry 1l1li . . II 277.1 EI Co.,I.., 94061. (415) 3"-3114. JOHN SMITH MOTOItCYCLES - (Tiro wtInl Klnl) Custom __ I. far .ny. SELIIY IKlTOllS- 346 EI Co.l.. R.I, . . .1 ...• 4500 E. 14th SI., lloklond MlOl. (415) 532·3In. Utlne and lilt. M'. of cust. part., lacl. forb and .IUI' for ..It bll••• Dul. . . Su., J.a, CZ, IIId Garlili. . .II - . lor . . at ..ko•• Incl. lISA .. .at'" Trl. You ph_I .. ,hi... 2512 Frallklln ot _ , . Socl., 95.11. (916) 452·2622. ..... -co. 94062. (415) 3"....112. url'l.t .tod: ", tires .nd ICC.". W. h.'II the part. for Kaw., Gte.. Sill., Mont..., BSA, • ••. Easy PlY In••• ftd honest .al• that WI stand behind. Url..t 1IIont.... de.l... In No. C.lIf. Open n .... s. ,-'. .... "" I

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