Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 07 07

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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·Amerlca's #1 weekly motorcycle newspaper. You'll always see it FIRST In Cycle News!" Publisher••••••• Charles Clayton Business Manager•••Sharon Clayton Genera'Manager••••••• Tom Culp Advertising Manager•••. Tom Walsh Edi tor•••••••••••• Bob Sanford Assl stant Edi tor••••• John Bethea Circulation Manager•••Rheba Smith Production Manager•••• Li Ii Lakl ch Lab Technician. Greg Westmoreland Editorial & Prod. Asst. Bruce Braly Bookkeeper••••••• Edna Wi I Iiams Bookkeeper•••••••• Eleanor Duke Want Ads••••••• Jan McCullough Delivery••••••.••••• Sob Hill PISMO DUNES IN DANGER BURNED 'EM OUT Presently serving 10 Viet Nam, your great rag gets bere about 2 months after pobllcatlon, and therefore tbls very late request for lnformatlon on where one goes to purchase a side back. I've completely burned my eyes out reading old Issues, and your staff is ~y last bop on where to purchase one, I'd like lnformatlon on the one 10 April's issue entitled "Know About Blkes? Try a Hack." SGT. R.R. MAC EWEN 55682 6193 HHC~ 519tb SPT BN APO, S.F .C. 96307 The hack tbat we rode belonged to the Wasp distributor ....0 is: Kelvin Franks. 770 Newton Place. Costa Mesa. Cal. You micht also contact the Side Back Assn. Ihroa&b Gary Weber, 6519 Quinton Laae, Tui... p, Cal. 91042... Ed. • Please HELP us awaken the users of off-road veb1cles to the fact that we have a good chance of los1ng the Pismo Dunes and other areas because of not staytng on tralls and out of brush areas. W are having a hard time keeping users out of the brush areas. AU of the dune area that is being used here belongs to private parties, and with the ever 10creasing use the brush areas are startIng to show the wear and tear. Most club members respect the wishes of the land owners and are keeping out of brush areas, but a great ·number of users that are DOt club members seem to have no respect for the property owners. We would aU llke the contInued use of these dunes, and tbls is wby we are writIng to you. ManY of these people re readers of your pobllcatlon, and I know you can HELP them to reallze that their beedless actions are c1os1ng the dunes and other areas to everyone's use. PARNELL TILLEY President, Santa Maria 4 Wheeler Santa Marla, Calif. YOIC• • INFORMATION M.I.C, PROGRESSES Anyone loterested 10 obtalnlng Volume 1, Number 1 (Jan. 1970) of the U.S. Dept, of Transportation (Nat'l. Higbway Safety Bureau'S) Consumer lnformatlon series, entitled "PERFORMANCE DATA FOR NEW PASSENGER CARS AND MOTORCYCLES" need onIy say so 10 a DOte accompanying a check or money order of $2,25 made out to and sent to: SQPt. of Documents, U.S. Govt. Printing ott1ce, Wasblngton, D.C. 20402. Most cars and bikes are covered, although I must admit my own Norton was omltted. (Too fast?). Anyway, forty-four bikes from elgbt major companies are llsted. Text and diagrams explaln alI that is meant by the comparisons. Acceleration and Passing, Tire Reserve Load, and stopping Distance facts are llsted; acceleration from low speed (20-35 mpb) and also "111gb speed" (5080 mpb), and stopping under both 11gbt and beavy loads. Readers may also wish a copy of ,.Accident Facts", the Nat'1 Safety Counen's booklet mentioned 10 our April21st issue 10 E.W. Colman's Guest Ed1torlal, "How the Motorcycle Industry Councll Promotes Safety". Please tell us where to send for it, and its cost. . Also please tell me bow I can get a letter to Bruce Brown,tnm-maker written up 10 that same issue by Bob Sanford. Thanks aptn for contlnulng to keep the dlsafflllated pavement pounder lnformed (among many others...>. ERNIE KRUMM Kerman, Calif. ElrCitlng tblngs are happening at MICI I've just returned from Washlngton, D.C., where our inaurgurat BoardmeetIng was conducted 10 the MIC's new offlees at 1001 l;:OJU\8Ctlcut Avenue, Suite 1132, Zip 20036. In addltlon to the MIC Executive Director, Paul McCrlills, and the normal off1ce staff, we have also employed Ray Lucia, who will aid the MlC in their dealIngs on a Federal level. Ray Is an Air Force Colonel who knows blswayaround Wasblngton, having Just retired from a position at the Pentagon. Altbougb we have numerous projects in the mUer, I tbougbt you would be partlcularly loterested in our plans 10 the area of Publ1c ServIce. Advertls1ng agencies for the major veb1cle manufacturers are contr1but1ng scr'lpts for radio pobllc serv1ce safety messaps, story boards for TV safety messages, and layouts for use 10 a national billboard campaign. The entire program is being developed in close coordInation with the National Higbway Safety Bureau. Rad10 and TV stations, as well as outdoor advertlslng companies, will be donat1ng time and spaCe to further the promotion of motorcycle safety, The MIC is' 'Dedlcated to the Advancement of Motorcycllng" and now represents over 90% of the Industry. We are grateful for the contlnuild support from Cycle News and look forward to the daY when the Motorcycle Industry Councll's roster locludes 100% of tbls great Industry. E. W. COLMAN President, MlC Brown can be contacted at P.O. Boll 714. Dana Polot. Calif. 92629, and the pamphlet you mentioned can be obtained by seDdtnc 52.40 to !be Statistics Division or the National Sarety Countil. 425 N. Mlcblcan Ave•• Chicago, JU. 606U... Ed. THANKS RED DOTS I want to thank aU the ntce people at Cheek Fin in the Red Dot's Hare ScrambIes May 10. When I came 10 to that c:hec:k all you could see on my face was blood. They cleaned my cuts up and drClft me back to the pit area. Tba.n1al aeatn to the Red Dot's Check Five. •.• •• • BILL BECICER' Rldgecrest, Calif. GOOD SAMARITAN HELPS Tbls is a note of very grateful thanks to a most generous member of the Checkers MC on a CZ for belplng me out 10 112 degree heat at the l00's MC Hare Scrambles at Barstow, June 21.He slpboned a portion of bls gas out of bls tank loto mine when I ran out about twothree miles from the pits on the first loop. I hope others read1ng tbls will change their op1n1on of the Checkers as I have. ManY thanks, aptn. ED WRIGHT Northridge, Calif. Cycle News East, Dixie Cycle News, and National Advertising Information: Tom Culp. National Advertising Dir. Cycle News (West), P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, california 90801 (213) 427-7433 - L.A. 836-8844 Northern Representative: Bill Spencer Subscription: One year 2nd 'class mail •••• $7.50 Single copy price•••••••••• 25e. Published weekly except the first and last week of the calendar year by Cycle News, Inc., Post Office Box 498, Long Beach, California, also publishers of Cycle News East; and Dixie Cycle News. Second Class Postage paid at Long Beach, Calif. Editorial stories, cartoons, photos, etc. are welcome. Write for information. Addressed, stamped envelope assures return of editorial matter. Reprinting in whole or In part only by permission of the publishers. Advertising rates and circulation information wi II be sent upon request. Steffan Winner PASADENA, CALIF. - Bob Steffan, timekeeper for the e1ibt man Harley-DavIdson Enduro rldlng team, was declared overall wlnner of the Greenhorn Enduro, held May 30-31 at Pearblossom, Calif. OtnClal tally showed Steffan tied with Triumph mounted Gene Burcham with 980 polots, But the 13 year Greenhorn veteran had the best time at the tie breaking check and, therefore, was awarded the win. Always a bridesmaid, never a bride, Steffan tells ft'ee lance writer, Ron Scbnleders about blmself and the 'Horn 10 an exclustve Cycle News lotervIew on psge 29. For complete Greenhorn results, see page 22. Land Meeting ANAHEIM, CALIF. June 26, 1970 - Nearly 600blke enthusla.!!ts heard representatives from various government agencies and motorcycllng organizations present their vIews at a meeting tonlgbt at the Melodyland theater. Representat1ves from the Bureau of Land Management and Californla Department of Parks and Recreatloo told the grouP of the problems in working wltb motorcycle loterests. BasIc to many of the problems, the two agencies seemed to agree, was a lack of knowiedge as to what motorcycUsts wanted and needed. Both also expressed a desire to work more c1osel7 with representatives of organtzed motorcycllng 10 the future. Tom Cosgrove, co-owner of Padflc Hondaandorgantzerof the meeting, opened the conclave citing a Dewspaper article in the Amhelm Bulletln that be said bad almost caused the meeting to be cancelled. Cosgrove said that the Board of Dlrectoes of Me10dyland - a rel1glous orp.n1zatlon - bad called blm and cancelled the event after reading the article. He added that a lack of communication had given the Board a misunderstanding as to the purpose of the meetlng and the type of people that would attend. Later, Cosgrove rather cynlca1ly remarked that, "Everybody (government off1c1aIs 10 attendance) is our friend. Nobody's clostne any land, but for some straDge reason the rldlng areas keep getting smaller and smaller." The meeting organizer said that he felt that a major reason for many of the problems facing bike riders today was lack of organlzation. He proposed a new grouP caIled California Council of Motorcycles that would attack the problems at d1fferent levels, through, accordlng to Cosgrove, "education, communication and leglslatloD." He said that the orp.n1zatlon should prl.martly be supported by dealer funds, although indlvlduaI riders were lnvlted to join as associate members. New Maicos SAN CLEMENTE, CALIF. June 28, 1970- Twonew models of Maleo were introduced tbls weekend by Maleo Distributor Frank Cooper and the response was , strong, espeetaUy after abe of the models eas11y won the Open class. Lars Larson, r1d1nc the DeW 501cc, could easlly be dlst1ngu1shed above the roar. of the big twin four-strokes in the rest of the tleld since the new Malco is a two stroke engine. Cooper, seelng bow Larson won band1ly, was so Impressed that be promIses more are on the way. The second model, a small 125ce, wasn't tested 10 the rigors of a race, but it stl1l had a great deal of attention from nearly every known rider at the course. '!be machIne is stl1l undergo1ng extenstve testing 'and will soon be sent back to the bullders for even more improvements. The sls-speed gearbox Is coupled to a rotary valve 125ce two-stroke engine. Another new model seen occaslooally 10 motocross events 10 tbls area since last October is the 125ce CZ. The prototype designed by Joel Robert has had two enctne rev1s1ons since its appearance and the DeW production unit is due to arrtve early tbls month. The frame and runnIng gear, bowever, is only s11gbtly changed. Trials Announcments PLACENTIA, CALIF. - Wes Colley, embattled president of Motorcycle International Committee United States, bas announced that selection of the Amer1can International 6-Dvs Tr1a1 Team will be done at a meeting July 6in Norwalk, Calif. Rlders lnterested 10 representing the U.S, in the world's biggest trtals, scebdu1ed for Sept, 5 through 11 in Spain, are urged to attend the 8 p.m. meeting at the Saddleback Inn, located along the Santa Ana Freeway at the Rosecrans off-ramp. Rlders interested 10 beIng on the U.S. team should send their names and quaIWcatlons to MlCUS, Box 273, Placentia, Callt. 92670 (Telepbone 714/528-4290) immediately. Out for Good HEIDELBERG, PA. June 24, 1970 - The AMA will not reschedule the National M1nl Road wb1cb was rained out here last Sunday, it was reported today by an off1clal in the organization. According to the source, there are no conventent dates available between now and the end of the National season. Add1t1onaUy, the Heldelberg race has long been a sore polot among rider and officIals. The race is DOt, 10 fact a Road Race and many riders choose not to ride it. According to the source, the AMA has been considering dropping it from the NatlonaI caIendar for some time. More Restrictions HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIF. June 22, 1970 - An "emergency" ord1nance was unanimously passed today by the clt:y councU to restrlct the use of motorcycles, sports cycles and m1nt bikes on certain properties located witb1n the city' s boundaries. The measure was passed because, the ord1nance stated, the mentioned veb1c1es cause "elrCessive dust, fumes, noise, erosion and fire damage and constitutes a nuisance to the residents of Huntlngton Beach." The purpose, also accordlng to the ordlnance, was to regulate the use of llcensed (Continued on page 31)

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