Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 03 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ Keefe ~ Picks Off (,eliers European Scrambles By Ja ck Light t.:! ~ BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. March 8, t.:! '1970 -ldea1 weather greeted the 150 plus r iders, and many spectators that came :... to compete and witness this spectacular U form ot competitive cycllng. The Cycllers, headed by President John Foster, are to be congratulated for the well organized program. d ThIs was the day for the combination ot Dennis Keefe and Husqvarna to be unbeatable. Dennis rode flawlessly to come from dead last off the line In the 250 class, to methodically pick off the front runners one or two at a time to cross the f1n1sh line with a good margin for victory. Dennis was able to get otf the line In good shape In the big bore class, and ' was never really In trouble' from start tof1n1sh,althoughhardchargIng Bill Oliver and his Husky pushed all the way, Dennis was heard saying, "That Oliver just doesn't let up for one second", truer words were never spoken. MJke Keen, also riding a Husky was never very far . behind the two leaders, for a well deserved thi rd spot In the big bike class. PhU Taylor continued his very Impressive ways ot winning, by speeding his Malco to victory In the 125 class, PhU shows a lot ot natural talent, and much will be heard from him In years to come. Ricky Long was second behind PhU, with the third s pot taken by Rod Spurlock also riding a Yamaha. The 500 and Over class provided some ot !he fastest, classiest, halrlest, action ot !he day, with a few unexpected developments thrown In for good measure. Dennis Keefe and Bill Oliver were close enough to resemble a four wheel motorcycle at times, these two had dices going from start to f1n1sh, pushing their Husky's to the limit o{ both bike and rider. Mike Keen, also Husky mounted earned a third spot, with Terry Davies and his C- Z for fourth. The six mUe circuit provided every opportunity for the riders to test their sldll and endurance, to some the hour time limit seemed like days, whUe to others, It was over too soon. Many ot the more hardy, wer e seen riding the h1lls afterwards, for the fun ot It . Such Is this sport ot cycling, It can be, and normally Is a good clean, healthy form ot relaxation . (Results on page 19) , The course had lis ups and dawns as Is demonstrated by Ihls picture 01 IDllr riders an appa·slte sides of the valley. Ta lk aboul your big dippers. Riders are a lmost as numerous as the sage brush an this hlilihat was lhe star l 01 Ihe Cyc lle rs European Scrambles. Dennis Keele teamed wllh his Husqvarna lor lhe Overa ll win. $12,500 Mi.t ,.,S. "'S D••• T. 15t. , .." Las Vegas, Nev.- Ninety ot the nation's top off-road riders have taken front starting positions In the 3rd Annual Mint " 400" Del Webb Desert Rally scheduled for March 21 In the Southern Nevada Desert near Las Vegas. The 400-mUe desert marathon Is the richest chase In motorcycle racing history with a guaranteed purse of $12,500. Prize money will go deep Into the pack with cash going to the first 15 bikes to cross the finish line. First-place will receive $6, 000, with the number two rider netting $2,000. ThIrd to cross the line will take home $1, 100 and fourth place money Is marked at $800. The rema1n1ng $2, 600 will be broken-down to $650 for 5th place; $350 for 6th place; $300 for 7th place; $250 for 8th place; $200 for the 9th spot; $150 for lOth; and $100 going to 11th through 15th spots. The deep-reaching purse has annually paid prize money to every finisher since r==== CLUSTE R' S ===:. E XCLUSIVE DEALER dawa -: CZ l or SANTA CRUZ & MONTEREY, BAY Braum T ires, Pal Plugs , J awa I.S.D. T. 1422 RODRI QUEZ ST. 900 BEACH ROA D SANTA CRUZ, CALlF.WATSONVILLE, CAL. (408 ) 47 5-7133 The Scrambles plclald up Its European flavor by having part of the ca wse marked wllh flags, motocross slyle . -- Riders' nerves l ens'; up as lhey wall lor Ihe banner 10 drop. . ·1·I~a;;~~·~;~:"··:E:~~:·~ ~~··I· (408 ) 724-1048 , ~ BILL C HA NEY OAKLAND HONDA~ 3060 Broadway, O akland, Calif. 94611 I HARLEV-DAVIDBDN I • Gordy Wi II i ams Northern Call1ornla 's Largesl Dealer ' • Parts . Sales & Service For lhe .Tap Four ~ .. ~...zT~ _HONDA . .. ..1..... _ . h. ,_ .I ~ ~ . () ./ : =:::' • MOTORCYC LES. IN C. 'Tt l EPHO ,,"f J 3 ~ !l NO M A 'N !lTIl:Ef1 PLEA SANT MILL. c..-. llF~ N IA (415) 835-2939 . . . . . . . . . . . _. . no more than 10 riders have ever finished a single race. In the pole position this year Is the highly ranked otf-road team ot Preston Petty and Bob Ewing both from Sepulveda, California. Seated two at the starting line will be two other off-road greats, last year's w1nn1rlk team of MIke Patrick and PhU Bowers, from Montebello, California. J .N. Robe r ts Is seated 69 at the starting line. FU11ng the remainder of the front slots Is one of the most Impressive lists ot riders ever to compete In an otf-road race. Movie Star Steve McQueen Is In 4th slot; Gen e Fetty and Bill SUverthorne are In the number nine slot; Jack Froelich and Gary Grltrln are seated 14; Gary Preston and Larry Bergquist are 17th; Bud Welty and Gary Leopold are 19th and Malcolm Smith and James Martino are 22nd slot . In the rema1n1ng positions are protesslonal and top amateur riders from across the U.S. and Canada. Race DIrector Mel Larson plans to limit the pack to 100 bikes this year , " Saf ety Is our main concern," said Larson. "With the r ough terrain and thick dust, no more than 100 riders can safely compete on the loop." - 9 ~9 · .J n o Aulharlzed Dealer SUZUKI CYCLE CITY w~~ ~~=~:I . (415) 939·4988 ~.. "Mike' s" PI,,",. ;II. M arine & Cycle Bultaco Speciali s ts (916) 622-0209 698 Placerville Dr. Placervil le. CallI. 95667 KAWASAKI , lh"I' -'~"~ SfL BY m TOR O S "11., I MOTORCYCLES - SALES - SERWlc E (415) 346 EL CAMINO REAL 369-411 2 ' REDWOOD CITY. CAUF. , * HUSQVA RNA • Cole man' s, 1545 E . Mi ner Stoc kton, Ca . 95 205 ph. (209) 466-5872 ~ .... .. .•...•.. ... .. ... ..... . (415) 687·7742 ~~~r EXCITERS! AT fRA Nr CRANE (415) 686·6814 YAMAHA MOTORC YCLE INSURANCE FOR SAL E 511 MONUMENT BLVD .. CONCORD, CALIF.

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