Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 07 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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share with auto dl'ivers, many motorcycltsts do not carry insurance because of high costs at most tirms. "Rates vary greatly trom company to -company, due to the lack of stattstical data in the industry on accidents," says Earl Rehder of the Southern Cal1tornia Auto Club's office. The dub is one of three large national tirms that provide relatively low rates tor policy owners, only it they also carry car insurance. No company provides medical coverage and policies are hased on the size of the cycle. Annual premiums at the smaller insurance companies run about $165 tor tull coverage tor medium-sized motorcycles .(35Occ) and $295 tor the giant bikes (120Occ). self with a helmet. "The minority of riders wbo teel safety helmet laws should be passed clalm that legislative opposition based on peuonal rights may be a cover-up tor a rider's displeasure 10 lugging around the headgear and ruining hts "tree spirit, windblown ha1r" image. Safety-conscious motorcyclists, tor tb1s legislative session at least, will have to be content with a bill on helmet manutictur1ng standards described as "the only compromise package we can get through" by Assemblyman Tom Hom (R-San Diego), wbose helmet-wearing proposal tailed last year • -Do state Motor Vehicle Department . examinations-a requirement for ridtog on any streei-adequately test wbether the any motorcycle, trail 6lkii, dune buggy, motor scooter, or jeep) or the motor thereof on any place other than a h1ghway so as to disturb the peace- or quiet of any neighborhood or person by noise, dust, smoke or tumes caused by such motor vehicle." II strictly enforced, that ordinance alone could seemingly end citizen complaints about motorcycle operation torever. But deputies note that too strict an enforcement of the section might lead to its repeal. TheY say they use the section only in the most tIagrant violations. It is also, they point out, a valuable basis on wbich to discuss complaints with cyclists. Another Los Angeles County ordinance section is smore frequently used, parti- cipality strongly recommended agaInst "Rates are unrealistic on the larger ones," says Santa Ana insurance agent it. , Noise, vehicle accident risks and landGeorge Hertel, "tor these riders are usually better risks." scape scars, caused by tire traks, are the chief detriments to motorcycle parks, -Should the wearing of safety helmets be required by the state? officials say. "There is some accelerated erosion Motorc1\:lists, industry officlals and in the county wbere off-road motorcy- , legislators have locked wbeels tor three clists converge now," notes James' years on wbether there should be a state Whitehead, head of the Sn Clementelaw. based district of the State Parks and Forty-one other states have enacted such legislation. The National Highway Recreation Department. Motorcyclists tare better than car Safety Bureau reports that states remotorists in many accident categories. quiring drivers and passengers on moA smaller percentage of cycles statetorcycles to wear protective headgear wide are involved in mishaps than autos, have a 30% decrease in accident deaths. based on registration figures of all veBills were introduced in Sacramento hicle categories. The Highway Patrol in 1968 and 1969 but died in the Assemsays motorcycle rates actually dropped bly Transportation Committee after 2% in 1967 and 1968, with last year's strong opposition by motorcyclists and figures still being tabulated. some legislators who "telt mandatory Yet it's the higher risk of serious inhelme-t protection 1ntringes on the perjury and death on motorcycles - about sonal rights of the riders. five tatalities occur each month in OrBill Adams, head of the American ange County - that opens a floodgate of Motorcycle's Southern Cal1tornia dis

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