Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Regularly Scheduled Events ATTENTION PROMOTERS: For Ustlne In tbls column call or write: C/O Cycle News Bo. 491, Lone Beach, Ca. 9Gam (n3) 421·1433 .EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT (Beginning May Isll CLASS A Speedway Racing at Orange County Fairgrounds, Costa Mesa. Gates open 7 p.m., RacIng 8 p.m. Free parking and programs. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT TI RACfNG, Elsinore Race Track, Ga~s ope n 3 p.m., races start 7:30 p.m., Off Hwy. 71 In Elsinore, Cal. 1st & 3rd SUN. OF EVERY MO• . Deadman'S Point, Apple Valley, Cal. 1st Sun. European Scrambles, 3 Classes, 1 hr. each - 8 a.m, Practice - 10 arm, start - 3rd Sunday, Motocross - all classes, 8 a.m, prac, - 10 a.m, start. $1.00 Entry y ee - Info: (714) 247-7473 (eves.) THURSDAY, APRIL 2a-d SAT. & SUN., APRIL 25, 26th TT RACES at Ascot Park. Pro racers Include Van Leeuwen, Romero Castro ,~ockwood and others. Racing ;tarts at 8 pm , wtth admission $2.95 for adults . $1.95 Juniors, $1 for kids 8-12 and kld~ under 8 free. FRIDAY, APRIL 24th PRO MOTOCROSS by Colorado Professional Motocross, at Coal Creek Raceway. $1000 purse. Gary Belley rldlng scbool on Sat., wtth $15 fee. Race starts at noon. Second In a series of four. HALF-MILE RACES at Ascot Park. New Rooster tan track for some of the biggest names In pro racing, Includlng Lawwill, Romero, Aldana, Brelsford, and Seabourne. Adults $2.95, juniors $1, under 8 free. SUNDAY, APRIL 26th APRIL 23rd THRU 26th ADELANTO T.T. TRACK Available for club meets (sanctioned events only). Suitable for cycles and mln1-blkes. Hwy. 395, 8 mUes West of Vlctorv1lle. For Info: (213) 9273860. AMA PROFESSIONAL TTatOldCaliforn1a Slate Fairgrounds InSaeramento.All new 1-1/2 mUe course. Fourteen events, wtth first race starting at 2:30 p.m. Thirty three ExPerts go 50 laps. UOOO purse. Am. & NoV. also run. Agajan1an EnterPrises, Info: (213) FA 1-5323. MOTORCYCLE RACES by the Raln1er at" Raln1er Rodeo Grounds, between Yelm and Tentno on Hwy 507. Signup ends at noon, first race at 1 p.m, Two trciphies guaranteed In each class. Donation $2, students $1. Info: (206) 446-2401. Sportsmans M.C., TT RACES by Huntington RacIng Assn., at Huntington Beach Cycle Park. Signup 8-10 a.m, $2,50 entry fornon-member~l $2,25 entry for members. Info: (71~ 897-4458. MOTORCYCLE SHOW by Redwood City Travelers M.C.; atRedwoodCltyAmerican Legion Hall. Friday 5 pm till midnight, Saturday, 9 am till midnight, Sunday 9 am till 5 pm, Honda Trail 70 door prize. AMA and SRRA sane, Trikes, choppers, dirt and street bikes. HARE & HOUND by Simi Valley M.C. Limed from Cramer Jct., Hwy 395 and 58 (4 corners) . Two 35 mUe loops, dlst. 37 points. 10 a.m, D.S.T. Entry $4,25, super fln1sher pins. HARE & HOUND by Simi Valley M.C . at Four Corners. Limed from Cramer Jct. on 395. Dlst. 37 points. Course has two 35 mUe loops. Starts at 10 a.m., D.S .T. Entry $4,25. Info: (805) 526-8214. CUSTOM CAR, MOTORCYCLE AND DUNE BUGGY SHOW by TrIdents .Car Club, Cycle World Magaztne and Dune Buggies Magazine, at Los Angeles Sports Arena. Info: (213) 588-4551. APRIL 24th THRU 28th COURSES FOR RENT LAKE 'ELSINORE TOuR by Pac1f1c .coasters M.C . No offIc1al start. Ftn1sh . and signup at Lake Elsinore. Trophies, .food, beer, parade, dance and drill team 'F or info and entry blanks contact H-D dealer or (714) 274-3755. MOTOCROSS by Taft M.C., at track 1/4 mUe west of Marlcopa.AMAsanct.Signup 8-10 a.m. Info: (805) 763-1655. ENDURO by Explorer Post305.Startand fln1sh at Allen's Motorcycle Playland, 5 mUes north of Oakhurst on Hwy. 41. Speclal class for under 125cc machtnes and .. BOO class enduro riders. Open only to first 360 entries. Mall entry $4 to Forest Road F, 29 Star Route, Oakhurst, Calif. 3 riders make a team. Post entry AMA PRO SHORT TRACK RACES at Vallejo (Calif.) Speedway. $900 purse. Practice at 7 pm, racing at 8 pm, 18 events open to Novice, Amateur and Expert. Gates open 6 pm, Free parking. Info: (213) FA 1-5323. $5. $. $ $ MAMMOTH MOUNTAIN $ $ MOTOCROSS RACING JUNE 20th & 21st $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$ EUROPEAN SCRAMBLES by Allgood Racing International, at Carlsbad Raceway. Seven mUes east of Interstate 5, on _ Palomar Rd, Mall entry $7.50, Post entry $12,50. Registration and practice between 8-10 a.m., wtth race starting at noon, $1000 In cash or merchandise to winner. Info: 6982 La Jolla Blvd., La Jolla, canr., (714) 488- 6006. John Desoto ,M O OT ·I HARE SCRAMBLES by Cascade M.C.,22 mUes east of Bend, ore.; on Hwy 20 . Post .entry $4. ' Signup 8 a.m., race at 10 a.m. 30% trophies, catering trucks and restrooms, Info: (503) 382-5731. MOTOCROSS by the Feather River Me at Marysville, Calif. located under E Street bridge at Marysville. AMA sanct. Sigo-up 8-10 a.m ., first race 10:30 a.m. Info: (916) 742-7785. MOTOCROSS by Richmond Ramblers M.C. at Pt. Richmond, club grounds. MOTOCROSS by Bushmasters M.C. at Lamb's Canyon, two mUes south d Beaumont, Calif. All'classes race three times for 20 mtnutes. First event at 10 am. Entry $3.25. Limed from 1-10 and Beaumont Ave. Info: (714) 849-6181. ROAD RACE by AFM at Vaca-Valley Raceway, just off 1-80 In Vacaville. 2,2 mile circuit, wtth speeds up to 145 mph. Strategic spectator points. Practice 9 am race at noon. IDLLCLIMB by San Jose H111climbers Signup 8-10 am at Cycle HUls U~ Dam. Info: (418) CI 8-2684. ' SCHOOL Sat. Apr. 25 TRIALS by the SCTA at SaddlebackPark Sign_up close 9:30 a.m. Info: 697-9441. 10 a.m. BA Y_AlE $10 Fee Includes Group & Individual Instr. Only scbool riders will be allowed on course , . INFO: (213) 348·3349 MOTOCROSS by Boondockers M.C., five mUes north of Port Orford, ' Ore.. off Cape Blanco Rd . Signs posted. Info: (503) 348-2344 or (503) 348= 2482. INTERNATIONAL RACING ENTERPRISES PRESENTS EAST/WEST MI RETUINS TO BAY IARE Ago lonlctn Enhrprh•• OAKLAND SAN F RANCISCO STOCKTON Howard S.1f Colli ••,,,,, Cyda & Ace.saory ]9 58 E. , ..'" Street Dudl.y P ..... ,"' 66 P.,. Stre et San 'fClnc ln. .. Co' lto", lo 9,(102 Ph , 415_.01_5323 1850 Ch~ ~ •• Rood Stoclr.ton, Coll4om lo 9 5204 OGlr. lond. C.llfomlo 90«601 ""-.5~_S46 1 Ph , Glen McGIll Motorcycl •• Ph , 209 _ ., _7776 SACRAMENTO fRESHO SAN JOSE Rocln . H_..." . . . . H_ld M. th_s -H- D Bob Ch. ~ . " •• , cycl •• 676 A"a_l. Son Jo ••• CoUIo", '. Ph , "08 _293-1260 Hl wOJ' 40 & C.... terIM.I, y R.o" Soc ...... .... C.I1&.1", 'o 9511 3 ''''02 WeO . alr..I"n N.hon Bottencoun -li_Dd 420 Marin Stre et "Yeo Vollo ,.. Ca ll _ Ie U!I10 Ph , 101 -5 "2~ 302 Ph,. , 209_ 233_ 5279 TICIETS GO O' SAlE AfTEI · A . JOt. PI sea 81ll1ch..... f re ano . ColI.mlo 9370 1 Ph , 916_9 22-625 1 Jo e Cyer. Impo" , RICHMOND Sa,. •• • 1039 Saratoga Road San J.... California 95129 Motor cycle 2509 Broad way Sacrom_to. Cal ifornIa 9581' Ka"". M ...... LS"A. 2.(52 ... S',..t Rld'llllOncl" Collfom lo • Ph Ph II 915_G7...o885 Ph , 415-235_7322 .. /I 408_253-5000 P. O. Box 98 Go,d_~ Ccdlfom la 902.47 ph , 213_3233 5323 321-5055 AT DE AlEtS liSTED ORDER YOUR RESERVED SEATS TODAY fic-K-E-fs=,·civic·THe-;:ie-R--lio·x··OFFicE '.'9 H St• • Sac rament o 14, Ca llI• • PhOM « 1-1IMn ~.::,~.::.:;;------:-: ,, ---------A.......,~. .: Stre ' . Ci', z.... _ . P.l.......... ~"- .....-.I..¥I1·....,.I." " ... Ie... J.. . l i,.kl, '. :.... ,. Bo. Seats •••• - • • - • - ·$5.00 Reseved Cirandstand ••• ·$4.00 General Admiss ion _• • . $3 .50 Gil..... (1 10 121 ·· • ••• S 1.00 !~~ I~I.~ ~y ~.~.~Irl APRIL 26,,, TORSTEN HALLMAN LEATHERS TO JR. CLASS & DIVISION WINNERS $200 CASH TO 250 & 500cc SENIOR WINNERS FOR 100cc NOVICE WHO AREN'T ·AFRAI D OF MUD - 50% TROPHIES! Entry Fee: $3 Post Entry $5 FOR INFORMATION CALL PR WRITE: DAVE GROVES- 6605 DESOTA AVE., CANOGA PARK, CA. tan 348-3349 ··;·. . . . . . . . .IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllIIIl......l