Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 07 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 11 of 39

A Mild Mannerd a: Lynn WilsonEach s Sunday Become. '" C<:i g>., ~ C<:i -oJ U ::... U Lynn Wilson is a 33 year old mother of four who lives in a very comfortable San Fernando Valley home. Nothingparticularly unusual about that. She is also a very beautiful woman who looks about 10 years younger than she actually ls. Nothing unusual about that, either. Lynn Wilson, however, happens to hold down 10th place in District 37 Desert point standings and had the. somewhat dubious pleasure of becoming one of the few women to complete the super long Greenhorn Enduro. And that, my frieods, ls somewhat unusual. ' When the 'horn results finally arrived at Cycle News, our Dumber one receptionist, Jan McCullough- who very rarely mlsses a thing - noticed right off the hat that a gtrl-Lynn- was ooe of this year's f1nlshers. In her own inimitable way she said something like, .. Wow. How neat. I pet she'd be fun to interview." Aod the rest of the staff agreed that, yes, it certa1nly would be oeat. And that's how Jan went out to talk to Lynn. It went something like this: HOW DID YOU GET STARTED WlTH MOTORCYCLES? Before' we were married, my husband Bob had a bike and we would ride to- gether. WHAT KIND OF' BIKE DO YOU RIDE? Right DOW, a lOOCc Sachs. I used to ride a Hodaka, but I changed a couple of years ago. My Sachs ls sure a good little bike. It .handles so neat, but it's not super fast. Every time I ride a big bike, I can't watt to get back on my little one. THIS WOULD BE IMPORTANT FOR YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE A GffiL? ;:------:A;;;;;;;;;=----:--~-------__::'1 Well in the rough stuff, you can only go so fast. So some of these high RPM's things are worthless. You have to have a lot of tor(Jle because you have things like super steeP, sandy washes. ARE YOU MUCH OF A MECHANIC? Well, I always help with the UDimportant things, like clean1Dg the air cleaners, washing my bike, that sort of thing. Bob does the major work. DO YOU JUST RIDE DESERT? Yes; Dlstrict 37 desert eveots. HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN IN THE VICTORS M.C.? Well, we started it hack in 1965 when we were charter members. TELL US ABOUT TRAIL BIKES. Everything has to be perfect, and you have to really work all the time. That's what so fascinating and challenging about Tbere is abetterpipe. These riders tried it and won. Kenyon and Caprio at BAJA. Bobbie Whitlock 250 JR. winner at ASCOT. Jim MacDonald 250 JR. winner at BAYMARE., . And they're' available now at BOB BAILEY 17124 S. Western' Ave., Gardena, Calif. 90247 213-327-1420 327-8538 trall bikes; you really have to be with it all the time. Dave Ekins told me that you have to be a better rider to ride a small bike than a big bike, because you have to do as much as the big bike people do with what you've got. WHAT WAS THE FffiST RACE YOU WERE EVER IN? . I'll oever forget that. It was the Grizzly Bear run back in 1964. I rode 90 mUes and then the whole thing was called off because it waso't limed properly. I was on one of those little 73cc Yamahas, a stock little thing with a front fork that weot clUnk, clunk; clunk, clunk and a hack . that went pooing, poing, poing, poing. 1'HATWAS PROBABLY A DISAPPOINTMENT TO RIDE ALL THAT WA Y FOR NOTHING, Well, I didn't know any better. Matter of tact I didn't know how to ride. !! I had all that enthusiasm now that I had then, I'd really have it. WHAT DO YOUR PARENTS TffiNK OF YOU RIDING? My mom always sayd that I'm going to get k1lled. But my husband~s folks !:!ought bikes. They ride really good and come out and join us. Everybody can enjoy motorcycles. I don't care how little, or how old they are. . SINCE YOUR WHOLE FAMILY RIDES, HOW MANY IDKES DO YOU TAKE OUT ON WEEKENDS? Well, only 3 bikes can fit in our camper, so my husband, and my oldest son aod I get to take our bikes. It's really bad because we need 6 bikes. DC YOU RACE EVERY WEEKEND? Yes, there is a race just about every weekend. All day Saturday, the whole famlly rides together, then on Sunday we race. Besides myse!!, my oldest son Bobby races Hare & Hound on one of my old bikes. WHAT IS- ONE OF YOUR FAVORITE RACES? I really like the Barstow to Vegis Race. The year before, I almostf1nlshed it, and was the futtherest girl, and then at the last check, with only 20 more miles to go, they said It was closed. Theo th1s year I was really doing good, then the last 20 m1les my bike overheated and I had to watt WI it cooled dOWD. WHAT WAS THE FffiST RACE THAT YOU FINISHED THAT YOU SAID TO (Continued on page 33)

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