Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 08 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOLUME VII NUMBER 31 · CU - CO" CO" U)cn ~ ~w2.zE , _ Co) .... Z~ftI .... U ,.!. =: N Ut ucn ~ 0 CO" >cnOCO N .... -=P .0 L.-U _cn_- I~W~PIP~a~ __ N_ .... August 18, 1910 The brothers Bast. Mike leads brother Steve, who this week will leave to become a member of the Wimberly Lions Speedway racing team in England. A British promoter is paying Steve's way and he'll be staying with a member of the team. The teenager from Sunland, Calif. became the first American in eighteen years to be extended such an invitation. For complete Speedway defails, see page 29. Assistant Editor, John Bethea, flew to Sturgis, S.D. this weekend to,cover the annual bash there and came back with-many interestiog-taLes You'll find the details on pages 16-17, as well as a report of this weekend's AFM road race on pages 18-19. (Photo by Oemi.s Greene.) _.->- • cs:~ wcucu IlCl North & Western Edition _____'_ ___J

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