Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 03 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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!Rayborn - - Looki.. g For 7th (I) By Betzel Smi th ::t: t.:l :c: Winner of six of the last nine national t.:l champIons hip road races and eig ht of the d last 14, Ca l Rayborn will hav e to be listed as the favorite to win his third U straight Daytona 200 mile championship March 15. If the San Diego Har1eyDavIdso n pilot can ma ster his performance, he would be the fourth rIder to win the F lor Ida classtc three times, and the first to do It in successIve years. In compUIng eIght na ti onal champtonship road race wins since 1966, Ca l has equaled Dick Mann & Joe Leonard's total of eight and Is only one behind all ti me winner, Brad Andres who won nine titles In a five year span Including three Daytona cha mpfonshlps, all on the old beach cour se, In addl tion, Cal has finished second three times, has a third and a pair of fifths in the national road race circuit. P r Ior to winning the race the last two years , .h e was fif th at Daytona In 1967. His overall record shows hIm finishIng In the top three In 13 of the last 23 pavement races. DIck Mann, a polished vertan, who equals Cal's record in the winner's ctrcle has not won a road ti tle s Ince 1965 when he won three within ' a month , His best fi nIsh last year was a s eventh at Sears Po int and In '6 8 was fourth at Loudon. He has finIshed secon d at Daytona three times, in '5 8- ' 59 and '6 2. Gary Nixon won the 200 mller In 1967 and went on to win three of the four road races that year , and was leading the other one when he was forced out with magneto trouble. He also won the 110 mller In '66, the 75 mller In ' 65, and the WIndber, Pa, 50 miler In 1963, his fIr s t national cha mpions hip win to total six titles. He has won several 250Cc race s. Last yea r he pulled in thir d In the HeIdelb erg MIni race and In ' 68 ran second three times. HIs Daytona record shows him finishing sec ond and fourth prIor to his '67 win. He has flnl shed second In five races; and has fini shed in the top five 17 times. The only current three ti me winner entered, Roger ReIman, wll1 have hi s sights s et on number four . Roger won the first Speedway race in 1961 and then took back to ba ck victories in 64- 65. He was also four th in ' 62.Roger hasflnished in the top five 20 times and fin Is hed second at HeIdelberg last year . He was third at Sears PoInt and fourth at the Indianapolis road race. RalPh White, the 1963 winner, will attempt to get number two. He was third in ' 62 and fourth in both ' 64 and '66. WhIte has won three road races, finished second once an d third sI x times. He has been in the top five 14 ,tImes. Mert La wwill who . needs only a road race win to become the first rIder in AMA history to ac complis h a national in ~ each category fi nished four th last year. He has two othe r wor thy pe r formances a t the bIg speedway, finIshing with an other fourth in 1967 and ran second to Rei man In '65 . His road racIng abUIty has been pr oven by finishing in the top five 11 ti mes. He was s econd last ye ar at Heidelberg and fourth at Sears Po int. Ron Grant was second last year and fifth in '68. He placed well in two other • nati onals last year, running numbe r two a t Indianapolis and fifth at Laconia. Art Baumann won hIs first national last year at Sears P oi nt and ran third at Indianapolis. He was third at Daytona In ' 68. Wa lt F ulton III, won both the nove and amate ur titles In su ccessIve yea rs and is curr ently the only rIder eligible to claim wins In all three dl vfsfons ; He won the HeIdelberg mini road race in hIs first expert year. but was limited to only one fi nis h in the top fIve last year , with a fif th at Indianapoli s . He was 14th last year in the F lor ida race. A couple of Aanadian rider s rank as top contender s . Mike Duff was third last year and Yvon DuHamel was second in 1968 an d also holds a pair of 250 wins at the track. DuHamel was also four th at Laconia and ninth at Sears PoInt last year . Bart Markel who may be a doubtful starter due to a broken collar bone at Houston has not had too much success at Daytona or road raclng, He has finished in the top ten only twi ce a nd was sixth last year and fifth In 1961. His best effort has been a s econd at Wa tki ns Glen back in 1961 and has fi nished in the top fIve only s even ti me s with three fourths and three fifths in addition to hIs number two spot In '6 1. He, like Lawwill, needs only a pav ement victory to complete the nati onal champIonship win circ uit. WIth mor e than a 100 experts expected to be on hand for the class ic, plus the ne w 750 rule, .the bIg race could be full of surprIses and anyone of 15 racers could blanket the flnlsh line. ThIs year's race will mark the 29th running since 1937, which has seen 18 differ ent winners. Re Iman,. Andres and Dick Klamfor th are the only three time winners, while Ben Campanale, Joe Leonard, and . Blll y Mathews have won It twice along with Ra ybor n. Harley-Davidsons hold a By Gary Barton. Photos by BonnIe Barton SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, March 8thMir a mar ridin g area - Der ek Edgar, in his final appearance before returning to Scotland rode a Montesa Cola to a fine first place victory In the Master class. ,. He was however hardpressed by San Diego Trials RIders president John Walters (Bullaco, Sherpa T) for the PremIe r e Award. Aith 10 sections and 3 laps around a four mIle course Derek just edged the win by two marks with 16 to John 'S 18 marks. ~r '" "C ,. "'-.if"" 01:"1': "r .... ';1-" Trials rider ...v.s his Sarac.n ov.r on. of th. difficult sections pr.s.nt.d to th. Expert class, Sunday In San DI.go. The exc.lI.nt cours. was d.v.lop.d and pres.nted by th. San Di.go Trials NEW! "AMERICAN" NEW! "REBEL" ST." INTO TH. WINN.R'S CIRCL. SAFETY HELMETS 2 9~:' TRIUMPB·BONDA·BSA RIDERS The Finest In Motorcycle Service INCL. PRE·PAID TO YOUR DOOR 2040 S. Main si., Santa Ana , Ca. 100% SATISFACTION OR Ph: (714) 540-0033 MONEY BACK EXCEEOSZ 90.' SPECS' AMA GROUP I APPROVED " R E B E L" " A M E RI CA N" MADE FROM LIGH T IGHT THERMOPLASTICS · PAINTED FROM INSIDE WE 6-8 OUNCES LIGHTER THAN FIBERGLASS ' PLEATED INNER LINER SPECIFY SIZE : SMALL (6Y2-6%), MEDIUM NAME (6~-7V.), LARGE (7V4-n~) , AOORE s s ~ STATE Slid Order tD : Z IPCOO"_ E CITY SIZ"_- - -E - Temple City Kawasaki X-LARGE (71'l-7¥4) _ 0 g~~g~ ~:~LOSED Pat & Mike's Warehouse. 4242 Overland Ave., Culver City, Ca. 90230 0 CASH ENCLOSEO Area's leading volume Kawasaki Dealer Complete Parts & Accessories 5663 N. Roum ••d Blvd., Temple City 12131 286.7504 ••••••••••••••••••••••••• NEW MOTO-X PRODUCTS NOW AVAILABLE PERFORMANCE B, big margin i n the victory circle having won 17 of the races. Nor ton has claimed five , includin g four In a row in the early fifties, Tri umph. three, Indian two, and BSA one. Listed below are the total national champlonshtp r oad racing records of the leading contender s who have eIther won or fi ni s hed second a nd are stlll a ctive in champfonshlp racin g. Dick Mann Cal Rayborn Gary Nixon Roger Reiman Ralph White Jody Nicholas Walt F ulton, III Larry Schaler Buddy Elmore Art Baumann Mer t Lawwlll Ron Grant Bart Markel Ron Pier ce Yvon DuHamel At Edgar Edges Walters BE FIRST IN YOUR TOWN! $ Win I MOTA-lETA NOW AT SPORTCENTER Mirimar Top SCTA riders Bob Nicke1s en, Jack Ward, Bob Grove all had "off days" ,and flnlshed well down in the final standings. In the Expert dIvision Richard Bledsoe (Bultaco) sparked by hi s recent win at Saddlehack Park in his first Exper t ride made it " doubles" by taking top honors with a loss of 37 marks. Mark Eggar (Cotton) made his best flnl s h to date with a good r ide and a loss of 46 marks. Gary Barton r iding a 125cc Saracen captured 3rd place with a loss of 49 marks. Top Amateur of the day, Fer nando Belair turned in a remarkable performance for the Montesa Marque. In nine sections with 3 laps or a total of 27 sections, Belair lost only two marks, a truly remarkable feat. Five very challenging traps were set - up for the ' women and kids with some tricky mud, loose rOcky turns and interesting gully runs. Performances turned in were really remarkable and all competitors enjoyed the ride im mens ely . All sections showed excellent fore thought and were a real pleasure to ride. Probably the toughest section for the Master/Experts was #1. Dropping off a 10 ft. high bank, you Immediately turned right and went up a near vertical 6 ft. ledge, then a gentle turn to the left and down another 10 ft. bank, the n a very trIcky climb up a 5 foot ledge with a 120 degree right turn, right at the top, down the gully and another tight left turn, then with the exit in sight a two ft. ledge stopped several r iders fr om clearing the fiend" marker. Section two had an Inter e s tin g 3 foot drop off that was much easier than it lo oked but several r iders " psyc hed" out and made several one a nd two dab steading prods that they know they shouldn't have. Section 5 was deflnltely a fun section offering several challenges, crossing a small stream, up a root and mud covered bank you then traversed about 20 yards of off camber slick terrain, then a slight ledge that required just the right amount of throttle to keep from breaking traction and slipping down for a sure 5 mark loss. All in all the San Diego Trials RIders must be comme nded for turning another of their very excellent and well-or ganized events• N.II Han.y W.lcomes You I HARLEY-OAVIOSON I of Barney T illman's SPORT CENTER 60 27 \\hiltier Blvd . E. Lo s Angel e s (213) 723-3523 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 853041. 831020 6 '5 1 4 1 2 34373 0 31 6310 222202 100011 1 1 2 2 1 2 121014 102000 033231 02 0 020 010333 0 1 0 0 0 1 010101 Lomita f<,~40 NEW MOTORCYCLES IN STOCK Q"" N.w Imm. dlat. d.llv.ry 2212 PAC. COAST HWy.(213) 534-5530 ANOTHER FINE PRODUCT Motorcycle Trailers Di stributed /I... .. .. D.s lgn.d and track test.d by Bob Maynard , Dlst. 37 AMA #1 Motocross rider, at prices th. racer can afford. · CZ · CZ · CZ · CZ Folding Foot Pegs , , . , , , . , , . , . . , . . . , . . ,. , . .. : , .. , $18 . 9 5 Replacement Rear Fender Tips (unbreakable fiberglass ) , , SID. 95 Skid Plates (It. w aluminum ) . , , t. ,,.... . $10.95 Curnutt Sh ocks (The Best!) . . . , . " , , . . , ., . . . , '. $39.95 Mall Check, Mon.y Ord.r or C.O.D. to Maynard Enterprises , 205 N. Harbor Blvd" Santa Ana, Calli. N.w & Used 8uy - Sell - T ra de 1 - 2 - 3 blk. trailers itcl e o f Ex cell ence 323 W. MAP L E MONROV IA , CA.

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