Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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0 Regularly Scheduled Events ATTENTION PROMOTERS: For L1stlneln this column call or write: c/o Cycle News 801 49&, Lone Beach, Ca. 9OSOl 421-7433 .. em EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT TT RACING, Elsinore Race Track, Gates open 3 p.m., races start 7:30 p.m., Of! Hwy. 71 in Elsinore, Cal. 1st 81 3rd SUN. OF EVERY MO. Deadman's PoInt, Apple Valley, Cal. 1st Sun. European Scrambles,3 Classes, 1 hr. each - 8 a.m, Practice - 10 a.m, start - 3rd Sunday, Motocross - all classes, 8 a.m, prac, - 10 a.m, start. $1.00 Entry _Fee - Info: (714) 247-7473 (eves.) COURSES FOR RENT ADELANTO T.T. TRACK Avallable for club meets (sanctioned events only). Suitable for cycles and mmt-blkes; Hwy. 395, 8 miles West of VIctorville. For 1nfo: (213) 9273860. , THURSDAY, APRIL 16th TT RACES at Ascot Park. Pro racers Include Van Leeuwen, Romero, Castro; .Rockwood and others. Racing starts at 8 pm, with admission $2.95 for adults, $1.95 Juniors, $1 for kids 8-12 and kids under 8 fr ee . APRIL 11, 18 and 19th NORTHERN CALIF. CUSTOM MOTORCYCLE SHOW at National Guarcl Armory, on Willow Pass Rd. and Parkslde Ave. In Concord. Frt: 6-11 pm, Sat. and Sun. 10 am-11 pm, Cuatom choppers, min1blkes and racing and motocross bikes. SATURDAY. APRI L 18th .' " T.T. SCRAMBLES by the Nevada Trailblazers at Reno, Nevada. Take PyramId Rd. north . of 26 miles from U.S. 40. MOTOCROSS by HuntingtonRacingAssn. at Huntington Beach Cycle Park. Mall entries $3 . to Box FA, Westminster, 92683. Post entries $6. Signup 8-10a.m. Mall entries close April 1st. 3 number plates. Info: (714) .897- 4458. SPORT RIDING, Huntington Beach Cycle Park. Motorcycles on motocross course only $1.50 per bike and rider. Min1btkes on min1blke course. $1.50 per bike and rtder, Spectators $.50. Info: (714) 8974458. SCRAMBLES by Sagehoppers M.C. Practice at 9 a.m., Experts start at 10 a.m. Novices follow. Limed from Hwy. 5 and Encinttas BlVd., Encinttas, Caltt. AMA sanctioned. Facillties. Entry $3.50.Info: (714) 273-5258. UCD PICNIC DAY RACE by Davts Hustlers M.C. at club's grounds. Admission 50!!, $2 to race. Flve classes, slgnup 9-11 am, race at noon. Class "C" traction. On Old Davts Rd., south of 1-80 . Follow signs. Info: (916) 753-7437. a.m, Entry fee $2.50, Includes food at SUNDAY, APRIL 19th , C.E .R.A . ENDURO II . limed on Hwy 195 so: of Interstate 10, east of lridlo, Cal1f. Drawing AprU 8th. Entry and Info: C.E.R.A . Box 2102, Cypress, Ca. 90630. SCRAMBLES by thw Shasta MC atHappy Raceway, approx, 11 mUes W. of Anderson, Cal1f. Sign-up 9-11a.m., prac, 11 a.m., race 1:00 p.m, $2.00 to ride. AMA _ sane, Info: (916) 241-2002. POKER RUN by Oxnard M.C. Signup 8-9 ftn1sh. Mintblke drawing. Start at club house, rear of Eagles Lodge,So.Saviers Rd. All size bikes, car entries accepted. Field events, games. Info: (213) 860-2055 ROAD RACE by ACA at Anzac Raceway, Ave • . T, Palmdale, canr, All G.P. and Tourist trophy classes. Practice at 9 a.m., ftrst event at noon. Iufo: (714) 528-4290. MOTOCROSS by CMCatSaddlebackPark Orange, Cal1f. Newport Fwy. to Chapman Ave. to Santiago Canyon Blvd. Turn right for 1-1/2 mtles, Membership required. Post entry $10, mall e!1try $5. Mall to Box 1402, Costa Mesa. ' AMA PROFESSIONAL RACES at San Jose County Fairgrounds halt mUe track. $1200 purse. Trials 11 a.m.; races at 2:15 p.m, Adults $3, kids under 12, 75!! Info: 9408) 295-3050. ENDURO, 2nd annual CM Hanger. Take Interstate 10 to Beaumont. Located on Hwy. 79 between Beaumont and Hemet. Ltmed from Beaumont Ave. offramp. Two 35 mUe loops. Not for kids. Four classes, 3 trophies per class. Mall entry $4, post $8. Mall entries to 700 W. FlorIda, Hemet, Cal. Info: (714) 658-8062 FIELD MEETby Coachella Valley, Bushmasters, and Highsiders M.C.' s, LImed from Interstate 10 and Indian Ave., North Palm Spr1Jigs. Entry $3.00.All Proceeds to Angel VIew Crippled Children's Foundation. Buffet and trophy presentation after meet at Angie's Pleasure Inn. ENGLISH TRlALS at Dunlap, Cal1f. All classes, entry fee $3.00. Rider's meeting begins at 9:30 a.m., with ftrst event at 10 a.m, Generous supply of troph1es. Turn rt, at Clingan's Jct., east of Fres- . no, and go 4 mUes to Park entrance. MOTOCROSS by Trail Trotters M.C. at Pleasant Valley Raceways, 8 mUes east of Coalinga. AMA sanctioned, Dtst. 35 points, Unimproved . camping. Mall or. post entry $2.50. Limited entries. Mall to Box 414, Colenga. Info: (209) 9353311 or 935-1757. HARE AND HOUND by 4 Corners M.C., Farmington, N.M. Follow signs from San Juan Hospital. AMAsanctioned. $'1.50 post entry. Sign-up closes at 9:30 a.m ., with ftrst race beginning at 10 a.m, Number plates requtred. Info: Box 885, Farmlnlrton. N.M. FIELD MEET AND TROPHY PRESENTATION by Coachella Valley M.C., at Angies Pleasure Inn, 64647 DUlon Rd., North Palm Springs, Cal1f. Trophies - awarded for December TT race at Perris MOTOCROSS by CMC North, at Livermore's Carnegie Cycle Park. Corral Hollow Rd. ott 580. Limed from Hwy 50 and Livermore. Practice at 8:30 am, race at 10:30 am. $5 mall entry, $10 post, Mall to CMC, 944 Santa Lucia Dr., Concord, Cal1f. . MOTOCROSS by Hl-DesertRaclngAssoc at Deadman's Point. Six sertes race begins April 19, with series winner getttng $200. Info: Evenings (714) 247-7473. TT RACES by Mesa M.C. at South Bay Speedway In San DIego. South on 1-5 to MaIn St. turn, than follow signs and lime. $2 post entry. Info: (714) 426-0172. MOTOCROSS by CMC North at Helvetia Park, 6 mUes W. of Sac. on Hwy. 16. Fifth race of CZ series, with free CZ motocross bike going to points leader at end of six races. Info: (415) 682-3542. ENDURO, 100 miles by the Polkadots Competit1on MC at Forest HUl, Cal1f. A.M.A, sanct, Post entry $8.00, maU entry $6.00 to: 1226. Q St•• RIul1nda, Cal. TT SCRAMBLES by Lightweights M.C ., at Adelanto. 7 am slgnup, 8 am practice. tntra lightweights race at 10 am, lightweights at 1 pm, Big bores. Info: (213) 439-04.05• IDLL CLIMB by Salinas Ramblers M.C. at Rtanda Ranch. Limed from .highWay 101, 13 mUes south of Salinas. All classes, six bikes to a class. AMA sane , Signup at 9 a.m., start at 1 p.m. $2 ride or watch. Info: (408) 424-9611. A.M.A. Sanctlon.d INTERNATIONAL RACING ENTERPRISES PRESENTS . EAST/WEST SERIES Better Tllan Besf 2 Down 3 To Go BAYMARE RACEWAY APRil 26th NEXT RACE Mofocross Racing I.R.E. HAS GIVEN AWAY: 1 YAMAHA 2 SACHS $545 in CASH 175 in TROPHIES YET TO COME: 5 PRo TORSTEN HALLMAN LEATHERS 5 PRo TORSTEN HALLMAN . BOOTS $600 in CASH APPROX. 300 more TROPHIES 6- TRIPS TO PEPPERELL, MASS. 1- TRIP TO EUROPE CAN YOU THINK OF A REASON NOT TO RIDE THE EASTIWEST SERI ES 11 FOR INFORMATION CALL OR WRITE: DAVE GROVES 6605 DESOTA AVE•• CANOGA PARK, CA. (213) 348·3349 RIDE WITH THE BEST RIDE @e) EVENTS MOTOCROSS APR. 19 - SADDLEBACK MAY 3rd - Perris Raceway MAY 11th - Carlsbad Raceway - RAIN or SHINE 3# Plates Req. CW: MEMBERSHIP REQ. $5.00 Mall Entry, $10.00 Post Entry. Mall to CMC BOI 1402, COIla' Mua, Calif. 92626. Mall Entrl.s clos. S days prior to .ach .vent. MOTOCROSS ¥APRIL 19 · O C PLE:l~'1: By TraiI Troners M. C. at ~ ....~~~~~~~S S S Practice 8:30 Race At 10:00 Oi strict 35 Points • ... Improv.d camplne • dozens of trophies P,. A' ~ W I' for IIor" &Sou" Mai I or Post Entry $3. Limited Entries Box 414 Coali nga. Cal. Info: (209) 935-3311 935-1751