Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 06 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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"America's #1 weekly Imot orcycl e newspaper. You'll always see It FIRST in Cycle News l" THESE NASTY THINGS in recent CYCLE NEWS stories and in particular " Voices " letter I've noticed the use of offensive language. You said that you had to edit the letter before it could be printed. That is surprising because I didn't lh1nk there were any words that you did not print. I remember the story about the Hell's Angels where that famous four letter word was used more than once and you seemed to think that It was perfectly all right. Anyone who thought It was vulgar was narrow minded. Also, how about call1ng bikes "A Cherry" and a few other things llke " Scr ewing it on" ? After all, there are a few people left who have enough class that they do not want to hear these nasty thlngs. Is this kind of language good enough for CYCLE NEW? If your letter writer only knew it, he has enough talent to go into the newspaper biz. I hope you will print this and clean up your paper while you are at it. VICKY LAMAR I think it must have been Lenny Bruce who said, "There are no dirty words, just dirty minds.· I hope our story On page 20 doesn't orrend all,)' ne... Ed. THROWING IN A GRIPE We would like to throw our griPe into the Cherry Creek fiasco. Although we are not desert riders and make no assemblance to be, we would ltke to know how a race that has been a national and this year, western states cJu!.mpionship, could be such a farce. We drove farther than many, and not as far as some, to find out that Cherry Creek is not a race, but a game, People claim that Callfornlans are fat headed and spoUed in their racing, but at least you can race and feel like you have accomplished something. The Dirt Diggers North would 11ke to volunteer their services and next year suPPly one more roll of tape to match the one that the Sait Lake M.C. used in their course Publisher••••••• Charles Clayton Business Manager.••Sharon Clayton General Manager•.••••. Tom Culp Adverti si ng Manager • • • Tom Walsh Feature Editor•• ••..• Terry Pratt Assistant Editor..••••Bob Sanford Circulation Manager•• Bruce Easley Circulation Assistant •• Rheba Smith Production Manager..•• Li Ii Laklch Lab Technician •. Greg Westmoreland Production Assistant. • Jerry Owen Bookkeeper•••••••Susan Whitelaw Bookkeeper•••••••• EI eanor Duke Want Ads ••••••••Jan McCullough with about 60 entries for all classes; When a llttle 16 year old came out and showed the old timers around the desert. (E .M.); Crater Camp and Mr. Bates using his station wagon as a ambulance; A lltter free desert. JERRY Also, we now know why the Sait Lake M.C. wears guns: To keep the----from being kicked out of them. DffiT DIGGERS NORTH M.C. TWO WHEELED NOSTALGIA I remember; the several times we almost lost Cycle News whUe jumping from one owner to the next; When I used to stand and watt at the sign up booth at desert events to see If two more guys with tran bikes would show up to make a class; When we used to race at Cajon Pass Cycle News (West), P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, 'Cal i fornia 90801 (213) 427-7433 - L.A. 636-8844 .y Northern Office 1470 Broadway, Walnut Creek, Calif. (415) 934-1995 Northern Representati ve: Lyn Jensen , Subscription: ' One year 2nd cl ass mai I. • •• $7.50 Single copy price•.•••••••• 25¢ By his very nature the biker is a hard cat to scratch. After the organized endeavor of "sign-up" he becomes the most independent individua11st imaginable. It has to be that way. This very independent attitude is what is going to put us all d.nJ., on the land situation. Somehow, someway, there is going to have to be an organized, concentrated • YOlces PUBLIC CONGRATULATIONS I would like to publlcly congratulate and thank the San Gabriel Valley M!C for hosting one of the finest motocross races I have had the privUege of riding. They did an exceptional Job of laying out and preparing the Perris course; there was v1rtua1ly no dust and the course had all kinds of neat things to bound over. Things were run so smoothly that the show was over by about 3:00 and people could get home out of the heat (this was partly due to the fewer number of entries). Thank you SGUMC for a very memorable weekend. STAN CARLSON Los Angeles, Calif. a marking. Cycle News East, DixieCycle News, and Nati onal Adverti si ng information: Tom Culp. National Adverti sing Dir. I am Eug. Tonny F . Kustein, many years profess1ona1 speedway champion and representative trom Czechoslovakia and East Germany. I have escaped from this communist country and would like to start racing in the United States. My motorcycle is a Jawa ESO DT 500cc. I am will1ng to race in any state in the country, and guarantee good racing. However, I will need my transportation taken care of, plus a minimum of $500 start money. I can be contacted at 4885 W. 11th Ave., Denver, Color. 80204, telephone (303) 255-2498. EUG. TONNY F. KUSTEIN We talk, talk, talk, about what to do about the anti~bike furor. My question is, "what in HELL do we do about It?" Is M.O.R.E. the answer? Do we support a lobby? Individual letters to our elected representatives seem to have llttle ef· rect, The anti-bike cause is much too good a drum to be left un-beaten in this campalgn year. effort on our parts, in our behaif. What is the answer? Any club member knows that club level organization won't 'do the trick', it's hard enough to organize an event, let alone a statewide effort. Will "money" do it? Club level donations to a united cause? Each facet of riding has its' following. but every type rider (including buggies) should realize that what affects one, affects all. From "anti-trespass regulations" to "get that Hog off the freeway" is one tiny step for legislators. Somebody help. Cycle News, somebody, anybody, spearhead an organized, a concentrated effort or the whole sport is going to be "Cancelled because of Apathy". GEO. R. SPIDELL E1 Cajon, Calif. SOMEBODY'S FAVORITE DEALER When advised by a parts man at Evans Yamaba!Triumph in Culver City that they had a part that I required in order to get my bike race ready, I drove over 15 mUes, only to find that they were closed for the weekend. I ca11ed Ted Evans and explalned mypredicament.He and his wife came in but we couldn'Uind the part, so Ted ca11ed his son Doug. Doug couldn't find it, either. This was on a weekend evening, Ted, . Doug, Ted'S wife, myself and a friend had been trying to find the part for over 2 hours. Ted then directed Doug to take one off a similar bike for mell How many dealers would personally come in on a weekend, after closing hours and do such a thing? Three cheers for Ted and Doug Evans, Yamaba!Triumph of Culver City. BILL BASSE'M' China Lake, Callf. Published weekly except the first and last week of the calendar year by Cycle News, Inc. , Post Office Box 498, Long Beach, California, al so pub Ii shers of Cycle News East; and Dixie Cycle News. Second Class Postage paid at Long Beach , Calif. Editorial stories, cartoons, photos, etc. are welcome. Write for information. Addressed, stamped envelope assures return of editorial matter. Reprintl ng in whole or in part only by permission of the publishers. Ad· vertising rates and circulation Informati on wi II be sent upon request. DESERT LInER CRUSADE Friday I met with Russ Sanford and found him to be a most interesting and capable individual. Motorcycle enthusiasts are indeed fortunate to have such a man as Russ Sanford representing them in Callfornla. Without going into detail, I think a great deal is on the verge of being accompllshed in the direction of my interest, which is a desert anti-lltter crusade. Again, many thanks for your help. LOWELL E . JOHNSON . Vice President and General Manager Roberts Consolldate industries inc. City of Industry, Callf. IT'S ON THE WA Y I ran the Viewfinder G.p. at Bay Mare. I was #25 in the 100cc Novice race. I have heard, that the oU1c1al results have been maned out, but for some reason I didn't get one. Is there any way I can get a copy? I f1n1shed all the laps from start to finish. You see, I am 40 years young, I love motorcycl1ng, and try to race all the G.p .'s. BOB SHAW Harper Flaherty. Registrar (or the View Finders. has promised to send you one .. . Ed. FINISHER PINS FOUND In answer to the writer inquiring about Barstow to Vegas f1n1sher pins; I would be thrilled at the chailce to send you a pin (If I had your address) and self addressed envelope, per post race instructions. Seeing as I have received in the ne1gbborhood of 3000 letter this year, I can't 1mag1ne how one letter could have been misplaced If you sent it to the right address per instruction. However If you did not then - just to refresh your address book, it is Larry Haley, P.O. Box 813, EI Monte, Callf. 91734. And If you lose this info you can find it on the 1970 Dist. 37 Sportsman appI1cation, under Lightweight Desert Steward. But ' you had better hurry as they are going fast. LARRY HALEY El Monte, Callf.

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