Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 07 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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TT Hurt By Heat Wave By Maureen Lee SIeve Nicolls (2x) found competition rough at Elsi nore S\jnday as he and Larry Taylor (doing wheelie) move up to pass lagging novice rider. ELSINORE, CALIF. July 19, 1970- The thought of what July heat 10 Els100re can be 11ke no doubt kept away a lot of riders as only 180 showed uP Sunday. 'The ones who dld stay at home were smart, 1t WAS hot and enough Gatorade flowed to float the Queen Mary. Many of the riders loaded uP and got out of there just as soon as their last race was over. As usual, the club threw a good event. The sign-up booth closed its entries promptly on time, the ready and starting llnes were clearly marked, there was no messing by the starter and lightweight. rider number one Larry Taylor handled the checkered flag much of the day. The only goof they did pull was that one Rabbit went happily off home with some of the entry blanks and thlngs 10 hls car so we couldn't come uP with all the results by press time. Six glrls showed uP for the Powder Puff and it looked llke Lynette Burke was going to do 1t but she had troubles keeping her KawasakI under her and ' dumped 1t several times. Eulene Long (Kaw) after quite a long lay-off won with two firsts ·and a second. We don't know who won 10 the tlddler dIvisions but 1r! the smallest of them all, Rocky Kavanaugh looked very good on hls Suzuki and has improved greatly slnce he started racing. The 250 dIvision pI'ovided a lot of excitement. Did they ever as they started piling uP 10 practice on that treacherous first turn! '!'he ambulance had to leave a total of four times showing ho if nard and sUck the surface was, 10 spite of plenty of trips by the water truck. Roy Dockings crash was spectacular whenhls skid shoe came adrift and got tangled uP 10 the equlpment. That's not the way to go! The 250 Expert went to a pie-plate rider, J. Carmello with Danny Hockie (Ossa) and Chuck Gann settling it outfor second and third. In the big bore divlsion, Amateurs Jerry Orcutt on a Rickman and Jay Wahls on a Triumph managed an almost unheard of thlng, they got ll; tiewithRa.lIihPorzelt (Triumph) the third. Kawasaki triumphed over Yamaba 10 the Expert group as Ron Rlngen won followed in by Yamaha riders Ray Nicolls and John Isaacs. The day was over early for-a scrambles but all the riders got as much rid1ng as they could stand 10 that heat. The next scrambles will be at Perris, July 26th, hosted by the H1ll1oppers. (Results on page 26) Speed Draws 140 Riders for Southbay By Bill Goodman SAN DIEGO, CALIF. July 19, 1970- A clear, cloudless, hot day at Southbay Speedway drew 140 plus riders onto a very fast track and provlded the spectators with some fast and furious action. There was a large field. of IOOCc through 250Cc riders, which was broken uP 1oto heats tor the Novices and moto's for the Amateurs. .' . In the 125cc Amateur class, Marc Barban1 came 10 first on his Yamaba with Mike McClies 10 second and Tom Worfolk, third also on Yamabas. John Swlnko, Butch Montgomery and Del Ocheltree put on a three man show in'the 250ccAmateur class with not much more than a bike length between them for the five laps 10 the ·Malo. Swlnko, nailed down the first place spot with Montgomery coming 10 second, both on Bultacos, and Ocheltree third on a Yamaba. Swlnko also won the 200Cc Amateur class with Terry Goodman 10 second place. Agaln both riders on Bultaco's and Bob Darnell 10 third on a Yamaba. After recuperating for three months from a dlslocated shoulder, Earl Roloff Jr. on a Yamaba Van Tech showed why he is 10 the Expert class with a thrilllng wln 10 the 125cc class. Jim Brockman came 10 second after ta.k1ng a sp1ll on the switchback, and Ray Vanderpool took third. The Vesco racing stable dominated the 250cc Expert class with Vanderpool tak1ng first, Carl Beyers second and Sal Peluso third. All three riders were pushlng Yamahas. 10 the Open Novlce S. Sharp on a Matchless won the first place spot with D. Sibley com1og 10 second on a Triumph and R. Richardson also on a Triumph taking third. Don Seymore, a member of the Mesa MC, wound uP 10 the hospital with a broken leg. Don was already wearing'a pin in the leg from a previous injury. Steve Parsons also made a trip to the hospit:1l with possible broken ribs. We hope' both wUl be back 10 action. All riders in the 38th District welcom Geroge Hendrickson, as theft newAss1tant Referee. Hendrickson is well known and well Uked among the racers 10 the area and should be a great asset. On August 16, the Mesa MG of Chula Vlsta js sponsoring a beneflt race for the Starlight Center, a school for the retarded. All proceeds w1ll be donated to the Center. A lOOCc Yamaba TraU bike, donated by Lucky Yamaba of Lemon Grove, Call1., w1ll be raffled off, the proceeds also golng to the Starllght Center. The Paul C. Rogers Trophy Co. of San Diego ls donating all the first place trophles for the event. Let's all turn out and make this a big success. (Results on page 26) ... OF ALL THE EXCELLANT TWO·CYCLE OILS ON THE MARKET- WHY USE T·C ? One of the two prime functions of oil in the two stroke is to lubricate the bearings and other friction generating surfaces such as the piston and cylinder wall. The second prime fundion is just as critical as lubrication, and that is to COOL THE ENGINE PARTS. THIS COOLING IS DONE ALMOST ENTI RELY BY THE'OIL, as gasoline 'has minimal cooling qualities. Since T-C is used in richer ratios, lubrication is greatly increased and the engine runs much cooler. We are now able to enjoy a THI RD FUNCTION-as T-C is used in richer ·ratio.s-T·C is acting as a piston seal giving us a tremendous increase in compression. Common practice of present mota-cross winners is to replace the carburetor jet with a jet of approximately two sizes larger and using a Gas-T-C ratio of 8 to 1. Other lubricants, when used in heavier ratios, reduce the energy-quality of gasoline. This can be experienced by running a gas-oil mixture in your automobile. Due to the quietness of the exhaust system you can hear the pinging and feel the loss of power. THI.5 DOES NOT HAPPEN WITH T-C BECAUSE T-C DOES NOT INHIBIT THE COMBUSTION OF GASOLINE AT ALL: NO CARBON T-C is a pure chemical lubricant which burns absolutely clean because T -C contains no carbon forming oils such as castor or petroleum oil.' Excessive carbon build-up acts like a sponge to absorb both the fuel mixture when cold and soak up heat and increase engine temperature when hot. SO WHY USE T·C ?? - BETTER RELIABILITY MORE POWER -RUNS COOLER FOR MORE INFORMATION. _ . CONTACT YOUR LOCAL DEALER

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